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More Interesting Times (Part 2)

More Interesting Times (Part 2)
by Jayge 8^J
In 2017, Jeff Bezos of Amazon is said to have made $107 million a day on average, adding $40 billion to his fortune, now estimated at $150 billion. Every year war, disease, poverty, illiteracy, and famine remain unresolved, while our billionaire blight grows. Are these mere coincidences or something far more serious? Tim predicted that for each of the next 10 years that same pattern will continue, making matters ever worse than they are today. Billionaires create poverty & misery in society, not wealth. Speaking of worthless billionaires brings us to covfefe, psycho liar Trump and his 3,001 'alt-truths' since his fat ass landed in the Oval Office. “We must make our choice. We may have democracy, or we may have wealth concentrated in the hands of a few, but we cannot have both.” ― Supreme Court Justice Louis D. Brandeis, a Zionist before Zionism turned ugly. Trump's now angling for a Nobel Peace Prize, yet we know it's really about his ego and profiteering. Supporters say he's a real estate branding genius playing 4D chess, but we see shameless chutzpah & 1D checkers. What about his Trump U. swindle? Lady Liberty and Mother Earth better beware of Trump, like demon Kissinger, cuz the republic has never been in worse hands. His new top Jewish economic adviser is Larry Kudlow, who allegedly was ousted from Bear Stearns senior management in the mid-90s with a monthly $100K cocaine habit. Trump is surely an enigma worth investigating. His Wikipedia page provides some facts of his life, while skewing or omitting others. Curiously, his net worth is said to be $3.1B, while he claims over $10B and others maintain that his bankruptcies made him a debt slave to Russian, Jewish, Arab, and/or Italian mobs. Let's ban billionaires. If $999,999,999.99 isn't enough for you, then we don't want you & your U.S. assets will be used to solve society's problems, a reminder of this century-old ragtime classic, "The rich get rich and the poor get poor / In the meantime, in between time / Ain't We Got Fun".
'Dark Journalist' Daniel Liszt shows startling revelations in his livestream YouTube presentations, including that Trump's 'nuclear' uncle, electrical engineer John George Trump, had private access to Nikola Tesla's papers after his death & in 1987 President Nixon sent Trump a letter, urging him to run for president, cuz he would win. Trump keeps it on display. Also, he found a series of X steganography, from Egyptian & Mayan hieroglyphs, Mystery Schools, to planet X, to secret Eisenhower X-program, to fresh JFK assassination info, to LBJ library's 'X' document, to Nixon insider Robert Merritt & White House 'extraterrestrial time capsule', to journalist-author Frank Scully, source of The X-Files character Dana Scully, & much more. Zachary K. Hubbard exposes info about elite-coded news headlines, sports fraud, deaths of celebrity, political, & sports figures, CNN is CIA, & much more, all Kabbalah numerology Gematria based & their divide & conquer ritual methods in his book Letters & Numbers, free to find truth blog, The Gematria Effect weekly radio show, & YouTube channel Gematria Effect News, after his other channels were deleted by Google's YouTube. He & Thom Hartmann are rare sane radio voices amid a sea of rabid, fear & war mongering, far right extremist stochastic terrorists, evolution, globe, or climate change deniers. George Soros, Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, & Barack Obama aren't the root of evil. It's the fascist GOP, stupid.
Back in 2018, after unwinding each phi vector taken, Travers was visited by Men in Black who had probing inquiries about his recent whereabouts, activities, & encounters, as well as stern directives & threats not to speak to anyone about them. He now felt that all of his noble intentions & efforts had failed, but unknown to him things were about to get interesting. Amid clouds of corruption uncovered by Robert Mueller's investigation, Trump suddenly resigned along with Mike Pence, the former to serve prison time abroad for tax evasion, the latter to try televangelism. Paul Ryan as Speaker of the House of Representatives was next in line, but declined so President pro tempore of the Senate Orrin Hatch was sworn in as 46th U.S. president. Something quite unprecedented was occurring.
"Donald John Trump is the 45th and current President of the United States. Before entering politics, he was a businessman and television personality. Trump was born and raised in the New York City borough of Queens, and received an economics degree from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. He took charge of his family's real estate business in 1971, renamed it The Trump Organization, and expanded it from Queens and Brooklyn into Manhattan. The company built or renovated skyscrapers, hotels, casinos, and golf courses. Trump later started various side ventures, including licensing his name for real estate and consumer products. He managed the company until his 2017 inauguration. He co-authored several books, including The Art of the Deal. He owned the Miss Universe and Miss USA beauty pageants from 1996 to 2015, and he produced and hosted the reality television show The Apprentice from 2003 to 2015. Forbes estimates his net worth to be $3.1 billion." -- Wikipedia
Apparently, Time Lord Jefferson took matters into his own hands & carefully set them aright. He had a stenographer secretly record his Monticello meeting. While Travers slept tight in a feather bed, Jefferson borrowed his Cronosoar. With Benjamin Franklin, he devised a solution to Travers' conundrum & spied on the White House to ascertain the situation, using a special Franklin-made drone. A plebiscite outlawed lobbying & dissolved the legislative branch of government along with corporate boards to reform with all new faces, while those ousted faced corruption charges. He made America fair again. We the People got new systems for our Founders' broken model. Several ambitious parties sprang up, including Native Law, Gaia Greens, Latin Power, Black Rights, & Young Turks, replacing the splintered Democrats. Out of a rebranded GOOP, which now stood for Geezer Obsolete Obstructionist Party, a more apt appellation, rose Libertarians, Constitutionalists, & a mega MAGA Mad Hatter's Tea Party. To be an American was honorable once more.
Franklin said or wrote, "Time is money." "An investment in knowledge pays the best interest." "Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn." "Well done is better than well said." "By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail." "We are all born ignorant, but one must work hard to remain stupid." "Half a truth is often a great lie." "Genius without education is like silver in the mine." "Where liberty is, there is my country." "When you're finished changing, you're finished." "There was never a good war or a bad peace." "Either write something worth reading or do something worth writing." "He that lives upon hope will die fasting." "Some people die at 25 and aren't buried until 75." "Energy and persistence conquer all things." "The Constitution only gives people the right to pursue happiness. You have to catch it yourself." "The doorstep to the temple of wisdom is a knowledge of our own ignorance." "Being ignorant is not so much a shame, as being unwilling to learn." "The doors of wisdom are never shut." "Life's tragedy is that we get old too soon and wise too late." "There are three things extremely hard: steel, a diamond, and to know one's self." "It is easier to prevent bad habits than it is to break them." "When in doubt, don't." "Never confuse motion with action." "Take time for all things: great haste makes great waste." "If time be of all things the most precious, then wasting time must be the greatest prodigality." "The eye of the master will do more work than both his hands." "He that can have patience can have what he will." "Employ thy time well, if thou meanest to gain leisure." "Lost time is never found again." "One today is worth two tomorrows."
"Benjamin Franklin FRS FRSE was an American polymath and one of the Founding Fathers of the United States. Franklin was a leading author, printer, political theorist, politician, freemason, postmaster, scientist, inventor, humorist, civic activist, statesman, and diplomat. As a scientist, he was a major figure in the American Enlightenment and the history of physics for his discoveries and theories regarding electricity. As an inventor, he is known for the lightning rod, bifocals, and the Franklin stove, among other inventions. He founded many civic organizations, including the Library Company, Philadelphia's first fire department and the University of Pennsylvania." -- Wikipedia
NATO forces on joint military training operations with the IDF sprung a surprise trap netting top Zionist brass & placed the tiny nation under strict martial law, while UN peacekeepers & NGOs moved in to secure nuclear weaponry to prevent their insane Samson Option & conduct mass migrations. Palestinians were freed to inhabit West Bank settlements, while boycott denial non-Semitic militant white Zionists were herded into work camps in Gaza & the West Bank under miserable apartheid conditions they had made, ultimately for themselves. Israel roared empty claims of anti-Semitism at UN headquarters & in their global media Kabbalah cabal, but got no response. "Revenge is a dish best served cold." -- Klingon proverb (from Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan) Similar roundups by the FBI in the U.S. netted KKK, CIA, NSA, neo-Nazis, Saudi royals, white nationalists, racist skinheads, Dark Money fat cats, & Proud Boys, who soon found themselves in Gaza, where ex-President Trump was torn apart by some who felt betrayed by him in a vicious civil war between far right militant Zionists & farther right militant Zionists. A great weight was lifted off humanity's back, the International Red Cross finally released its meticulous WWII camp statistics, & seemingly miraculous drops occurred in nosy spies, Spam emails, & most surprisingly 99% of the Pentagon budget, followed by reciprocal defense moves worldwide. The elite's 3,000-year-old Abrahamic religions experiment was banned as dangerously counter-productive. Our planet entered the Aquarian Age, brimming with green energy opportunity, exploration of the Cosmos, resources on other worlds, & extraterrestrial communication.
"The Samson Option is the name that some military analysts and authors have given to Israel's deterrence strategy of massive retaliation with nuclear weapons as a "last resort" against the specific country whose military destroys Israel. Commentators also have employed the term to refer to situations where non-nuclear, non-Israeli actors, have threatened conventional weapons retaliation." -- Wikipedia
Silly coincidence theories of 19 'Muslim hijacker' clowns led by a CIA clone in a cave, 'magic bullet', 'lone assassin', Nazi Reichstag fire, 'surprise attacks' of Havana Harbor, Lusitania, Pearl Harbor, Gulf of Tonkin, & 9/11, didn't stand the test of time. Travers laughed when he read that Ari Quotient, Max Ernst, & Elbert Dreistein were in line for the quadrennial 2022 Fields Medal, so-called 'Nobel Prize' in mathematics, for their elaborate so-called proof that time travel is impossible.
Chillin' later at the beach with network maven yogi bud CEJ, while simultaneously wondering whether eigenvector matrices were quasicrystalline spin networks, they saw Garrett Lisi parasailing & approached the easy-going theorist-adventurer. After Tim's talk with Newton, he tried once more to grok gravity by asking Lisi for insight, who said, "All fields of the standard model and gravity are unified as an E8 principal bundle connection. A non-compact real form of the E8 Lie algebra has G2 and F4 subalgebras which break down to strong su(3), electroweak su(2) x u(1), gravitational so(3,1), the frame-Higgs, and three generations of fermions related by triality. The interactions and dynamics of these 1-form and Grassmann valued parts of an E8 superconnection are described by the curvature and action over a four dimensional base manifold." "The mathematics of quantum mechanics very accurately describes how our universe operates." "I think the universe is pure geometry - basically, a beautiful shape twisting around nd dancing over space-time." "I always found it satisfying that gravity was described by Einstein's geometric theory of general relativity." "There are a lot of good things about string theory, and it's great that some people want to work on it." "I'm afraid the workings of J.J. Abrams' mind fall outside the predictive capacity of any coherent theory." "Surfing is simply the most fun I know how to have on this planet." "Ninety-five per cent of my time is virtually wasted." "You cannot think when you're ecstatic." "Science is our last and greatest frontier." "The only thing that makes sense is if the universe is beautiful and simple and elegant."
"Antony Garrett Lisi, known as Garrett Lisi, is an American theoretical physicist and adventure sports enthusiast. Lisi works as an independent researcher without an academic position. He is a strong proponent of balance in life, in his case between scientific research and enjoyment of the outdoors." -- Wikipedia
"In quantum mechanics, the Planck time (tP) is the unit of time in the system of natural units known as Planck units. A Planck unit is the time required for light to travel in a vacuum a distance of 1 Planck length, which is approximately 5.39 × 10 −44 s. The unit is named after Max Planck, who was the first to propose it." -- Wikipedia
"An attosecond quintillionth of a second. For context, an attosecond is to a second what a second is to about 31.71 billion years." -- Wikipedia
"The Wheeler–DeWitt equation is...part of a theory that attempts to combine mathematically the ideas of quantum mechanics and general relativity, a step towards a theory of quantum gravity...time plays a role different from what it does in non-relativistic quantum mechanics, leading to the so-called 'problem of time'. -- Wikipedia
Hugh Everett III, colleague of John Wheeler & Bryce DeWitt, wrote Universal Wave Function Theory that proposed a many-worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics.
"Just for scale, one unit of Planck time is less than a trillionth of a trillionth of the attosecond described above!...for things that happen below the Planck scale, time disappears." -- Gregg Braden, Fractal Time, page 102, doing his best impression of Paul Charles William Davies
"Einstein’s 1905 paper came out and suddenly changed people’s thinking about space-time. We’re again in the middle of something like that. When the dust settles, time—whatever it may be—could turn out to be even stranger and more illusory than even Einstein could imagine." -- Carlo Rovelli
"We shall require a substantially new manner of thinking if mankind is to survive." -- Albert Einstein
"Terence McKenna...Timewave Zero...fractal modeling of time" -- Wikipedia
Today Travers' weltanschauung took a serious hit when he was informed that Wikipedia, which he had contributed occasional editing, was another tool of the ruling elite. There was no doubt Tim needed some math tutoring, but now he had all the time in the world. CEJ, born in the year of the Wheeler–DeWitt equation, took Tim's Cronosoar for a proper shakedown cruise so both of them might study Lisi's ideas without sacrificing vacation time. They crossed paths once with John Titor, towing him out of a 'temporal causality loop', like that experienced by USS Enterprise NCC-1701-D crew & USS Bozeman under Captain Morgan Bateson (Kelsey Grammer) in "Cause and Effect" season 5 episode 18 of Star Trek: The Next Generation. In appreciation, he shared some 2036 trove coordinates & his ""stationary mass, temporal displacement unit powered by two top-spin, dual positive singularities", producing a "standard off-set Tipler sinusoid"...Two magnetic housing units for the dual micro singularities... An electron injection manifold to alter mass and gravity of the micro singularities...A cooling and X-ray venting system...Gravity sensors, or a variable gravity lock...Four main cesium clocks...Three main computer units" -- Wikipedia However, they steered clear of Doc Brown's device & the McFly family, due to many time anomalies they were well-known for. Besides, that flux capacitor DeLorean was a fire hazard.
"Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising each time we fall." -- Confucius
"Observe good faith and justice with all nations. Cultivate peace and harmony with all." -- George Washington
"We spend a great deal of time studying history, which, let's face it, is mostly the history of stupidity." -- Stephen Hawking
"One of the lessons of history is that nothing is often a good thing to do and always a clever thing to say." -- Will Durant
"That men do not learn very much from the lessons of history is the most important of all the lessons of history." -- Aldous Huxley
"The value of history is, indeed, not scientific but moral: by liberalizing the mind, by deepening the sympathies, by fortifying the will, it enables us to control, not society, but ourselves -- a much more important thing; it prepares us to live more humanely in the present and to meet rather than to foretell the future." -- Carl Becker
"History is a cyclic poem written by time upon the memories of man." -- Percy Bysshe Shelley
"History repeats itself, first as a tragedy, second as a farce." -- Karl Marx
"History doesn't repeat itself, but it does rhyme." -- Mark Twain
"History proves that the white man is a devil." -- Malcolm X Little
Travers' work playlist was predictable: Time Warp from Rocky Horror Picture Show, Time Has Come Today by the Chambers Brothers, Back in Time by Huey Lewis & the News, Time by Pink Floyd, Time in a Bottle by Jim Croce, Time After Time by Cyndi Lauper, Does Anybody Know What Time It Is by Chicago, Times Like These by the Foo Fighters, Feels Like the First Time by Foreigner, Clocks by Coldplay, Rock Around the Clock by Bill Haley & the Comets, Time Is on My Side by the Rolling Stones, Love Me Two Times by the Doors, Old Time Rock & Roll by Bob Seger & the Silver Bullet Band, The Longest Time by Billy Joel, Good Times Roll by the Cars, Too Much Time on My Hands by Styx, Big Time by Peter Gabriel, Where Have All the Good Times Gone by the Kinks, Time for Me to Fly by REO Speedwagon, If I Could Turn Back Time by Cher, Wasted Time by the Eagles, Your Time Is Gonna Come by Led Zeppelin, Foreplay / Long Time by Boston, The Last Time by the Rolling Stones, Time to Move On by Tom Petty, Time Waits for No One by the Rolling Stones, Out of Time by the Rolling Stones, Three Times a Lady by the Commodores, Time by the Alan Parsons Project, Every time You Go Away by Paul Young, Ain't Wastin' Time No More by the Allman Brothers, Tulsa Time by Eric Clapton, Sign o' the Times by Prince, By the Time I Get to Phoenix by Glen Campbell, Long Time Gone by Crosby, Stills, Nash, & Young, How Many More Times by Led Zeppelin, Nothin' But a Good Time by Poison, Knock Three Times by Tony Orlando & Dawn, Time (Clock of the Heart) by Culture Club, The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face by Roberta Flack, This Time by Bryan Adams, Time Stand Still by Rush, Anytime at All by the Beatles, Killin' Time by Clint Black, No Time This Time by the Police, Party All the Time by Eddie Murphy, Remember the Time by Michael Jackson, Isn't It Time by the Babys, Bad Time by Grand Funk Railroad, Child in Time by Deep Purple, Only Time Will Tell by Asia, Time Is Running Out by Muse, This Time Tomorrow by the Kinks, Man Out of Time by Elvis Costello, King of the Night Time World by Kiss, Sour Times by Portishead, Comes a Time by Neil Young, Do That to Me One More Time by Captain & Tennille, Another Place Another Time by Jerry Lee Lewis, Where Have All the Good Times Gone by Elton John, Sea of Time by George Martin Orchestra, Get It Right the First Time by Billy Joel, I've Had the Time of My Life by Jennifer Warnes, The Times They Are A-Changin' by Bob Dylan, No Time by Guess Who, Time Won't Let Me by the Outsiders, Time of the Season by the Zombies, Time Machine by Grand Funk Railroad, Give Me Just a Little More Time by Chairmen of the Board, Time to Fly by Spirit, & Kashmir by Led Zeppelin.
submitted by anti-ZOG-sci-fry to u/anti-ZOG-sci-fry [link] [comments]


  1. Wildfire - Kolmården (Norrköping, Sweden)
  2. Formula Rossa - Ferrari World Abu Dhabi (Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates)
  3. Piraten - Djurs Sommerland (Nimtofte, Denmark)
  4. Cú Chulainn - Tayto Park (Ashbourne, Ireland)
  5. Smiler - Alton Towers (Alton, England)
  6. Grand National - Blackpool Pleasure Beach (Blackpool, England)
  7. Incredible Hulk - Universal Studios Islands of Adventure (Orlando, Florida)
  8. Jetline - Gröna Lund (Stockholm, Sweden)
  9. Euro Mir - Europa Park (Rust, Germany)
  10. Great Desert-Rally - Happy Valley Chengdu (Jinniu, China)
  11. Patriot - Worlds of Fun (Kansas City, Missouri)
  12. Thunderation - Silver Dollar City (Branson, Missouri)
  1. Fury 325 - Carowinds (Charlotte, North Carolina)
  2. Cyclone - Luna Park (Brooklyn, New York)
  3. Coaster Through the Clouds - Nanchang Wanda Park (Xinjian, China)
  4. Karacho - Erlebnispark Tripsdrill (Cleebronn, Germany)
  5. Phaethon - Gyeongju World (Gyeongju, South Korea)
  6. Switchback - ZDT’s Amusement Park (Seguin, Texas)
  7. Loch Ness Monster - Busch Gardens Williamsburg (Williamsburg, Virginia)
  8. Bat - Kings Island (Mason, Ohio)
  9. Winjas - Phantasialand (Brühl, Germany)
  10. Space Mountain - Magic Kingdom (Lake Buena Vista, Florida)
  11. Bombora - Lagoon (Farmington, Utah)
  12. Woodstock Express - Kings Island (Mason, Ohio)
  1. California Screamin’ - Disney California Adventure Park (Anaheim, California)
  2. Do-Dodonpa - Fuji-Q Highland (Fujiyoshida, Japan)
  3. Top Thrill Dragster - Cedar Point (Sandusky, Ohio)
  4. Ultimate - Lightwater Valley (Ripon, England)
  5. X2 - Six Flags Magic Mountain (Valencia, California)
  6. Crystal Wing - Happy Valley (Chaoyang, China)
  7. Expedition Everest - Disney’s Animal Kingdom (Lake Buena Vista, Florida)
  8. Titan - Six Flags Over Texas (Arlington, Texas)
  9. Space Mountain - Disneyland (Anaheim, California)
  10. Giant Dipper - Belmont Park (San Diego, California)
  11. Revenge of the Mummy the Ride - Universal Studios Hollywood (Universal City, California)
  12. Sierra Sidewinder - Knott’s Berry Farm (Buena Park, California)
  1. Lightning Rod - Dollywood (Pigeon Forge, Tennessee)
  2. Goliath - Six Flags Great America (Gurnee, Illinois)
  3. Prowler - Worlds of Fun (Kansas City, Missouri)
  4. Silver Star - Europa Park (Rust, Germany)
  5. Great Bear - Hersheypark (Hershey, Pennsylvania)
  6. Dominator - Kings Dominion (Doswell, Virginia)
  7. Manta - SeaWorld San Diego (San Diego, California)
  8. Poseidon - Europa Park (Rust, Germany)
  9. Apple Zapple - Kings Dominion (Doswell, Virginia)
  10. Teddy Bear - Stricker’s Grove (Ross, Ohio)
  11. Python - Efteling (Kaatsheuvel, The Netherland)
  12. Vild-Svinet - BonBon-Land (Holme-Olstrup, Denmark)
  1. El Toro - Six Flags Great Adventure (Jackson, New Jersey)
  2. Tatsu - Six Flags Magic Mountain (Valencia, California)
  3. Kumba - Busch Gardens Tampa (Tampa, Florida)
  4. Alpengeist - Busch Gardens Williamsburg (Williamsburg, Virginia)
  5. Giant Dipper - Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk (Santa Cruz, California)
  6. Revenge of the Mummy - Universal Studios Florida (Orlando, Florida)
  7. Parrot Coaster - Chimelong Ocean Kingdom (Xiangzhou, China)
  8. Ninja - Six Flags Magic Mountain (Valencia, California)
  9. InvadR - Busch Gardens Williamsburg (Williamsburg, Virginia)
  10. Rock ‘n’ Roller Coaster - Disney’s Hollywood Studios (Lake Buena Vista, Florida)
  11. Polar Explorer - Chimelong Ocean Kingdom (Xiangzhou, China)
  12. Jet Rescue - Sea World (Surfers Paradise, Australia)
  1. T Express - Everland (Yongin-si, South Korea)
  2. Kingda Ka - Six Flags Great Adventure (Jackson, New Jersey)
  3. Thunderbird - Holiday World (Santa Claus, Indiana)
  4. Banshee - Kings Island (Mason, Ohio)
  5. Valravn - Cedar Point (Sandusky, Ohio)
  6. Gravity Max - Lihpao Land (Houli Hsiang, Taiwan)
  7. Atlantis Adventure - Lotte World (Songpa-Gu, South Korea)
  8. Skull Mountain - Six Flags Great Adventure (Jackson, New Jersey)
  9. GaleForce - Playland’s Castaway Cove (Ocean City, New Jersey)
  10. Bandit Bomber - Yas Waterworld (Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates)
  11. Seven Dwarfs Mine Train - Magic Kingdom (Lake Buena Vista, Florida)
  12. Pipeline Express - Wild Water & Wheels (Peterborough, Canada)
  1. Expedition GeForce - Holiday Park (Hassloch, Germany)
  2. Troy - Toverland (Sevenum, The Netherlands)
  3. Galactica - Alton Towers (Alton, England)
  4. Monster - Walygator Parc (Maizières-les-Metz, France)
  5. Fluch von Novgorod - Hansa Park (Sierksdorf, Germany)
  6. Superman / la Atracción de Acero - Parque Warner Madrid (San Martín de la Vega, Spain)
  7. Flug der Dämonen - Heide Park Resort (Soltau, Germany)
  8. Oblivion - Alton Towers (Alton, England)
  9. Vliegende Hollander - Efteling (Kaatsheuvel, The Netherlands)
  10. Dragon’s Fury - Chessington World of Adventures (Chessington, England)
  11. Psyké Underground - Walibi Belgium (Wavre, Belgium)
  12. Colorado Adventure - Phantasialand (Brühl, Germany)
  1. Maverick - Cedar Point (Sandusky, Ohio)
  2. New Texas Giant - Six Flags Over Texas (Arlington, Texas)
  3. Mako - SeaWorld Orlando (Orlando, Florida)
  4. Renegade - Valleyfair! (Shakopee, Minnesota)
  5. Raptor - Gardaland (Castelnuovo del Garda, Italy)
  6. Shivering Timbers - Michigan’s Adventure (Muskegon, Michigan)
  7. SheiKra - Busch Gardens Tampa (Tampa Bay, Florida)
  8. FireChaser Express - Dollywood (Pigeon Forge, Tennessee)
  9. Nemesis Inferno - Thorpe Park (Chertsey, England)
  10. Tremors - Silverwood Theme Park (Athol, Idaho)
  11. Gemini - Cedar Point (Sandusky, Ohio)
  12. Skycar - Mysterious Island (Zhuhai, China)
  1. Twisted Colossus - Six Flags Magic Mountain (Valencia, California)
  2. Gold Striker - California’s Great America (Santa Clara, California)
  3. Cheetah Hunt - Busch Gardens Tampa (Tampa, Florida)
  4. Acrobat - Nagashima Spa Land (Nagashima, Japan)
  5. Diamondback - Kings Island (Mason, Ohio)
  6. Bizarro - Six Flags Great Adventure (Jackson, New Jersey)
  7. Tranan - Skara Sommarland (Skara, Sweden)
  8. Intimidator - Carowinds (Charlotte, North Carolina)
  9. Hydrus - Casino Pier (Seaside Heights, New Jersey)
  10. Vampire - Chessington World of Adventures (Chessington, England)
  11. The Walking Dead - The Ride - Thorpe Park (Chertsey, England)
  12. Jungle Flying Squirrel - Yichang Joy World (Wujiagang, China)
  1. Skyrush - Hersheypark (Hershey, Pennsylvania)
  2. Balder - Liseberg (Gothenburg, Sweden)
  3. Steel Dragon 2000 - Nagashima Spa Land (Nagashima, Japan)
  4. Red Force - Ferrari Land (Salou, Spain)
  5. Volcano, The Blast Coaster - Kings Dominion (Doswell, Virginia)
  6. Baron 1898 - Efteling (Kaatsheuvel, The Netherlands)
  7. Tennessee Tornado - Dollywood (Pigeon Forge, Tennessee)
  8. Hydra the Revenge - Dorney Park (Allentown, Pennsylvania)
  9. Flying Turns - Knoebels (Elysburg, Pennsylvania)
  10. Swarm - Thorpe Park (Surrey, England)
  11. Wave Breaker: The Rescue Coaster - SeaWorld San Antonio (San Antonio, Texas)
  12. American Eagle - Six Flags Great America (Gurnee, Illinois)
  1. Intimidator 305 - Kings Dominion (Doswell, Virginia)
  2. Mystic Timbers - Kings Island (Mason, Ohio)
  3. Hades 360 - Mt. Olympus Water & Theme Park (Wisconsin Dells, Wisconsin)
  4. Superman: Escape from Krypton - Six Flags Magic Mountain (Valencia, California)
  5. Apollo’s Chariot - Busch Gardens Williamsburg (Williamsburg, Virginia)
  6. Verbolten - Busch Gardens Williamsburg (Williamsburg, Virginia)
  7. Kraken - SeaWorld Orlando (Orlando, Florida)
  8. Tornado - Parque de Atracciones de Madrid (Madrid, Spain)
  9. Jungle Trailblazer - Oriental Heritage Wuhu (Jiujiang, China)
  10. Fahrenheit - Hersheypark (Hershey, Pennsylvania)
  11. Desert Race - Heide Park Resort (Soltau, Germany)
  12. Big One - Blackpool Pleasure Beach (Blackpool, England)
  1. Twisted Timbers - Kings Dominion (Doswell, Virginia)
  2. Black Mamba - Phantasialand (Brühl, Germany)
  3. Goliath - Six Flags Over Georgia (Austell, Georgia)
  4. Legend - Holiday World (Santa Claus, Indiana)
  5. Manta - SeaWorld Orlando (Orlando, Florida)
  6. X-Flight - Six Flags Great America (Gurnee, Illinois)
  7. Screamin’ Eagle - Six Flags St. Louis (Eureka, Missouri)
  8. New Revolution - Six Flags Magic Mountain (Valencia, California)
  9. Falken - Fårup Sommerland (Saltum, Denmark)
  10. Iron Dragon - Cedar Point (Sandusky, Ohio)
  11. Adventure Express - Kings Island (Mason, Ohio)
  1. Dragon Khan - PortAventura (Salou, Spain)
  2. Mine Blower - Fun Spot America (Kissimmee, Florida)
  3. Goliath - La Ronde (Montreal, Quebec)
  4. Phantom’s Revenge - Kennywood (West Mifflin, Pennsylvania)
  5. Mega-Lite - Happy Valley Shanghai (Songjiang, China)
  6. Flying Wing Coaster - Happy Valley Chongqing (Yubei, China)
  7. Flight Deck - California’s Great America (Santa Clara, California)
  8. Anubis: The Ride - Plopsaland De Panne (Adinkerke-De Plopsa, Belgium)
  9. Abyss - Adventure World (Bibra Lake, Australia)
  10. New Mexico Rattler - Cliff’s Amusement Park (Albuquerque, New Mexico)
  11. Maceraparest - Vialand (Istanbul, Turkey)
  12. Vicky The Ride - Plopsa Coo (Stavelot, Belgium)
  1. Superman the Ride - Six Flags New England (Agawam, Massachusetts)
  2. Ravine Flyer II - Waldameer (Erie, Pennsylvania)
  3. Soaring With Dragon - Hefei Wanda Theme Park (Baohe, China)
  4. Afterburn - Carowinds (Charlotte, North Carolina)
  5. GhostRider - Knott’s Berry Farm (Buena Park, California)
  6. Mind Bender - Six Flags Over Georgia (Austell, Georgia)
  7. Wooden Warrior - Quassy Amusement Park (Middlebury, Connecticut)
  8. OCT Thrust SSC1000 - Happy Valley Wuhan (Hongshan, China)
  9. Road Runner Express - Six Flags Fiesta Texas (San Antonio, Texas)
  10. Dare Devil Dive - Six Flags Over Georgia (Austell, Georgia)
  11. Mr. Freeze Reverse Blast - Six Flags St. Louis (Eureka, Missouri)
  12. Shamu Express - SeaWorld Orlando (Orlando, Florida)
  13. Steel Eel - SeaWorld San Antonio (San Antonio, Texas)
  1. DC Rivals HyperCoaster - Warner Bros. Movie World (Gold Coast, Australia)
  2. Outlaw Run - Silver Dollar City (Branson, Missouri)
  3. Xcelerator - Knott’s Berry Farm (Buena Park, California)
  4. TRON Lightcycle Power Run - Shanghai Disneyland (Pudong, China)
  5. Joris en de Draak - Efteling (Kaatsheuvel, The Netherlands)
  6. Talon - Dorney Park (Allentown, Pennsylvania)
  7. Oblivion: The Black Hole - Gardaland (Castelnuovo del Garda, Italy)
  8. Time Traveler - Silver Dollar City (Branson, Missouri)
  9. Gold Rush - Attractiepark Slagharen (Slagharen, The Netherlands)
  10. Thunder Dolphin - Tokyo Dome CIty (Bunkyo, Japan)
  11. Matterhorn Bobsleds - Disneyland (Anaheim, California)
  12. Pulsar - Walibi Belgium (Wavre, Belgium)
  1. Nemesis - Alton Towers (Alton, England)
  2. Iron Rattler - Six Flags Fiesta Texas (San Antonio, Texas)
  3. Beast - Kings Island (Mason, Ohio)
  4. Junker - PowerLand (Kauhava, Finland)
  5. Nitro - Six Flags Great Adventure (Jackson, New Jersey)
  6. Stealth - Thorpe Park (Chertsey, England)
  7. Shock Wave - Six Flags Over Texas (Arlington, Texas)
  8. White Lightning - Fun Spot America (Orlando, Florida)
  9. Krake - Heide Park Resort (Soltau, Germany)
  10. Georgia Scorcher - Six Flags Over Georgia (Austell, Georgia)
  11. Big Apple Coaster - New York, New York Hotel & Casino (Las Vegas, Nevada)
  12. Rollin’ Thunder - Park at OWA (Foley, Alabama)
  1. Helix - Liseberg (Gothenburg, Sweden)
  2. Katun - Mirabilandia (Savio, Italy)
  3. Wodan Timbur Coaster - Europa Park (Rust, Germany)
  4. Fly Over Mediterranean - Happy Valley Chengdu (Jinniu, China)
  5. Behemoth - Canada’s Wonderland (Vaughan, Ontario)
  6. Wild Eagle - Dollywood (Pigeon Forge, Tennessee)
  7. Mindbender - Galaxyland Amusement Park (Edmonton, Alberta)
  8. Battle of Jungle King - Hefei Wanda Theme Park (Baohe, China)
  9. Star Trek: Operation Enterprise - Movie Park Germany (Bottrop, Germany)
  10. Cornball Express - Indiana Beach (Monticello, Indiana)
  11. Great Pumpkin Coaster - Kings Dominion (Doswell, Virginia)
  1. Storm Chaser - Kentucky Kingdom (Louisville, Kentucky)
  2. Swamp Fox - Family Kingdom Amusement Park (Myrtle Beach, South Carolina)
  3. Pyrenees - Parque España-Shima Spain Village (Shima, Japan)
  4. Jungle Dragon - Happy Valley Chongqing (Yubei, China)
  5. Light Speed - Visionland (Yufeng, China)
  6. Riddler’s Revenge - Six Flags Magic Mountain (Valencia, California)
  7. Superman Escape - Warner Bros. Movie World (Gold Coast, Australia)
  8. Furius Baco - PortAventura Park (Salou, Spain)
  9. Colossus The Fire Dragon - Lagoon (Farmington, Utah)
  10. Mamba - Worlds of Fun (Kansas City, Missouri)
  11. Diving Machine G5 - Janfusun Fancyworld (Koo-Kung Hsiang, Taiwan)
  12. Animal Coaster - Jawa Timur Park 2 (Batu, Indonesia)
  1. Wicked Cyclone - Six Flags New England (Agawam, Massachusetts)
  2. Phoenix - Knoebels (Elysburg, Pennsylvania)
  3. Starry Sky Ripper - Joyland (Wujin, China)
  4. Tornado - Särkänniemi Amusement Park (Tampere, Finland)
  5. Full Throttle - Six Flags Magic Mountain (Valencia, California)
  6. Superman Krypton Coaster - Six Flags Fiesta Texas (San Antonio, Texas)
  7. Vortex - Canada’s Wonderland (Vaughan, Ontario)
  8. Space Fantasy The Ride - Universal Studios Japan (Konohana, Japan)
  9. Motorbike Roller Coaster - Happy World (Pukou, China)
  10. Wild Thing - Valleyfair! (Shakopee, Minnesota)
  11. Saw: The Ride - Thorpe Park (Chertsey, England)
  1. Schwur des Kärnan - Hansa Park (Sierksdorf, Germany)
  2. Coaster - Playland (Vancouver, British Columbia)
  3. Lech Coaster - Legendia (Chorzów, Poland)
  4. Quimera - La Feria Chapultepec Magico (Mexico City, Mexico)
  5. Wild Train - Fantasiana (Strasswalchen, Austria)
  6. Tornado - Bakken (Klampenborg, Denmark)
  7. Tower of Terror - Gold Reef City (Johannesburg, South Africa)
  8. Drage Kongen - Djurs Sommerland (Nimtofte, Denmark)
  9. Cobra - Conny-Land (Lipperswil, Switzerland)
  10. Wooden Coaster - Fireball - Happy Valley Shanghai (Songjiang, China)
  11. Lynet - Fårup Sommerland (Saltum, Denmark)
  12. Timber Terror - Silverwood Theme Park (Athol, Idaho)
  1. Shambhala - PortAventura Park (Salou, Spain)
  2. blue fire Megacoaster - Europa Park (Rust, Germany)
  3. Flying Aces - Ferrari World Abu Dhabi (Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates)
  4. Alpina Blitz - Nigloland (Dolancourt, France)
  5. Silver Bullet - Knott’s Berry Farm (Buena Park, California)
  6. Dinoconda - China Dinosaurs Park (Xinbei, China)
  7. Lightning Racer - Hersheypark (Hershey, Pennsylvania)
  8. Shock - Rainbow MagicLand (Valmontone, Italy)
  9. Formula - Energylandia (Zator, Poland)
  10. Juvelen - Djurs Sommerland (Nimtofte, Denmark)
  11. Altair - Cinecittà World (Rome, Italy)
  12. Supersonic Odyssey - Berjaya Times Square Theme Park (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia)
  1. Millennium Force - Cedar Point (Sandusky, Ohio)
  2. Wood Coaster - Knight Valley (Yantain, China)
  3. Battlestar Galactica - Universal Studios Singapore (Sentosa, Singapore)
  4. Nefeskesen - Vialand (Istanbul, Turkey)
  5. Superman el Último Escape - Six Flags Mexico (Mexico City, Mexico)
  6. Big Grizzly Mountain Runaway Mine Cars - Hong Kong Disneyland (Islands, China)
  7. Speed: No Limits - Oakwood Theme Park (Narberth, Wales)
  8. Bullet - Selva Mágica (Guadalajara, Mexico)
  9. Comet - Great Escape (Queensbury, New York)
  10. Nitro - Adlabs Imagica (Khopoli, India)
  11. Orkanen - Fårup Sommerland (Saltum, Denmark)
  12. Insane - Gröna Lund (Stockholm, Sweden)
  13. Han-Katten - BonBon-Land (Holme-Olstrup, Denmark)
  1. Voyage - Holiday World (Santa Claus, Indiana)
  2. Medusa Steel Coaster - Six Flags Mexico (Mexico City, Mexico)
  3. Anaconda - Gold Reef City (Johannesburg, South Africa)
  4. Eejanaika - Fuji-Q Highland (Fujiyoshida, Japan)
  5. Jungle Storm - Chakazoolu Indoor Theme Park (Sanabis, Bahrain)
  6. Takabisha - Fuji-Q Highland (Fujiyoshida, Japan)
  7. Big Thunder Mountain Railroad - Disneyland (Anaheim, California)
  8. Boardwalk Bullet - Kemah Boardwalk (Kemah, Texas)
  9. Dwervelwind - Toverland (Sevenum, The Netherlands)
  10. Steel Force - Dorney Park (Allentown, Pennsylvania)
  11. Divertical - Mirabilandia (Savio, Italy)
  12. Lost Coaster of Superstition Mountain - Indiana Beach (Monticello, Indiana)
  1. Boulder Dash - Lake Compounce (Bristol, Connecticut)
  2. Flash - Lewa Adventure (Jingyang, China)
  3. Python in Bamboo Forest - Nanchang Wanda Park (Xinjian, China)
  4. OzIris - Parc Astérix (Plailly, France)
  5. Time Travel - Hot Go Park - Happy Jungle World (Fushun, China)
  6. Storm Runner - Hersheypark (Hershey, Pennsylvania)
  7. Lisebergbanan - Liseberg (Gothenburg, Sweden)
  8. Magnum XL-200 - Cedar Point (Sandusky, Ohio)
  9. Velociraptor - IMG Worlds of Adventure (Dubai, United Arab Emirates)
  10. Dragon Coaster - Playland Park (Rye, New York)
  11. Wildfire - Silver Dollar City (Branson, Missouri)
  12. Madagascar Mad Pursuit - Motiongate (Dubai, United Arab Emirates)
  1. Leviathan - Canada’s Wonderland (Vaughan, Ontario)
  2. iSpeed - Mirabilandia (Savio, Italy)
  3. Thunderhead - Dollywood (Pigeon Forge, Tennessee)
  4. Kawasemi - Tobu Zoo Park (Minami, Japan)
  5. Speed Monster - TusenFryd (Vinterbro, Norway)
  6. Dauling Dragon - Happy Valley Wuhan (Hongshan, China)
  7. Lightning Run - Kentucky Kingdom (Louisville, Kentucky)
  8. Lost Gravity - Walibi Holland (Biddinghuizen, The Netherlands)
  9. Cobra’s Curse - Busch Gardens Tampa (Tampa, Florida)
  10. Flying Dinosaur - Universal Studios Japan (Konohana, Japan)
  11. Monster - Adventureland (Altoona, Iowa)
  12. GateKeeper - Cedar Point (Sandusky, Ohio)
  13. Freischütz - Bayern Park (Reisbach, Germany)
  14. Storm - Etnaland (Belpasso, Italy)
  15. V2: Vertical Velocity - Six Flags Discovery Kingdom (Vallejo, California)
  16. Cheetah - Wild Adventures (Valdosta, Georgia)
  1. Montu - Busch Gardens Tampa (Tampa, Florida)
  2. Impulse - Knoebels (Elysburg, Pennsylvania)
  3. Bullet Coaster - Happy Valley Shenzhen (Nanshan, China)
  4. Poltergeist - Six Flags Fiesta Texas (San Antonio, Texas)
  5. Hollywood Dream: The Ride - Universal Studios Japan (Konohana, Japan)
  6. Crazy Car - Happy Valley Wuhan (Hongshan, China)
  7. Wicked Twister - Cedar Point (Sandusky, Ohio)
  8. Mammut - Erlebnispark Tripsdrill (Cleebronn, Germany)
  9. Fjord Flying Dragon - Happy Valley Tianjin (Dongli, China)
  10. Medusa - Six Flags Discovery Kingdom (Vallejo, California)
  1. Taron - Phantasialand (Brühl, Germany)
  2. Goliath - Walibi Holland (Biddinghuizen, The Netherlands)
  3. Joker - Six Flags Discovery Kingdom (Vallejo, California)
  4. Cannibal - Lagoon (Farmington, Utah)
  5. Raptor - Cedar Point (Sandusky, Ohio)
  6. Rampage - Alabama Splash Adventures (Bessemer, Alabama)
  7. Scream! - Six Flags Magic Mountain (Valencia, California)
  8. Raven - Holiday World (Santa Claus, Indiana)
  9. Flight of Fear - Kings Island (Mason, Ohio)
  10. Pandemonium - Six Flags New England (Agawam, Massachusetts)
  11. Tempesto - Busch Gardens Williamsburg (Williamsburg, Virginia)
  12. Wonder Mountain’s Guardian - Canada’s Wonderland (Vaughan, Ontario)
I hear the Google Doc hasn't updated for some users so here's the complete(?) lineups
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