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The Other Way: 8-5-19 Recap and Reactions

Hey y'all,
So I'm not sure who, if anyone, wants to read this, but I figured I'd try my hand at doing a recap + reaction on this week's 90 Day Fiance: The Other Way. This is all just one dudette's opinion, but here we go!!
Let me know what you guys all think of this format and whether I should keep trying to do these at all in the future!
Tiffany & Ronald
Recap: Wedding day. Ronald has to pick up Tiffany's dad, who booked himself into the casino hotel in town (and has no idea of Ronald's past gambling addiction) to bring to the wedding. The ceremony happens.
Reaction: Daniel is THE CUTEST, SWEETEST kid who has ever been on this series. I will say it a billion times because it's so true in my mind! He is so smart and able to discuss his emotions at a crazy impressive level especially for someone of his age. With that said, this is why this story line breaks my heart. I don't get good vibes from Ronald. His behavior with the bachelor party was appalling -- you could absolutely tell he knew ahead of time that it was going to get as wild as it did. He promised Tiffany that he wouldn't go to a bar, wouldn't have a strippedancer, etc, but all the while knew that he would and just honestly didn't care. Didn't seem to feel bad about breaking his promise in the slightest, either, explaining that it's a special event. Whether that's true or not, the thing that concerns me beyond belief is his seemingly very, very blase attitude towards his own recovery, and his ability to make false promises with no real sign of remorse. You can't take anything he says seriously and you can't trust that he has any of the controls of someone who has been sober for a while. He has already appeared drunk a few times on the show, and I could easily see an alcohol addiction rising up, too. I literally do not want him to fail x10000000 for Daniel but am just so worried that this little boy is going to have his heart broken, and it is so not fair to him.
Jenny & Sumit
Recap: Completely absent
Reaction: More than likely, Sumit is out there somewhere saying, "There's something I need to tell Jenny, and I don't know how she's going to like it. It's really hard." Because that has happened literally every single episode so far.
Paul & Karine
Recap: They go apartment hunting for a while. Paul wants the place that is about $1100 US per month and has more luxuries (it seemed like more space and also A/C). Karine wants him to be more realistic and is fine with a small apartment without A/C that is more like $250 US per month. They have breakfast back at Karine's home, talk about getting a DNA test for the baby, and get into a fight about Karine talking in English to someone whose family apparently sends Karine money to help her out??? Karine describes this person as being like a 'sibling' to her.
Reaction: Mostly, I'm just confused about this whole financial situation. Who exactly is sending money? Why and under what context? How much? Very confusing. Also, of course, the main topic of discussion for this couple doesn't seem to be what happened this week, but in the preview for next week... AKA Paul getting into a fight with Karine, deciding he needs space to cool down, and literally placing himself into a broken down wooden dog-house in the backyard and closing the door behind him.
Laura & Aladin
Recap: We witness the couple do two main things together -- first, they go shopping for some more traditional/cultural clothes in Qatar, and second, Aladin takes Laura to meet his boss at the gym who for some reason lives on land that has many, many birds. Sex and marriage come up as topics often, as well as cultural differences.
Reaction: In the beginning of the series, Laura seemed kind of cool. And honestly, she is pretty articulate and has some good/funny thoughts and ideas. Her son Liam also seems fabulous. However, this episode I just found her almost unbearably annoying. I think TLC likely spliced together multiple interviews for this so it seemed even more repetitive, but the whole time it was just about how Laura absolutely would not be in a 'submissive' position to her husband, how she would not be told what to wear, how she did not like being told how to customarily greet people in Qatar, etc. I am all about women being powerful and awesome, but I also think there's something to be said about respecting the culture you are in -- it seems like Laura just didn't even bother looking up anything about Qatar at all and just simply asking Aladin if he shares some of the views commonly held. That could have avoided this entire thing because it seems like there is literally no match or chemistry here right now.
Deavan & Jihoon
Recap: These two get a very, very short segment (although this has honestly been a theme by now!). Deavan tells Jihoon that her blood pressure is too high and in order to make sure she and the baby are both safe, her C-section is being moved up from about 2 weeks from now until just a few days from now. She sort of asks him to move his flight up to earlier so he can be in the delivery room; he says that would be really expensive and he can't. She questions his commitment.
Reaction: Again, as I'm seeing on this board like with the Paul + Karine segment -- the drama here is definitely not necessarily the 'what happened,' but something accompanying it... that make-up job! It sounds like folks are saying Deavan may be claiming that TLC did the makeup and she didn't like it, etc, but I can't imagine TLC literally just missing like they did with the eyeshadow (the color is bright/crazy, but it also is applied horribly and in the wrong spots) and the blush (again, basically in the wrong spot, and not blended in the slightest). Who knows. It's only makeup so it's not important, but this was interesting drama! Lol. Jihoon also seemed appropriately concerned about her health, and I thought it was sweet that he kept asking if she and the baby were OK. It seems like he'll be in the delivery room via webcam next week so that should be interesting. Although my guess is that it won't be aired at all next week and we'll have to wait a few weeks for it, because TLC.
Corey & Evelin
Recap: Corey tries to show Evelin that he wants to stay and make a life with her by hanging out with some local folks and going fishing. On his way back to the bar, some people in the town call out Evelin's ex-boyfriend's name. Corey corrects them and feels like they should know his name by now because he has been making the trip back/forth to see Evelin for about 4 (?? he claims!) years now. The two talk about their day once Corey makes it back to the bar.
Reaction: I had to go back to the episode to see if I was forgetting anyone, and turns out it was these two. Whoops. I know that the discussion on here has been that Corey + Evelin have been together for as many as 7 years now (if I understand correctly)... but honestly, I don't think that means anything. I think Corey has shown that he is willing to stay with her for a very, very long time even when things are going absolutely terribly. So to me, I don't know -- I just don't feel like using the amount of time they've actually been together is evidence AT ALL that they are stable and that they are just frauding the show. Evelin honestly seems too... evil? ... to be completely faked. She'd have to be a pretty amazing actress because she just doesn't seem to care in the slightest. Literally everything Corey is or does, she expresses that she wants the opposite thing (today, he says he tried to hang out with local people to show that he is committed to making a life down there, and then when he asks Evelin how her day was, she passively aggressively complains about how it would have been nice to have help there at the bar). She seems to have blatantly stated multiple times that she doesn't care what Corey thinks, doesn't at all want for her future what he wants, wants to break up (i.e. their "break" last year -- probably lots to analyze on that, jeesh). I don't understand how this relationship is still even sort of a thing, but I don't find any of this to be super fake, either. Just a big yikes in my mind.
Hope you guys enjoyed some of my thoughts that I literally just typed up as they came to mind while I went through each of the couples! Lol!
submitted by anonymousreddit11 to 90DayFiance [link] [comments]

Part 42.

There have been a lot of big changes recently.
6658.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember Steve Jobs being the first person to say "Good artists copy. Great artists steal." instead of Pablo Picasso?
6659.(Music Lyrics change.)"She's a killer Queen. Gunpowder. Turpentine."/"She's a killer Queen. Gunpowder. Guillotine."/"She's a killer Queen. Gunpowder. Gelatine."(Other lyrics?)(Anything else off?)
6660.(Celebrity death date change.)Do you remember Wallace Broecker dying earlier than February 18, 2019?
6661.(Celebrity death date change.)Do you remember Lee Radiziwill dying earlier than February 15, 2019?(Do the Ls in her name look off?)łł
6662.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember The Doors Of The 21st Century not being a thing?(Ian Ashbury/Ian Astbury)–Krieger
6663.(Event name change.)Lalapalooza/Lolapalooza/Lollapalooza(Other spellings?)(Does the logo look off?)
6664.(Movie Quote change.)"You're gonna be one badass motherfucker."/"You're gonna be a bad motherfucker."(Other quotes?)
6665.(Product Logo change.)Do you remember the letters in Tampico being normal?(Anything else off?)
6666.(Real Life Quote change.)"I am not a crook."/"I'm not a crook."(Anything else off?)
6667.(Movie Quote change.)"I love him something awful."/"I love him awful."(Does the movie logo keep changing?)
6668.(R&B Group name change.)The Staples Singers/The Staple Singers(Do any of their logos look off?)(Anything else off?)(Does the Soul Train logo look off?)(Many remembered spellings of Abbott and all the other logos have changed.)(SiriusXM logos all have off letters.)(Most Capitol Records logos have connected letters.)(Soya Sauce/Soy Sauce)(Other spellings?)(Soya/Soy)(Twitter logo bird has changed.)(Dolly from Moonraker now has bows in her hair.)(The Bare Necessities lyrics keeps changing.)(Terrence McKenna/Terence McKenna)(Anything else off?)(Yubo logo has off letters.)(The Gifted logo has off letters.)(Quanta(Quantum?)Magazine website logo has off letters.)(The Conversation website logo has off letters.)(Book predicts a lot of Donald Trump related stuff.)(Givology logo and name keep changing.)(Male fruit flies look for alcohol when rejected.)(Frost And Nixon/Frost/Nixon)(Other names?)(Anything else off?)(Seatle, Washington/Seattle, Washington)(Other spellings?)(New Dylan album and a song moved onto it.)(Have you heard of Mimi Pond?)(Snownados now exist.)(Famous Birthdays logo has off logo.)(Android logos all keep changing.)(Timothy Chalamet/Timothée Chalamet)(Was Timothée and anything similar to it never an acceptable spelling of Timothy?)(Vector Vest logo has connected and off letters.)(Tess Daily/Tess Daly)(Lots of album cover logos have changed.)(Kissed By A Rose by Seal keeps changing.)(Other remembered spellings of Diana Rigg that haven't been mentioned yet?)(Radio station logos keep changing.)(Did John Lennon say the Good Artists Copy quote?)(Anything else off?)(Old raven related quote changed.)(Abba song lyrics are changing.)(Water polo was a thing.)(Homeless shelters charge people to stay.)(Didn't Ric Flair die?)(Spider that looks like David Bowie.)(Tasty Freeze/Tastee-Freez)(Anything else off?)(Hughes Airwest logo looks off.)(Altec Lansing is off.)(We're The Millers If Anyone Asks?)(Red Red Wine by Neil Diamond has changed or was it UB40?)(Was Zangief spelled differently?)(Sherbet Crayola or Pink Sherbet?)(MC Hammer's pants in U Can't Touch This are now red instead of yellow.)(Better Help website logo has off letters.)(Weird colored skies.)(Neurophen/Nurofen)(Footloose lyrics keep changing.)(Harpy eagles now exist.)(Dip Dab logo is merged.)(Derek Hatton is now alive.)(Sherbet Lemons/Lemon Sherbets)(Maynards Bassetts logo and all the subtexts have merged or off letters.)(Sherbet pronunciation keeps changing.)(Did what Sorbet and Sherbet used to be switch with each other?)(Is the pronunciation of Sorbet off?)(Fred from Scooby-Doo lost his Adam's Apple and his hairstyle has changed.)(Velma from Scooby-Doo has larger breasts, has different shoes, has knee stockings and looks less plain and her eye shape looks off.)(Scooby Doo's voice sounds slighty deeper and easier to understand and he no longer ends every episode with "Scooby Dooby Doo!".)(All the new moons and names for them.)(Interesting video below.)(Russia sold Alaska to America and Canada didn't.)(Video below.)(More new blood types.)(Video below.)(The Challenge: War Of The Worlds logo is off.)(Interesting video below.)(Tarantula with horn on its back discovered.)(The Munsters spelling keeps changing.)(Lots of early colored photos and videos.)(Lots of weird eye colored cartoons.)(Big Native American book change.)(Golden possums?)(Bamm-Bamm now has a green club.)(Elvis quote keeps changing.)("One of us" quotes all keep changing.)Lots of weird eye colored cartoons now.)(Rana brand logo keeps changing.)(Timothy Leary radio quote keeps changing.)(Purple and weird solid colored corn.)(Almost perfectly straight bananas.)(All Zillow logos keep changing.)(Giant supposedly extinct bees exist and they were found to still be alive.)(Lots of weird new stuff.)(Juicy Fruits/Juicy Fruit)(Were MC Hammer's pants a color other than yellow or red in U Can't Touch This?)(Baobab flower?)(Ficcus tree or plant?)(Lots of weird new changes.)(Lots of new logo changes.)(Snoopy's feet now have lines on them.)(Lots of new religious studies and philosophies.)(Sayeth to Quoteth raven quote change.)(Woman rubs period blood on face to show "beauty".)(Weird new large fish species discovered washed up on beach.)(Go Wireless! logo letters are touching.)(Wood's Boots logo is off.)(Frank Communications logo is off.)(Foreign Accent Syndrome?)(More changes to lots of stuff.)(Multiple colors for tangerines?)(The Godfather "Offer" quote keeps changing.)(Saturn's rings keep changing.)(I Feel Love by Donna Summer lyrics have changed.)(Matramony/Matrimony)(Other spellings?)(3D music systems in the 1950's.)(Did there used to be light brown M&Ms and not blue ones?)("The Suicide Tree"?)(Taiwanese leopard spotted for first time since 1983.)(Oridisia cats?)(Deer with with lots of thick antlers?)(Airplanes having engines above the wings?)(Disney parks in Shanghai, Hong Kong, Paris and Hawaii?)(You can get a vegan chocolate penis delivered to your door.)(Congo/Kongo)(Was the latter not acceptable?)(Do you remember the Badlands rock band not existing?)(Do you remember Calling Occupants Of Interplanetary Craft by Carpenters not existing?)(Electric fire clams now exist.)(Many outfits Cesar Romero wore as the Joker in the original Batman show have changed.)(Sri Lankan elwphants now exist.)(Asian elephants now exist.)(Indian elephants now exist.)(Lots of phantom and new geography.)(Shoes made with grass.)(Scandals made out of Trump's contradictory tweets.)(Underwear you can wear for weeks without washing.)(Polyamorous woman has husband, fiancé, and two boyfriends.)(Rainbow wasps now exist.)(Anything else off?)(The Riddler now doesn't always wear all green.)(Anything else off?)(Equifax logo has connected and off letters.)(Are any of the outfits in Labyrinth off in any way?)(Headphones in the 1910's.)(Did Daphne not wear pink stockings ever?)(Anything else off?)(Anything else about the JetBlue name, spelling, or logo?)(Interesting video below.)(Did Marcus Dean Fuller, David Niven, and Barry Nelson never portray James Bond in any movie?)(Anything else off?)(On The Case With Paula Zahn logo has off letters.)(Systane logo has off letters.)(Juicy/Jucee juice brand and is the logo off?)(Other spellings?)(Bananas don't peel as easy or in the same place in some cases now.)(Flocks of birds getting much larger.)(Did Nabisco saltine crackers always say Premium?)(Anything else off?)(Picturephones were now a thing.)("Keep on dancing. Gotta keep on dancing.", "He will visit.", or "Evil visit." song lyrics by The Prodigy?)(Anything else off?)(More Teletubbies changes.)(The rainbow grapes and multiple colored tangerines changes are fake at least for now.)(Fracture printing logo has off letters.)(Anything else off?)(Didn't King Kong Bundy pass away years before March 4, 2019?)(Anything else off?)(Holidays that pop out of nowhere.)(Herby: Fully Loaded/Herbie: Fully Loaded)(Anything else off?)(Tommy CoppeTommie Copper)(Anything else off?)(Blue macaw parrots now existed.)(Frozen ice balls of Lake Michigan.)(Aspiration logo has off letters.)(Putting photos on guns during WW2?)(Any other time?)(Is the number of days in a year off?)(Walking trees and other walking plants?)(Haribo Tangtastics/Haribo Tangfastics)(Other spellings?)(Lots of logo changes recently.)(OdorBan/OdoBan)(Lambkins now exist.)(Lots of weird new sunfish.)(Lots of new ghost ice stuff.)(The Honky Tonk Man is just now being inducted into the WWE Hall Of Fame.)(Redferrin/Redfin)(Is the logo off?)(Anything else off?)(Do you remember the Uncle Sam poster saying "We want you" instead of "I want you"?)(Fantatics app logo is off.)(Instaflex logo is off.)(Milly Vanilly/Milli Vanilli)(Do any of their logos look off?)(Saturn's rings keep changing.)(Lots of name changes.)(Do you remember somebody other than Frankie Valli singing Can't Take Off Of You?)(ASDA store brand products have connected letters.)(Interesting video.)(The Brady Girls Get Married now exists.)(Plants respond to pain similar to how we respond to pain.)(Lots of sexual orientation related changes.)(Your brain still works for a while after you die.)(Lots of app logo changes.)(Lots of commercial font changes.)(Ant-Man And The Wasp has connected letters.)(Westcott logo now looks like the old reality VW logo.)(Kyle JenneKylie Jenner)(Lots of weird names and name spellings.)(Poly-Fil(Poly-Fill?)logo has changed.)(Brother At Your Side logo has changed.)(Ayatollah Khamenei horrible quotes and other horrible quotes from this new reality.)(I Want You by Savage Garden lyrics have changed.)(Do any of their logos look off?)(India's poverty level keeps changing.)
6669.(Famous Hero name change.)Wild Bill Hitchcock/Wild Bill Hickok(Other spellings?)
6670.(Restaurant name change.)El Toritos/El Torito(Anything else off?)
6671.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember deer not being able to scream?(Anything else off?)
6672.(Song name change.)Let's Hear It For The Boys/Let's Hear It For The Boy(Are the lyrics off?)(Do any of her logos look off?)
6673.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember alligators and crocodiles not being able to be this big?
6674.(History change.)Do you remember Donald Trump not running for president in 2000?(Anything else off about what he's said about running for president or not?)
6675.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember these things being different or not a thing?(Cranial fissures now are sutures and fibrous, pulsing fontanelles, "flavor country" no longer existed, pineal eye is now a physical eye on outside of face of animals and some have 4 eyes, plain of jars, skara brae, manitol/malitol/maltitol, persistent pupillary membrane over eye in 20% of adult humans and also animals, helium superfluid has 0 viscosity and can't be contained, bacteria also make superfluids, California great flood of 1861 and 1862, ice disk, 1908 New York to Paris car race, atmospheric rivers, Chernobyl didn't shut down after 1986 disaster until 2000, animals still being able to thrive in Chernobyl, more geography changes, more US flag changes, female elephants have tusks called tushes and some male elephants are naturally born without tusks and elephants are apparently evolving not to have them at all, lots of weird sharks and weird stuff about sharks, bioluminescent lizards.)(Video below.)(Australian Geographic logo has connected letters.)(Release dates for everything changing.)(Lots of famous name spellings have drastically changed.)
6676.(Company Logo change.)Sunglasses Hut/Sunglass Hut
6677.(Paint name change.)Dulex/Dulux(Do any of the logos look off?)(Do any of the other things named Dulux look off?)
6678.(Celebrity death that didn't happen.)Do you remember James Darren dying?
6679.(Donut name change.)CrulleKruller(Was the former or the later not acceptable?)(Other spellings?)(Is the pronunciation off?)(Anything else off?)
6680.(Song name change.)The Point Of No Return/Point Of Know Return(Album too.)(Do any of their logos look off?)
6681.(Can't think of a title.)Have you heard of the Yosemite Firefall?
6682.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember sting jets not being a thing?
6683.(Fictional Character name change.)Hercules Poirot/Hercule Poirot(Other spellings?)
6684.(Celebrity death that didn't happen.)Do you remember Mumia Abu-Jamal being executed?(Anything else off?)
6685.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember sea creatures not being able to live or die in places far away from water such as rainforests?
6686.(Famous Actress name change.)Olivia Coleman/Olivia Colman(Was Colman never an acceptable spelling of Coleman?)
6687.(Company name change.)Harmon Kardon/harman/kardon(Anything else off?)
6688.(Famous Actress name change.)Beverly Owen/Beverley Owen(Was Beverley never an acceptable spelling of Beverly?)
6689.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember ice tsunamis not being a thing?
6690.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember Uffington White Horse not being a thing?
6691.(Celebrity death cause change.)Do you remember James Horner dying from an illness instead of a plane crash?(Anything else off?)
6692.(Company Logo change.)Do you remember the letters in Carvana being normal?
6693.(Product name change.)Gravy Granuals/Gravy Granules(Other spellings?)
6694.(Product name change.)Rizzla/Rizla(Anything else off?)
6695.(Product name change.)IWatch/iWatch(IPhone/iPhone)(IPad/iPad)(IPad/iPad)(IOS/iOS)(It keeps flipping.)
6696.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember the credits in Goodfellas(Was the official GoodFellas and is the logo off?)being white instead of red?(Anything else off?)
6697.(Product name change.)Cindy/Sindy(Was Sindy never an acceptable spelling of Cindy?)
6698.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember Casino Royale being the first James Bond film instead of Dr. No?(Anything else off?)
6699.(Spelling change.)Tender Hook/Tenterhook
Add-On: Do you remember Barbaar The Elephant or Barbar The Elephant instead of Babar The Elephant?
Add-On: Do you remember Gobstoppers instead of Gobstopper?
Add-On: Do you remember Big Bird's being yellow?(Anything else off?)
6700.(Product name change.)CD+CD-R(Any products with similar names off?)
6701.(Spelling change.)Bolognaise/Bolognese(Anything else off?)
6702.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember Dawn Of The Planet Of The Apes being set 8 years after instead of 10?
6703.(Spelling change.)Battle Ship/Battleship(War Ship/Warship)(Space Ship/Spaceship)(Battleships/Battleship board game)
6704.(Music Lyrics change.)"Ain't that a kick in the head."/"Ain't love like a kick in the head."(Anything else off?)
6705.(Spelling change.)Murial/Muriel/Mural
6706.(Spelling change.)Broach/Brooch
6707.(Company name change.)RyannaiRyanair(Other spellings?)
6708.(Phrase change.)Card Shark/Card Sharp
6709.(Movie name change.)The Wizard In Oz/The Wizard Of Oz(Dorthy/Dorothy)(Anything else about her name off?)(Somewhere Over The Rainbow/Over The Rainbow)
6710.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember food scented bath stuff not being a thing?
6711.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember these things being different or not a thing?(Geochanges, weird mushrooms, sharknado, orange eyes,(Denny's, USPS, Burger King, Sherwin-Williams, Motel 6, and AutoZone)are all tilting and off logos, naked mole rats don't die of old age, pleomorphism, new giant tortoise types discovered, more bioluminescent animals, more weird light pillars, north and south Atlantic Ocean, north and south Pacific Ocean, Antarctic scale worm and other weird worms, jewel beetles, weird whales and whale changes, earthquakes with negative magnitudes, Indonesian village corpses, more weird land formations, humans glow in visible light, DMT and it occurs naturally, more weird immortal animals, Colorado river toad, Earth's atmosphere goes past the moon, Sphinx cat breed/Sphynx cat breed, Sargasso Sea, poisonous birds.)(Video below.)
6712.(History change.)Do you remember virtual reality not going as far back as the 1950's?
6713.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember bears never existing in Africa?
6714.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember spiders not being capable of dragging animals like opossums anywhere on their own?
6715.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember the dodo going extinct because humans ate them instead of other animals eating them?(Was it something else?)
6716.(Fictional Character appearance change.)Do you remember Mister Ed being a different type or different colored horse?(Anything else off?)(Was it always in black & white or just colored?)
6717.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember something about this Mary Poppins song being different?
6718.(Celebrity death date change.)Do you remember André(Andre?)Previn dying before February 28, 2019?é_Previn
6719.(Song name change.)MacArthur's Park/MacArthur Park(Do any of his logos off?)(Anything else off?)
6720.(Famous Actor name change.)Timothy Chalamet/Timothée Chalamet(Were Timothee, Timothée, Timotheé, and Timothéé never acceptable spellings of Timothy?)ée_Chalamet
6721.(Famous Tennis Player name change.)Gaël Montfils/Gaël Monfils(Other spellings?)ël_Monfils
6722.(Famous Tennis Player name change.)Stan Warwrinka/Stan Wawrinka(Other spellings?)
6723.(Famous Tennis Player name change.)Nick Kygrios/Nick Kyrgios(Other spellings?)
6724.(Famous Tennis Player name change.)Gabriñe Muguruza/Garbiñe Muguruza(Other spellings?)ñe_Muguruza
6725.(Famous Tennis Player name change.)Alizée Cornet/Alizé Cornet(Other spellings?)é_Cornet
6726.(Famous Tennis Player name change.)Steffi Graff/Steffi Graf(Other spellings?)(Are there other weird Stephanie and Stefan spellings?)
6727.(Famous Tennis Player name change.)Agnieszka Rodwańska/Agnieszka Radwańska(Other spellings?)ńska
6728.(Famous Tennis Player name change.)Angelica KerbeAngelique Kerber(Other spellings?)(Are there other weird Angelica spellings?)
6729.(Famous Tennis Player name change.)Sabina Lisicki/Sabine Lisicki(Other spellings?)(Was she a brunette instead of blonde?)
6730.(Fictional Character name change.)Mitch Buchanon/Mitch Buchannon(Other spellings?)
6731.(Famous Basketball Player name change.)Joachim Noah/Joakim Noah(Other spellings?)
6732.(Country name change.)QuataQatar(Other spellings?)(Is the pronunciation off?)(Anything else off?)
6733.(Famous Basketball Player name change.)Paul Gasol/Pau Gasol(Other spellings?)(Was Pau never an acceptable spelling of Paul?)
6734.(Famous Race Car Driver name change.)Sebastien Vettel/Sebastian Vettel(Was Sebastien never an acceptable spelling of Sebastian?)(Are there other weird Sebastian spellings?)
6735.(Town name change.)Marinello, Italy/Maranello, Italy(Other spellings?)
6736.(Famous Basketball Player name change.)Derek Rose/Derrick Rose(Was Derrick never an acceptable spelling of Derek?)(Are there other weird spellings of Derek?)
6737.(Celebrity death date change.)Do you remember Katherine Helmond dying earlier than February 23, 2019?
6738.(Company Logo change.)Do you remember the Spread logo being different?
6739.(History change.)Do you remember the Boeing 314 Clipper not being a thing?
6740.(History change.)Do you remember the hand mixer not being patented in 1856 and the first electric one not being invented in 1885?
6741.(Fictional Character appearance change.)Do you remember Jaws' teeth being different?
6742.(Fictional Company name change.)The Daily Bugle/Daily Bugle
6743.(Fictional Company name change.)The Daily Planet/Daily Planet
6744.(Slogan change.)"Nobody knows Easter better than Cadbury."/"Nobunny knows Easter better than Cadbury."
6745.(Celebrity death that didn't happen.)Do you remember Tracey(Tracy?)Gold dying a while back?(Was Tracey never an acceptable spelling of Tracy?)
6746.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember Coca-Cola not using Coca leaves in their recipe ever and all their ingredients in their formula being secret?
6747.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember human bodies not reacting this way to things like leaf blowers?
6748.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember "My glasses! I can't see without my glasses!" being said more often throughout Scooby-Doo?(Do you remember Scooby Doo's real name being Scooby instead of Scoobert?)(Do you remember Scooby Doo not having any other relatives other than Scrappy Doo?)(Anything else off?)
6749.(Company name change.)Amtrack/Amtrak(Anything else off?)
6750.(History change.)Do you remember the White House never burning down ever?
6751.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember elephants never being able to cry?
6752.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember parrots never being able to take or get addicted to things like opium?
6753.(Famous Model name change.)Barbie Benton/Barbi Benton(Was Barbi never an acceptable spelling of Barbie?)
6754.(Famous Actor name change.)Bobby J. Thompson/Bobb'e J. Thompson(Other spellings?)(Was Bobb'e never an acceptable spelling of Bobby?)(Are there other weird Bobby spellings?)
Add-On: Do you remember Edwin or Erich Schrödinger?(Other spellings?)(Were Caffe and Caffé never acceptable spellings of Café?)ödinger
6755.(Famous Soccer Player name change.)Emre Belezoğlu/Emre Belözoğlu(Other spellings?)özoğlu
6756.(Famous Soccer Player name change.)Gerald Piqué/Gerard Piqué(Other spellings?)é
6757.(Famous Soccer Player name change.)Felipe Luís/Filipe Luís(Other spellings?)ís
6758.(Famous Soccer Player name change.)Carlos Valderama/Carlos Valderrama(Other spellings?)
6759.(Famous Soccer Player name change.)René Huiguita/René Higuita(Other spellings?)é_Higuita
6760.(Famous Soccer Player name change.)Graham LeSaux/Graeme Le Saux(Other spellings?)
6761.(Famous Soccer Player name change.)Ferenc Puszkás/Ferenc Puskás(Other spellings?)ás
6762.(Famous Actress name change.)Stephanie Powers/Stefanie Powers(Other spellings?)
6763.(Celebrity death that didn't happen.)Do you remember Dean Stockwell dying a while back?
6764.(Song name change.)Believe/Still Believe(Are the lyrics off?)(Do any of her logos look off?)(Anything else off?)
6765.(Girl Group name change.)Destiny Child/Destiny's Child(Do any of their logos look off?)(Were they never kniwn as Girl's Tyme?)(Were the members originally sisters instead of just being members?)'s_Child
6766.(Celebrity death that didn't happen.)Do you remember One Man Gang dying?
6767.(Spelling change.)Twighlight/Twillight/Twilight(Other spellings?)
6768.(Famous Actress name change.)Patsy Kenzit/Patsy Kensit(Other spellings?)
6769.(Famous Actress name change.)Leslie-Ann Down/Lesley-Anne Down(Other spellings?)(Was Lesley never an acceptable spelling of Leslie?)
6770.(Famous Actress name change.)Tiffany Thiessen/Tiffani Thiessen(Other spellings?)(Was Tiffani never an acceptable spelling of Tiffany?)
6771.(Famous Producer name change.)Stephen J. Canell/Stephen J. Cannell(Other spellings?)
6772.(Famous Actor name change.)Patrick McGohan/Patrick McGoohan(Other spellings?)
6773.(Famous Actor name change.)Martin Scorcese/Martin Scorsese(Other spellings?)
6774.(Famous Actress name change.)Grey DeLeslie/Grey DeLisle(Other spellings?)
6775.(Famous Actor name change.)Bill Faggerbake/Bill Fagerbakke(Other spellings?)(Was him name pronounced differently?)
6776.(Famous Actor name change.)William Stylers/William Salyers(Other spellings?)
6777.(Candy name change.)Strawberry Flavour Laces/Strawberry Flavour Lances(Anything else off about Lances?)
6778.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember Cole Sprouse being less popular than Dylan Sprouse when The Suote Life Of Zack & Cody was on and now?
6779.(Celebrity death that didn't happen.)Do you remember Paul Young dying a while back?(Anything about him in Desperate Housewives off?)(Anything else off?)
6780.(Famous Cook name change.)Rachel Ray/Rachael Ray(Other spellings?)(Was Rachael never an acceptable spelling of Rachel?)
6781.(Famous Fashion Designer name change.)Vivian Westwood/Vivienne Westwood(Other spellings?)(How do you remember Vivian being spelled in general?)
6782.(Famous Soccer Player name change.)César Aczpilicueta/César Azpilicueta(Other spellings?)ésar_Azpilicueta
6783.(Famous Soccer Player name change.)Jermaine Defoe/Jermain Defoe(Other spellings?)(Was Jermain never an acceptable spelling of Jermaine?)
6784.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember these things being different or not a thing?(Ellora caves, petra and little petra, shrovetide, calcio storico, American Kidney Foundation/American Kidney Fund, Chichén Itzá, black sea under river, pattern on doe's back and other weird patterns on deer, more friendly wild animals, Michael Jackson dropped 50 feet to stage in an accident, Isaiah 11:8 changes again, more on harpy eagle, Ford logo is now tilting, Honda logo has changed again, polycephalic everything, weird elephant parts, gaboon viper that moves like a caterpillar, pattern change on raccoon and panda eyes, naked foal syndrome, more geography changes, Great lakes keep changing, guy with large hairy birthmark and two children with weird birth defects, weird looking cat with white coloration, 12 finger family, Neanderthals may have been smarter than we think, more anatomy changes, Quetzacoatl(Was it spelled differently?), rabbit without hair, when student doctors remove your appendix, 1939 ghost Pontiac, Marie Curie and everything about her, shark with bioluminescent nose, mice can sing.)(Video below.)
6785.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember transgender people not being able to give birth?
6786.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember little Grand Canyon-like structures not being a thing?
6787.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember teacup pigs being their own separate species and not just being very small and/or underfed pigs?
6788.(Theme Song Lyrics change.)"I love Wisconsin!"/"Hello Wisconsin!"(Was it Kelso or Eric that said it and not Hyde?)
6789.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember bumblebees not being endangered?
6790.(Movie name change.)The Naked Gun 33 1/2: The Final Insult/Naked Gun 33 1/2: The Final Insult⅓:_The_Final_Insult
6791.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember 1950's breakfast stations not being a thing?
6792.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember the first mall in America not opening as early as 1956?(Anything else off?)
6793.(Phrase change.)"Not your circus. Not your clowns."/"Not my circus. Not my clowns."(Anything else off?),_not_my_monkeys
6794.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember Alaska not having a rainforest?(Were there no rainforests in North America at all?)(Anything else off?)
6795.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember Della Duck not existing?
6796.(Fictional Character name change.)Do you remember Inspector Gadget's real name being Don Brown or John Brown?
6797.(Music Lyrics change.)"Things in common?"/"Thing in common?"("Cuz opposites attract."/"'Cause opposites attract.")(Anything else off?)(Do any of her logos look off?)
6798.(Logo change.)Do you remember the Fair Use logo not being connected?
6799.(Music Lyrics change.)"What am I supposed to do when the best part of me was always you?"/"What am I gonna do when the best part of me was always you?"(Anything else off?)(Do any of their logos look off?)
6800.(Comic Series name change.)Calvin And Hobbs/Calvin And Hobbes(Anything else off?)
6801.(Abbreviation change.)Auto Immune Deficiency Syndrome/Aquired Immune Deficiency Virus
6802.(T.V. Shiw name change.)Beverly Hills 92010/Beverly Hills, 90210,_90210
6803.(Famous Actress name change.)Ellen Paige/Ellen Page
6804.(Famous Director name change.)Howard Hawk/Howard Hawks
6805.(Famous Soccer Player name change.)Mark Clattenberg/Mark Clattenburg(Other spellings?)
6806.(Famous Referee name change.)Pierluigi Colina/Pierluigi Collina(Other spellings?)
6807.(Famous Soccer Player name change.)Phillipe Coutinho/Philippe Coutinho(Other spellings?)(How do you remember Philippe being spelled in general?)
6808.(Famous Soccer Player name change.)Jessy Lingard/Jesse Lingard(Other spellings?)(How do you remember Jesse being spelled in general?)
6809.(Famous Singer name change.)Lauren Hill/Lauryn Hill(Other spellings?)
6810.(Famous Singer name change.)Phil Colins/Phil Collins(Other spellings?)(How do you remember Collin or Collins being spelled in general?)
6811.(Famous Composer name change.)Wolfgang Amadeus MozaWolfgang Amadeus Mozart(Other spellings?)
6812.(Theme Song Lyrics change.)"Come and listen to a story about a man named Jed."/"Come and listen to my story about a man named Jed ."
6813.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember Jam Session by Heavy D and The Notorious B.I.G. not existing?
6814.(Can't think of a to title.)Do you remember the music video for Puffin On Blunts And Drankin' Tanqueray not existing?
6815.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember Barbie only having a first name and not a middle or last one?
6816.(Celebrity death date change.)Do you remember Jan-Michael Vincent dying earlier than February 10, 2019?
6817.(State name change.)Okhlahoma/Oklahoma(Other spellings?)
6818.(City name change.)Passadena, California/Pasadena, California(Other spellings?),_California
6819.(City name change.)Norwitch/Norwich(Other spellings?)(Multiple places.)
6820.(Town name change.)Ipswitch/Ipswich(Other spellings?)
6821.(Village name change.)Amytiville, New York/Amityville, New York(Other spellings?),_New_York
6822.(Famous Actor name change.)Rob SteigeRod Steiger(Other spellings?)
6823.(Famous Actress name change.)Judy Gardland/Judy Garland(Other spellings?)
submitted by iminterestingplease to Retconned [link] [comments]

What we Learned in the Russia Probe: March 25 - 31

On to the review...

Week of March 25 - 31: What we Learned in the Russia Probe

Mueller investigation

In a new court filing in the sentencing of attorney, and son-in-law of a Russian oligarch, Alex van der Zwaan, Mueller revealed the most direct connection between Trump and the Russians that we know of so far.
The FBI has in their possession a second report written by Christopher Steele that alleges Putin has sanctioned killings of Russians on U.S. soil.
There are two other suspicious Russian deaths on U.S. soil (plus over a dozen on U.K. soil) that I know of. I’m sure there are more. Here are the ones that occurred in the states:
Mueller is probing Russia contacts at that occurred at the Republican National Convention in 2016.
In attempting to obtain cooperation from Rick Gates, Mueller has reportedly been pushing him for information on Trump’s contacts with Russia rather than information on Manafort.
Infowars contributor & Trump campaign associate Ted Malloch was detained by the FBI as he arrived at the Boston airport from London. He was questioned about about Roger Stone and Julian Assange, and was subpoenaed to testify before Mueller's D.C. grand jury on April 13th.
Kirill Dmitriev, the Russian financier Erik Prince met with in the Seychelles in January 2017, has closer ties to Putin than previously known.
European counterintelligence officials have revealed that Papadopoulos had meetings with Greek Defense Minister Panos Kammenos, who is close to Putin, both before and after the election. They state that these meetings should concern the U.S.
George Nader, a political adviser to the UAE and now a cooperating witness, paid Trump fundraiser and former RNC chairman Elliott Broidy $2.5 million last April. Broidy then made large donations to U.S. lawmakers considering legislation targeting Qatar, UAE’s rival.
John Dowd, Trump’s former lawyer, reportedly spoke to Flynn and Manafort about Trump pardoning them for their crimes.
Manafort is reportedly betting on receiving a presidential pardon, not planning on cooperating with Mueller.
The jet of Oleg Deripaska, a Russian oligarch and Putin ally, arrived in the US (in New Jersey) within hours of a meeting between Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort and the former Russian military intelligence officer Konstantin Kilimnik. This occurred just weeks after Manafort offered "private briefings" about the Trump campaign to Deripaska.

Russian interference

CNN’s Jim Acosta reported on Twitter that NSC spokesman Michael Anton confirmed the administration has still not enforced any sanctions against Russian oligarchs, contradicting Raj Shah’s statement at Monday’s press briefing. There is already criticism that the announced sanctions do not touch Putin’s oligarchs or government officials.
In response to the poisoning of Sergei Skripal and daughter in the U.K., the Trump administration has expelled 60 Russian diplomats/spies and ordered a Seattle Russian diplomatic compound to close. However, the State Department has confirmed original reporting by Julia Davis that the expelled diplomats/spies can be replaced by others, in a loophole that greatly reduces the impact of Trump’s actions.
A former Russian double agent has reported that he found out he was on a Kremlin hit list with Skripal, just weeks before Skripal was poisoned. Also on the list were several other ex-KGB agents, Bill Browder, and Christopher Steele.
After months of trying to convince Trump to sign off on a plan to supply new U.S. weapons to Ukraine, National Security advisers finally got him to approve the plan. However, Trump told his aides not to publicly tout his decision because he didn’t want to anger Putin.
The $380 million included in the omnibus spending bill for election security is likely not going to end up fixing key election security issues in all states.


Mark Zuckerberg has decided that he will testify before Congress, but is sending representatives to testify before the U.K. Parliament. He is going to be asked questions about Facebook’s relationship with Cambridge Analytica, a company that harvested the data of 50 million users without their knowledge.
House Dems have called for the FBI to investigate claims that Kushner leaked classified information to Saudi Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman. Reportedly, the prince has said that Kushner revealed Saudi leaders who were disloyal to him, resulting in their arrest and perhaps torture.


In 2015, the FBI looked into Trump plans in 2010 to build a hotel in Latvia with Putin supporter Igor Krutoy. The plans were abandoned after Krutoy and an associate were questioned by Latvian authorities as part of a major criminal inquiry there. The Guardian states that, “ Latvian investigators also examined secret recordings in which Trump was mentioned by a suspect.”
Kushner has called newly-named National Security Adviser John Bolton on numerous occasions for advice and to brief him on key national security issues.
To note…
Ecuador has cut off Julian Assange’s internet connection at the embassy in London, “after his recent activity on social media decrying the arrest of a Catalan separatist politician.”
Stormy Daniels’ 60 Minutes interview aired last Sunday. The new piece of information we learned is that Stormy and her daughter were threatened about Trump in a parking lot in 2011.
Trump has lost arbitration to win back control of the former Trump International Tower & Hotel in Panama. The owners of the hotel evicted the Trump Organization earlier this month over allegations of "horrific" mismanagement.
My twitter. Thanks for reading!
submitted by rusticgorilla to Keep_Track [link] [comments]

[EVENT]The Pearl Qatar Development and Legal Changes

The Pearl Qatar is Qatar's first artificial island and spans nearly four million square meters. It was the first land available to own by foreign nationals in Qatar and has had slightly looser laws than the rest of the country in the past. Today the decision has been made to expand the islands appeal as a tourist destinations, with extremely loose laws that will draw in foreigners for tourism. Alcohol consumption will not require a permit in the area, tourists will not be published for public intoxication, gambling will be permitted and in this area alone, marijuana will be allowed. The Qatari government will also prevent any interference by religious police in or outside the Pearl-Qatar. The developments will be owned and operated by a new Qatar state owned company named TourQ.
A map of the developments (read: me using the paint brush in photoshop) shows our intentions. The red dots show a string of hotel-casinos that will be constructed. 6 casions each with a budget of $2 billion dollars for construction will be created with walkways directly linking the six hotel casinos, each with a distinctive theme.
The pink dot is an "adult" entertainment complex that will specialize in services not offered anywhere else in Qatar or the Middle East. The complex will sell liquor without requiring a permit to anyone over the age of 18 (as will the casinos), and recreational marijuana will be sold under the same rules as well. The complex will feature a night club and a strip club on the second floor, and a large rooftop pool. The pool will mimic the Singapore Skyline Pool with a 250 foot vanishing edge (the length of the pool).
Finally, the light blue dots will be entertainment complexes that can host any wide variety of shows - from circuses to concerts. Copying from Las Vegas a wide variety of shows will be lined up day and night for tourists to enjoy.
All of the developments will be linked by moving pedestrian walkways running over the roads which will provide a means of quick travel between each building.
The development will be a massive $16 billion dollar project, with an additionally planned $750 million dollar media campaign once the project nears completion, aimed at Europe, the wealthier nations of Asia and the United States. The building project will take about 12 years.
submitted by OneSpookySneakySquid to GlobalPowers [link] [comments]

[EVENT] Casino ship Rodinoy Morey sets sail

The aircraft carrier NAe São Paulo, purchased by Yuri Alekperov, has been fully refitted into the world's greatest and only international casino. Rodinoy Morey will travel the world from its homeport in Sevastopol, picking up clients at ports or while in international waters, via transit boat or helicopter. Once in international waters, gambling laws and other restrictions on fun will no longer apply.
The ship has been radically refitted for its new role. The interior has been fully decorated and many small compartments have been merged. The hangar bay has become the main casino floor, filled with roulette wheels, and tables for craps, poker, blackjack and other games of chance. The crew quarters have been converted into luxury accommodation with world class chefs and staff to tend to guests. The flight deck has been fitted with a stage and lighting for shows in the open air when weather permits. We have already booked a star of the 10s and 20s, Justin Bieber, to perform aboard Rodinoy Morey while it is in the Gulf. The ship will also carry a large quantity of recreational drugs and alcohol, that will be left in international waters in tenders if the carrier needs to go in to port.
Russian law applies to the ship, while in international waters, however certain changes to laws on gambling and other activities have been changed to no longer apply to registered "oceanic entertainment vessels", of which Rodinoy Morey is the only one. In an unrelated incident, several members of the State Duma have been seen having dinner with Alekperov, and have received free entry for the first leg of the inaugural journey.

Ports of Call

  1. Sevastopol, Russia
  2. Istanbul, Turkey
  3. Ashdod, Israel
  4. Port Said, Egypt
  5. Jeddaj, Saudi Arabia
  6. Dubai, UAE
  7. Abu Dhabi, UAE
  8. Doha, Qatar
  9. Manama, Bahrain
  10. Karachi, Pakistan
  11. Mumbai, India
  12. Colombo, Sri Lanka
  13. Port Klang, Malaysia
  14. Singapore, Singapore
  15. Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
  16. Manilla, Philippines
  17. Guangzhou, China
  18. Taipei, Taiwan
  19. Shanghai, China
  20. Qingdao, China
  21. Incheon, South Korea
  22. Yokohama, Japan
  23. San Francisco, USA
  24. Barranquilla, Colombia
  25. Gibraltar, UK
  26. Algiers, Algeria
  27. Barcelona, Spain
  28. Naples, Italy


submitted by dylankhoo1 to GlobalPowers [link] [comments]

[TDIH] April 8th

Quote of the Day
All the stores will open up if you say the magic words. The magic words are: Up against the wall motherfucker, this is a stick up!
— Amiri Baraka, "Black People!"
Word of the Day
Motherfucker — An epithet recalling slave days. If you were a slave, it was likely that the master was sexually assaulting your mother on a regular basis. To call someone in power a motherfucker is to cast light on the genealogical ties that connect those who currently hold power with the brutal history upon which this society was built.
Such a charged word insinuates itself into every context; it becomes an intensifier that can modify anything. Thus many foes of the powerful have become known as bad motherfuckers—including the Motherfuckers, short for Up Against the Wall Motherfuckers, the self-professed "street gang with analysis" that sought to push the counterculture of New York City towards armed insurrection at the end of the 1960s.
563 [BC] — Gautama Siddharta The Buddha. He lives.
1341 — Petrarch crowned poet laureate, steps of capital in Rome.
1614 — Death of Domenikos Theotokopoulos, known as "El Greco," painter.
1695 — Johann Christian Gunther lives. Briefly studied medicine at Wittenberg; then, disinherited by his father in 1719, who opposed his poetical ambitions, he will compose his greatest work, Leonorenlieder, a confessional poem in which he pleads to his father for mercy.
1712 — US: New York City slave revolt suppressed, 21 are executed.
1798 — Ramón de la Sagra y Periz, anarchist, lives (1798-1871).
1819 — Walter Scott begins dictating The Bride of Lammermoor as gallstones make the act of writing impossible.
1826 — US: Secretary of State Henry Clay & Senator John Randolph, who accused Clay of striking a "corrupt bargain" to steal the 1824 Presidential election from Andrew Jackson, fight a duel in Virginia. Like most politicians, they both missed.
1864 — US: 13th Amendment passes, abolishing slavery. Does not include wage slavery.
1871 — Robert Louis Stevenson, 21, walks with his father & tells him he is abandoning a career in engineering for writing.
1872 — US: Colville Indian reservation created east of Columbia River; after white farmers pressure the government, a second reservation, on less arable land, is designated instead.
1873 — Merdre! Merdre! Alfred Jarry lives. French poet, novelist, playwright, freelance scoundrel & author of Ubu Roi, a forerunner of the Theatre of Absurd. Among other accomplishments, was Pablo Picasso's weapon supplier (Picasso used the pistol to shoo away bores) & making his mark on 'Pataphysics' (the acceptance of every event in the universe as an extraordinary event). Died of alcoholism & tuberculosis.
1877 — Italy: In the township of Letino (Matese) the "Gang of Matese" hand the city clerk an official notice before giving a speech, burning land deeds, & heading off to liberate yet another town:
"We the undersigned declare to have occupied, arms in hand, the municipal building of Letino in the name of the social revolution."
— Carlo Cafiero, Errico Malatesta, Pietro Cesaré Ceccarelli
1885 — Panama: Yes, We Have No Ripe Bananas? US Troops invade, to "protect US interests."
1888 — France: Launching of the daily newspaper of the possibilistes, " Le Parti ouvrier," which became a weekly magazine of the Allemanist tendency in 1890.
1894 — Raffaele Schiavina (1894-1987) lives. Schiavina collaborated on many anarchist newspapers (in Italian). He was imprisoned & later expelled from the "land of the free" in 1919 for anti-war activities. In Paris, he participated in the defense of Sacco & Vanzetti. Schiaviana was imprisoned (Italy) & harrassed (France) numerous times before returning to the US where he published, for 45 years, the weekly magazine "Adunata dei Refrattari" (longest lasting paper of the Italian-American anarchist movement).
Among his noms de plume: Cesare; Nando; Michetta; Calibano; Max Sartin; Labor; Manhattanite; Bob; Juan Taro; X.Y.; R.S.; & M.S.
1898 — Maurice Bowra lives, Kiukiang, China. Among his Greek translations is Pindar's Pythian Odes.
1902 — Guatemala: Eruption of Santa Maria volcano leaves 1,000 dead.
1909 — US: Federal court in Buffalo, NY invalidates the citizenship of Jacob A. Kersner, Emma Goldman's legal husband; threatens Goldman's claim to US citizenship & results in cancellation of Goldman's trip to Australia.
1909 — American novelist John Fante lives.
Stricken with diabetes in 1955, its complications brought about blindness in 1978 & leg amputations, but John continued to write by dictation.
The key figure in Fante's resurrection was novelist/poet Charles Bukowski, who discovered one of his books in the public library while "starving & drinking & trying to be a writer," & who subsequently described Fante as his "god."
By the late 1970s Bukowski was an international success & in a position to urge his publishers, Black Sparrow Press, to reissue Ask the Dust, "the finest novel written in all time."
Despite his near invisibility, Fante still maintains a strong cult following. He remains a favorite of readers who enjoy bohemian urban fiction in the vein of Charles Bukowski, Jack Kerouac, & Knut Hamsun.
[In the last few years he is becoming widely recognized internationally as an outstanding 20th century novelist.]
1913 — US: Beloved & Respected Comrade Liberal Woodrow Wilson becomes the first US President since George Washington to appear before Congress.
1916 — US: Emma Goldman gives a lecture on birth control at the New Star Casino, in NY, for which she is arrested & put on trial on the 20th.
1926 — England: Emma Goldman lectures in Norwich (part of a series on dramatists begun on March 25th).
1937 — Canada: United Auto Workers (UAW) strike at General Motors plant in Oshawa, Ontario, for recognition.
1937 — Spain: In "Ideas," Jaime Balius' article entitled "Let's make revolution," he critically argues,
"if [Companys] had a larger contingent of armed forces at his disposal, he would have the working class back in the capitalist harness."
1938 — Big Band leader Joseph "King" Oliver dies.
1939 — Trina Schart Hyman, author & illustrator, lives.
1939 — Emma Goldman sails for Canada, arriving in Toronto on April 21, where she establishes residence.
1942 — André Girard (known as Max Buhr) (1860-1942) dies. Anarchist militant & trade unionist.
1945 — France: Congress of the Federación Ibérica de Juventudes Libertarias (FIJL), in Toulouse (April 8-9th). Participants include Victor García, who assumes responsibility for publishing the journals "Ruta" & "Solidaridad Obrera", puis de secrétaire de la IJA (Jeunesse Anarchiste Internationale).
1946 — League of Nations assembles for last time, passing a motion declaring themselves to be — dare we say — out of their league?
1950 — J. D. Salinger's best known short story, "For Esmé — With Love & Squalor" appears in "The New Yorker."
1950 — Spain: José Lluis Facerias, anti-fascist guerrilla, blows up the Lonja police station in Barcelona. Facerias was a veteran leader of the anarchist action groups, operating since the end of the Spanish Revolution in 1939.
1952 — US: Beloved & Respected Comrade Leader President Truman orders US Army to seize the nation's steel mills to avert a strike. The act was ruled to be illegal by the Supreme Court on 2 June.
1956 — US: Six recruits at Parris Island Marine Base drown when their drill instructor, Staff Sergeant Matthew McKeon, disciplined them for "minor disorderliness" by marching them into a tidal swamp. He taught 'em good.
1959 — France: Felipe Alaiz de Pablo (1887-1959) dies, exiled in Paris. Anarquista & journalist. Director of "Revista de Aragon", writer for "El sol de Madrid," "Heraldo de Aragon," "La Revista Blanca," "Solidaridad Obrera" de Valencia & Sevilla. Published novels & works on anarchism & translations.
1960 — Folksinger Odetta appears at Carnegie Hall.
1966 — US: Pole Cats? Last poll tax outlawed by Federal courts.
1966 — US: The Jefferson Airplane opens at California Hall on Polk Street, Frisco.
1966 — US: Show & Tell Time? "Time" magazine asks on its cover, "Is God Dead?"
1967 — US: Nashville Black uprising, April 8-10th, following Carmichael's speech at Fisk University; (Tennessee House of Representatives calls for Carmichael's deportation from the state?)
1973 — Spanish painter & communist Pablo Picasso dies, Mougins, Alpes-Maritimes, France.
Drink to me.
— Picasso's last words
"I am always doing that which I cannot do, in order that I may learn how to do it."
1973 — US: A Harris Poll reports 51% of Americans support the American Indian Movement (AIM) protesters occupying Wounded Knee, South Dakota; 21% support the federal government.
1974 — Hammerin' Hank Aaron hits 715th home run, beats Babe Ruth's baseball record. His run at the record got him much hate mail & numerous death threats by whites.
"Throwing a fastball to Henry Aaron is like trying to sneak the sun past a rooster."
— Curt Simmons, pitcher
1977 — Argentina: Adriana Gatti is today "disappeared" by government security forces.
Adriana (8-9 months pregnant) was previously kidnapped from her home on March 31, but was set free on that day. Today is not so fortuitous.
Her father, Gerardo Gatti, an Uruguayan anarchist labor militant, was also "disappeared" by the Argentine government in 1976 — tortured & put up for ransom before being murdered.
1978 — Gaston Leval dies. Son of a French Communard, anarchist syndicalist, combatant & historian of the Spanish Revolution of 1936.
1984 — US: CinemaScope? With a nod to George Orwell, desperately trying to crawl his way back from a political oblivion unpresidented in American history, Dick "The Trickster" Nixon avows:
"It's the media's responsibility to examine the President with a microscope... but when they use a proctoscope, it's going to far."
1984 — US: Beloved & Respected Comrade Leader acting President Ronnie Reagan's Defense Secretary Caspar Weinberger says
"The United States is not mining the harbors of Nicaragua."
— an indefensible lie.
1986 — US: The Motion Picture Association of America rules that all movies that refer to illegal drugs will be given nothing below a PG-13 rating.
1988 — The self-extinguishing armchair is invented. Gone but not forgotten!
1993 — Sweden: Women in Black demonstrate in solidarity with their Serbian sisters, Lund.
We dressed in black. We knew that despair & pain needed to be transformed into political action. Our choice of black meant that we did not agree with everything that the Serbian regime was doing. We refused their language which promotes hate & death. We repeated:
1993 — World Court orders Serbs to cease genocide in Bosnia. Why oppose genocide only in Bosnia you ask??
1993 — Germany: "Libertarian Days" April 8-12th, held for the second time at the University of Frankfort, including the "Libertarian Book Fair."
1995 — US: 1,000 Jobs With Justice Washington state activists in Bellingham, Tacoma, Olympia, Seattle & Yakima rally against the Republican "Contract With America."
2001 — US: The head of National Ethnic Coalition of Organizations demands an apology Saturday from Jay Leno for his comment that Hizzoner Rudolph Giuliani is "fascist" for appointing a "decency" committee on art.
In a departure from his usual schtick, Leno on Thursday labeled Giuliani a "fascist" for appointing a decency commission to determine whether certain pieces of art are offensive.
The comedian compared Giuliani's efforts to Adolf Hitler's crusade to remove what he called "degenerate art" from German museums in the early years of the Third Reich.
2002 — US: Court Overturns Book Store Order.
The Colorado Supreme Court refused to order a bookstore to turn over its sales records to police, overturning a lower court decision demanding the records as part of a drug investigation.
The First Amendment & the state Constitution "protect an individual's fundamental right to purchase books anonymously, free from governmental interference,'' the court ruled.
The decision overturns a Denver district judge who ordered Tattered Cover Book Store owner Joyce Meskis to tell police who purchased two books on drug manufacturing from her store.
The Tattered Cover, one of the country's largest independent bookstores, was assisted in the case by the American Booksellers Foundation for Free Expression.
2003 — US: Baseball Hall of Fame president cancels a planned celebration for the 15th anniversary of "Bull Durham," citing recent comments by film co-stars Tim Robbins & Susan Sarandon as potential dangers to US troops in Iraq. The celebration was to take place April 26 & 27. In protest of the cancellation, on the 11th sportswriter Roger Kahn cancels a planned appearance at the baseball museum.
2003 — Iraq: Deaths of three journalists in Baghdad: Two American air to surface missiles hit the Qatar satellite station Al Jazeera's office in Baghdad, killing a reporter & wounding a cameraman. The nearby office of Arab satellite channel Abu Dhabi is also hit. Al Jazeera accuses the US of attacking Arab media to hide facts. Meanwhile a US tank fires into the 15th floor of the Palestine Hotel in Baghdad, where most remaining foreign journalists are based, killing two cameramen.
2010 — Chile: Renaming Santiago International airport for poet Pablo Neruda nixed.
submitted by Scott_Ogilvie to Anarchism [link] [comments]

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Alcohol will be available to football fans in stadiums at the 2022 World Cup, but so far only to those purchasing hospitality packages, the contractor behind the premium offerings has said. Casino Ethyl Alcohol 70% solution is clinically proven and tested to eliminate 99.9% of disease-causing germs. Made from Ethyl alcohol that is derived from sugar cane. Unlike other strong alcohols, Casino provides a solution that is gentle on skin, but harsh on germs. With this, you can frequently sanitize your skin without fear of drying it out. Formulated with an improved fragrance fit for Gambling in Qatar – Robot jockeys riding camels on a camel race in Qatar. All forms of gambling in Qatar are illegal, just as in almost all of the Islamic countries worldwide. Qatar, officially the State of Qatar is a sovereign country located in Southwest Asia, occupying the small Qatar Peninsula on the northeastern coast of the Arabian Ethyl Alcohol Casino Femme70% Solution Pink(500Ml)(MA) (Item no. 100000255) QAR19 QAR15 . Select option Order now on WhatsApp: 0567205853 , Buy Now, Pay Cash on Delivery! Don’t panic – alcohol won’t be banned at the World Cup completely. Here is a quote from the head of Qatar’s World Cup 2022 committee: “Alcohol will be served, it just won’t be served in public areas, in the streets and so on, but there will be designated areas, open areas where people will be able to have alcohol”. Qatar is a country situated on the Arabian peninsula. Despite its small population of just over two million people, the state is wealthy due to its vast resources of natural gas. Its capital Doha is a modern city and the base for the news channel Al Jazeera. You can play casino games online when in Qatar. La politique et démarche RSE du groupe Casino. La politique de Responsabilité Sociale, Sociétale et Environnementale du groupe Casino a pour ambition de proposer des modes de consommation responsables, et d’améliorer la durabilité de son modèle d’affaires en soutenant la confiance accordée par les principales parties prenantes avec lesquelles il entretient un dialogue constant. Casino Ethyl Alcohol Femme is specially made to suit the needs of women. In today’s very demanding and busy lifestyle, you need something that specially works for you. Since women’s skin is 25% thinner than men’s, Casino Femme is made of 70% ethyl alcohol derived from sugar cane which is gentle on skin. Plus, it contains aloe vera and pro vitamin B5 that moisturizes skin. Clinically Casino Ethyl Alcohol 70% solution is clinically proven and tested to eliminate 99.9% of disease-causing germs. Made from Ethyl alcohol that is derived from sugar cane. Unlike other strong alcohols, Casino provides a solution that is gentle on skin, but harsh on germs. With this, you can frequently sanitize your skin without fear of drying it out. Formulated with an improved fragrance fit for

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