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In 2017 I sold 100 BTC (and BCH) for 1.5M dollars USD – Some thoughts

Since we are in a bull run (the big one?) I thought I might share some reflections. I’m seeing a lot of newcomers (welcome!) as well as some sophomore types with questions, ideas, admonitions, and the like. Pull up a chair, I've been around these parts for a while. And if anyone starts in with the "but yr account is only 2 years old" bullshit... come on, use your head.
First off, as Ecclesiastes 1:9 states:
What has been will be again,
what has been done will be done again;
there is nothing new under the sun.
Over the last 7 years I have seen all these questions about what to do, these statements of selling, and others commenting how stupid and ignorant anyone who sells “right now” must be. People have called me a fucking moron for daring to part with some of my bitcoin, or argued with me that I don’t understand what I did. They are sad people (jealous? myopic? entitled? I still don’t know what they are trying to prove.)
Secondly: I’m certain a number of you will not believe my story. That is your right. I will not provide tx-id’s or any other form of proof. I just ask that you look at my post history and ponder – either this guy made up a story several years ago and stuck to it, posting every so often between /bitcoin and /financialindependence for magic internet points or maybe he is telling the truth. Seriously; if you doubt my story look at the post history and see if that helps, if not… so be it.
If you care about the deeper parts of my story, and the lively debates/admonitions/disbelievers check out my previous posts:
Short basics
More details / 1 year retired reflections
2yr retired reflections
Selling, Taxes, Coinbase
The story
I got into bitcoin back in 2013 or so, reading about it and really going down the rabbit hole. I am a scientist, and it is my nature to go deep on things of interest. One thing I learned in my graduate studies was “how to learn” (how to research). For you whippersnappers – that means more than Google and YouTube. So I learned, I read, I watched interviews, I set up a node, I mined shitcoins to understand how that worked (and traded them for bitcoin in the end.) Nobody I knew was into bitcoin, and nobody would listen to me about it. I tried to get my brother interested. I tried to get a tech friend interested. Both of them agreed it was “interesting” but not enough to acquire any bitcoin (this was around the time of bitcoin being just under $1k, before it dropped for several years post MtGox meltdown). So I carried on alone, with just the interwebs to console me.
In 2017 when bitcoin hit $4,000 or so, I sold 40 - enough to pay off my mortgage and cover my original costs to acquire all my holdings (avg sale price $4320). If bitcoin ate shit and died, I had a good ride, and had a paid off house to boot. I think it was a week or two later that it was $8,000. Then soon after it almost hit $20k and started dropping. I didn’t panic, but I woke up in mid-December and my brain screamed “don’t be greedy” to me. I listened to my brain and sold 60 BTC at around $15.6k each. Additionally, as I had my coins on Coinbase, when they opened trading for BCH in late December I dumped them within the first hour for around $3550 each. When all was said and done I had made somewhere near 1.5M USD.
If you have questions about how much I paid in taxes, how I moved the money, if my bank gave a shit (spoiler: they did not) etc. it’s covered in this post with details asked in the comments. You also get to see people tell me I am wrong, so there’s that fun as well.
I kept the rest of my BTC, and watched the price shrink down over the next couple years. I wondered if I had made a mistake by not cashing out, missed my “big chance for maxxx profits” or whatever, but it didn’t really matter that much because a few months after I made the initial money and paid my taxes, I fucking retired. Yes, as of almost 3 years ago, I retired. It wasn’t only because of the bitcoin – I had saved money, had a 401k, and an IRA. I was on my way to a modest retirement somewhere in my 50’s or so if I wanted it, but then BOOM, I had a huge nest egg, a paid off house, other savings, and additional bitcoin for the future. Cool. kthxbye work world!
I have spent the last 3 years leisurely pursuing my own things like art and music, woodworking, collage, gardening along with sleeping in and lots of meditation and porch dwelling. There have been several small tragedies in my life since then (parents in poor health, for one) and so I have been able to tend to that more so than I could if I was working. Being retired has given me so many options and so much control over my life. I love it.
Some of you might be thinking something along the lines of - Now here we are…bitcoin is worth $40k so roughly speaking this guy (me) “lost out” so far on about 2.4M after taxes. There’s also the fact that if I had kept working these last 3 years I would have additional income/savings that I could have invested so let’s round up to 3M after taxes, assuming I sold the 100 BTC now and the BCH immediately (I’m not a fan, and actually am surprised it didn’t die). How do I feel about losing out on $3M (and counting)? Honestly, not particularly bad.
Here’s the deal – when you get to a certain point in your net worth, where you can cover your costs for your lifestyle and more (and this number is different for everyone, for me I’m really chill, so no lambo interests) the money sort of converts itself into a score like on a video game. I can look back and think “oh man, 3 million fucking dollars more! Oh shit!” but do I lose sleep over it? No. Do I kick myself? Not really. My score is lower than it could have been… but in return, I got to help a friend die peacefully, I helped another friend pivot his business, I moved to a new city and bought a cool house (still own the old one as a rental, but maybe not for much longer), and I get to wake up every day and do exactly what I want to do (minus covid issues). It’s really nice to be out of the rat race. It suits me well. I know now that I could have made more - but at the time I had no clue, and there is something to be said for the comfort of the sure thing.
My base take is this – we only have so much time on this planet, and I’d like to maximize my control (vs. my wealth) as much as possible. It would be hard to imagine reliving the last 3 years with a full time job, and I don’t care to dwell on what might have been. I hit my retirement number (1.5x my number + remaining BTC) and GTFO of the system. That money has grown in the funds I put it into, and I never touch principle. My remaining bitcoin became and remain gravy and I plan on hodling until it doesn’t make sense anymore. My advice to all of you is to do your research, know your game plan for selling (I didn’t really have a solid one, honestly), be excellent to each other, and live that life. Ignore the noise – from nosy people in internet forums, from grouchy jealous jerkoffs, etc. This is your deal.
I’m happy to answer any questions. Hope you found this interesting.
submitted by FIRE_and_forget_it to Bitcoin [link] [comments]

Basic Guide on how to configure your: interface, gameplay & graphics settings, ability bars and combat fundamentals.


Hello There! Today i want to share with you a guide i’ve been making for the last couple months. The purpose of this guide is helping out new, returning and even veteran players navigate the user interface menu, the gameplay and graphics settings, along helping out new players configure their very own ability bars; wether they're in F2P or Member worlds and, help them undertand some of the fundamentals behind them, all that information who sometimes can get a little overwhelming due the sheer amount of it.
"This is the default" new player interface" (image credits: The RS Wiki)".
With that being said, this guide contains a couple of “Cheatsheets” along the way, carefully designed to contain as much information and visual examples as possible in order to enrich and make each section of this guide easier to understand. Now, without further ado, let’s get right into it.


Undoubtedly, one of the most important things of any game; regardless of its genre, is the user interface, as this is where all your controls, buttons and vital information is found. As a new RuneScape player, you’re welcomed with a rather confusing interface where Everything seems to be all over the place (as seen on the image above) without clear indication of what it does.
The majority of the time, when you arrive as a fresh player, the first hour or so is spent on “figuring out” what everything does by trial and error and, by the end of it, you end up even more confused, and with plenty of time invested.
Now, if you take a look at the First Cheatsheet below, you’ll notice there’s a lot of windows and information scattered all over the place, but don’t be afraid as i’ll guide you through them in the next couple of paragraphs.
"This is a general overview of your user interface and its many windows".

To get things started, you’ll need to focus your attention to the “Main Chatbox window” (that adorable yellow window on the corner of the cheatsheet), here you’ll be Reading all the information displayed in game, be it a Goblin Examine text, your friends flexing their Chickens Killcount, an in-game annoucnement, a rare drop, a skill level up or a message telling you about how you burnt those shrimps (again). This is where all of the wordplay comes alive, but don’t fret about receiving lots of spam because you can filter those messages by clicking on the first button of this handy header bar; for more information about these icons, refer to the mini-cheatsheet below
"Here's the magic behind the Chat Message filters".
Returning to the Yellow Window, there you can also drag and drop your friend’s, group or clan chat windows, the cool thing about it is that you can configure it to your heart’s content and see what works best for your playstyle; wether if you want to have only your friends chat window, or if you prefer to talk to your clan, the choice is yours.

Moving on, we have the Green and Purple windows, where you can see your Main Action Bar (who might be minimized, so click on the top right yellow icon to maximize it) alongside your Auxiliary action bars (more on that later, I promise), to not delve too much into what these action bars do, they allow you to cast your combat abilities, use items directly from them (if they have an associated keybind) use prayers/ancient curses to help you in combat and even use teleports to different locations. Sounds amazing right? That’s why it’s recommended to have these windows on the center of your screen and in your line of sight.

The Blue window contains your inventory, which also contains your items; such as food, potions, Weapon Switches, Logs, Raw fish and all those burnt shrimps you made earlier (yum!), this window should also be within your line of sight in order to keep track of all the items you’re carrying.

The Red window is equally important as it serves as an expansion for both your inventory; if you’re using a "beast of burden" familiar, or your ability spellbooks; if you’re not using a familiar. As you make your way through the game, you’ll unlock a wide array of useful familiars (through the Summoning Skill) which can help you with your skilling (by offering invisible boosts), with combat (by offering Passive abilities and Powerful special attacks) and, some of them are sworn to carry your burdens (namely the Terrorbirds, War Tortoise, Pack Yak and Pack Mammoths, known as Beasts of Burden), the latter can help you bring extra food to your Bossing trips, or even help you stay longer at certain skilling spots, so you can stay there a bit longer without needing to visit your bank as often.
You can customize your familiar options by right clicking on the Summoning Medallion (That Blue Icon with a Wolf Head). When you’re not using a familiar, switch to the other tabs, as these will help you use abilities you couldn’t include in your main action bars. If you’re not doing any of the above, then drag and drop the Music tab here, that way you can enjoy some amazing tracks while you play (and i can’t stress this enough, give the RuneScape OST a try, is really, really, really worth a listen, after all it contains Sea Shanty 2, what else could you ask for!?).

The small Mint Green window is your ribbon bar, here you can unlock your interface (by clicking on the little lock icon) and this will let you re-arrange the interface windows to your liking, on the cheatsheet you can see a standard “Bottom right corner” style, which isn’t too terrible and a good foundation to change and improve progressively throughout your playthrough.

The Orange window contains your Skills levels, Prayers/Ancient curses (useful when you’re in combat) and your Drop log/RuneMetrics stats, which helps you keep track of your items or damage/XP. During cerain Minigames or Treasure trails, the interface also goes here, so it helps you out by keeping track of those interfaces in a comfortable spot.

The Light blue window just above the orange one is your equipment window, here you can see a mini-you version of your character alongside the items you have currently equipped.

Finally, the Golden window on the upper right corner displays the minimap, here you can see where you stand in the current area. And it helps you change skyboxes, filters, open the world hop interface (if you want to switch to a more active/quiet world) and Teleport to the various Lodestones you have unlocked. Once again, make sure you right click every single icon here, you’ll find plenty of useful and cool options to try out.

Now, leaving all these interface windows to the side, there’s a useful tool known as the “Developer console”, which can be accessed by pressing the Keys [Alt] + [¬] (the key on the left of the number 1 key and below the ESC key) or the keys [Option] + [< >] if you’re using a MAC computer.
The purpose of the Developer console is to display some performance information of your game, like the amount of FPS you’re getting, how much memory is the game consuming, how much of the Game Disk Cache has been downloaded; and if the game’s still downloading the cache files, and Finally, it shows your ping.
In order for the Developer console to display all that information, you’ll need to type one of the following commands, keep in mind these are typed without spaces or caps:
Command Action
commands Lists available commands.
help Lists available commands.
cls Clears the developer console screen.
displayfps Toggles the frames per second (FPS) counter and alll information above-mentioned.
displayfpsfull Toggles the same data of the previous command, but adds expandable graphs.
displayfpssmall Only toggles you FPS counter without any extra information
renderer Shows information about your graphic card renderer and its capabilities
getcamerapos Showls the location and the direction of the game camera; mostly used in bug reports.
deletejs5caches Deletes the ENTIRE game cache, you will need to redownload all of it once again if you delete it.
enablesnow Enables the snow particle effect in the developer console.
disablesnow Disables the snow effect.
If you type the command a second time, the information window will be hidden and, in order to close the developer console, just click the same combination of keys used to open it.


All of those windows shown on the bottom half of the Cheatsheet above, represent a different interface that will appear in the game at some point; like your bank interface, dialogue windows, xp counters, achievements, level up progress icons, loot interface, and many more. The arrangement showcased in the cheatsheet is just an example aimed to make each of these windows easier to find.
You can resize some of these windows and re-locate them to an specific spot that suits your playstyle. Once you are done make sure to click [SAVE AND EXIT] and then on the [SAVE LAYOUT] option select the Custom interface of your choosing; called [MY CUSTOM 1/2/3/ETC], this way you can have multiple layouts for different activities.
In order to access the layout windows editor, you just need to click the ESC key and click on the [EDIT LAYOUT MODE] option, from there, click the [ADVANCED OPTIONS] button, and check the various windows you want to display, overall it’s just a matter of resizing and rearranging them to your heart’s content.


You may have seen a couple of amazing screenshots on the subreddit or the Steam community page, yes, those screenshots that are “wallpaper worthy” and take your breath away. In order to make your PC run in such a beautiful fashion, you will need to understand what each setting does and how it impacts the game performance; because as you’d might expect, higher graphics can take a heavy toll on your PC, and in some old laptops, they can even match your frying pan’s temperature (ideal for some shrimp cooking/burning).
By default, and once you run the game for the first time, it will run an “Auto Setup” to determine which option works best for your PC, however, you may still want to customize a couple of settings here and there, as some of these options may only provide minimal improvements at the expense of a smoother performance. On the following Cheatsheet, i’ll explain all of these options in detail alongside some visual examples.
The Current available screen resolutions are: [950 x 540], [1920 x 1080] and [2560 x 1440], the [Fullscreen mode] will use the entire area of the screen and, [Windowed] mode, will let you resize the game window to your liking.
"Here's where you can configure your graphics to look as good as they can, or optimize the performance of your PC by lowering them".
One of the most impactful settings on the game is the [DRAW DISTANCE]; which can be helpful on some Bossing arenas (like Solak, Nex: Angel of Death, Raids, Araxxor, Elite Dungeons and The Wilderness; to see potential attackers on the horizon), paired with a camera set on [FREEDOM - CLASSIC] mode, will let you see your target’s a lot more clearly. Overall, i’d recommend something like Medium or High depending on your PC specs. But, If you have a bottlenecked PC or laptop, choose the lower setting.
  • Vsync
[Vsync] or Vertical Synchronization, will help you prevent screen tearing in your game by matching the frame rate of the game and your monitor refresh rate, for this feature keep in mind the following: if you set your game at 120 FPS but only have a 60 Hz monitor, you won’t be able to see any extra FPS, but, if you were to play on a 144Hz monitor, you will be able to see those 120 FPS. [Here's a quick video about this topic].
On the other hand, [Antialiasing quality], will help you produce a smoother image quality, but, for the most part, this feature won’t be really noticeable unless you zoom your camera very close, and given how impactful this setting is, it’s adviced to turn it off if you’re having performance issues.
The [Antialiasing mode] included in the game are the high performance option [FXAA] which is slightly less taxing than the [MSAA] option; which consumes a bit more of resources, and the combination of [FXAA+MSAA] which makes certain objects in the game blurry.
The next couple of settings are [Lighting detail] and [Bloom], in the most essential sense of the word, these settings will only help you produce a more realistic image, by simulating accurate light bounces on a specific areas and objects and “Enhancing light sources" (like suns, moons, fires and lava), keep in mind tho, the latter can be pretty aggresive to the eyes, so use moderately.
[Anisotropic Filtering], what this setting does is add a little more of detail to far away objects by making them sharper the higher this filter goes, for instance, if set to [OFF], far off textures will look slightly blurry, whereas in a high setting [16x] these far off textures will look sharper and nicer. In a similar fashion to Draw distance, if the game performance starts to dwindle down, it’s recommended to set this setting to OFF.
Your [Foreground FPS], will define the amount of FPS your game will output and, like mentioned in the [Vsync] setting paragraph, one must take the Monitor refresh rate (Hz) into consideration when setting the amount of FPS desired. Similarly, the [Background FPS] should be set to a low number, because this is the amount of FPS you game will run at when you’re not actively playing the game (or in other words, when the game is running in the background while you "AFK").
The [Interface Scaling Setting] is mainly used for bigger monitors where your interface may look small, the higher this setting, the bigger your interface will be displayed at.
The game [Shadows] setting is pretty self explanatory, as it will display the environment shadows of a particular area. Disabling this setting will make the game look “flat” and slightly similar to the Oldschool RuneScape graphics. it is also suggested to disable this setting if you’re experiencing performance issues.
The [Shadow Quality] on the other hand, will only work if you have enabled the in game shadows and this setting will help define their “sharpness”, with [ULTRA] being the better looking one, or [LOW] which makes them slightly “blurrier”. The shadows setting can be somewhat taxing to your PC or Laptop, so disable this setting if you’re experiencing a poor performance.
Depending on your personal preference, you can either enable the game [Loading Screens] or just disable them entirely.
[Terrain Blending] is, in simple terms, a setting that allows the different floor textures to “blend together” in order to make them more fluid, if this setting is turned OFF, Textures will automatically get disabled aswell.
The [Smooth Camera Fade] is a setting only visible when certain objects get “cut” by your camera zoom; like walls, trees, rocks, buildings, etc.], the purpose of this setting is to “smoothen” the look of these cut objects, but other than that, it doesn’t really change anything important.
[Mouse over entity highlights] this setting consists of an “outline” that appears around anything “clickable” when hovering the cursor over it. Depending on the object (item/npc/players/etc.), it will appear as a different colour, e.g: for the majority of NPC’s, it will appear as a Yellow outline, for interactable objects like Fishing Spots, Trees, Archaeology Hotspots, etc, the outline colour will be Cyan, on the other hand attackable NPC’s will glow with a Red outline when clicked.
[Remove roofs] is a setting that will remove the roofing and first floors from the buildings in the game, you can either set it to [ALL] to remove it from all buildings, or [SELECTIVELY] to remove them only after entering these buildings.
[Water detail] in short, the [LOW] setting makes the water look like a flat surface, without reflections or depth and it gets progressively "realistic" by adding more reflectivity: [MEDIUIM] to [ULTRA], keep in mind this setting is also taxing, so adjust according to your preference.
[Ambient occlusion] simply put, this setting determines how much lighting should a space have depending on its features in order to make it more realistic. [SSAO] (Screen Space) is the least demanding, while [HBAO] (Horizon Based) has a higher performance hit. [OFF] would be the best option if you don’t mind losing this little feature in order to maximize the performance.
[Textures] this setting only has two options available, with those being [OFF] and [Compressed], disabling textures in the game will make everything look like a mesh of polygons without depth or detail, therefore, this can also greatly improve the performance of your game.
[Volumetric Light], this setting adds more realism to light emitting sources on certain skyboxes (like the suns or moons); similar to the Bloom setting, this feature depends, mostly, on personal preference and only if the brighter effects are desired.
[Game rendering Scaling] the higher this setting goes, the higher the overall image quality will look, however, this can be somewhat taxing for your computer. On the other hand, a lower setting will make the overall image quality look blurred out, but will increase the performance. Therefore, it’s recommended to leave this setting at 100% and adjust based on your performance and preference.
[Custom Cursors] to keep it simple, these custom cursors are the iconic RuneScape icons displayed when hovering your mouse over literally anything in the game, like the attack icons, the food icons, the “use item” icon, among others.
[Ground decoration], the purpose of this setting is to add more elements to certain areas of the game to make it more “rich looking”, things like Grass, Pebbles, Flowers, etc, are added to the ground.
[Depth of field], this setting is often seen in photography, and what it does in RuneScape is blur far off objects in order to make them look less “Sharp” on the horizon and, provide a more pleasant effect. Keep in mind tho, this setting is only available if you have your draw distance setting on [ULTRA] or [HIGH].
In short terms [Tree canopy fade] will fade out any and all Tree canopies around the character, in order to prevent the canopies from obstructing the visibility of the character.
  • Futher information about the graphics settings
If you'd like to learn more about these settings, check out the following RS Wiki Link.
"All videos linked on this section belong to their respective authors, if you liked their content, consider subscribing to their channels, I do not take any credit on the content displayed and, my only goal is to provide useful information to new, returning and veteran player audiences".


Finally, now that your user interface is stablished and, you understand what each of the graphical settings does in your game, let's move on to the Combat abilities and their fundamentals.
Keep in mind though, the ability bars shown on the cheatsheet require some levelling up and questing in order to fully unlock their potential and, as a new player, you'll have access to their "lesser variants" but, as you level up, these lesser variants will be replaced by the actual abilities.
Anyways, i highly recommend one of your early goals in the game becomes unlocking as many combat abilities as you can by levelling up and doing your quests, as these ability bars will allow you to get into bossing later on.
Quest Lists Description
[Quests currently available] There are a total of 229 quests with 40 free and 189 members-only quests
[Quest skill requirements] Breakdown by skills
[Quest Completion Order] This is a guide including the best order to complete your quests according to your levels
[Quest series] Includes all series and plotlines
[Items & misc. rewards] Useful and convenient items
[Experience Rewards] Good to achieve those extra levels
[Quest walkthrough YT playlist] [Created by: ImSikovit]
There's a couple of abilities you can unlock naturally while levelling up (as shown on the cheatsheet) and some of these are exclusive to a certain combat style and weapons (namely Two-Handed and Dual Wield Weapons), some of these abilities are unlocked by doing quests, and some of these are bought at the Grand Exchange or from other players, but some may be more expensive than others, [so always do your research on the current market prices], ALWAYS, DO, YOUR, RESEARCH before buying or selling items, because some prices shown in the Grand Exchange or Trade Offer price window may not be 100% accurate, specially for new or low volume items.
"Getting to know your abilities, and your ability bars".
You may notice these bars are “Revolution bars”, but what is Revolution Mode? Well, in the most basic sense of the word, Revo will automatically trigger your combat abilities as soon as they become available, going from left to right, and after the Global Cooldown has lapsed.
However, there's 3 ways of using the Revolution combat mode, you can customize if you want Revo to activate your Basic, Threshold or Ultimate abilities in the combat settings menu (more on that later):
  1. The first one is used if you want to cast your Threshold abilities manually (making combat slightly more engaging), this means, Revolution will only activate your basic abilities (inside the yellow outline), any Threshold ability included inside this yellow outline won’t get activated as you will need to activate it yourself.
  2. The second one, is allowing Revolution to use Threshold and Basic Abilities, This method is preferred in order to let the game do its own thing while you just manage your HP Points, Prayer Points, Prayers or curses and manually activate your Ultimate Abilities.
  3. The final method is letting Revolution activate all kind of abilities automatically without any kind of manual input, however, sticking to this combat mode of Revolution can make it harder for you to progress further into “Full Manual” later on.
On that note, Revolution Mode exclusively for basics is quite good and a perfect middle ground as its learning curve should prove engaging and exciting, while also making room for improvement in the long run and transitioning into full manual.
With enough practice you'll reach a point where you may want to actively use all your basics abilities and jump naturally into full manual or, you could keep using revolution for basics whilst you activate some of the basics and threshold abilities yourself. Invariably, it really depends on your playstyle but keep this in mind:
“There is no correct way of playing RuneScape, there's just efficient methods, but even these keep changing and evolving over time, that's the true beauty of the game. It's an ever evolving game that you can play any way you want.”
[Alrighty then, with that being said, feel free to try out all of your abilities and build some ability bars, step by step, little by little].
On a similar topic, you have the Global Cooldown, which is divided in 3 sections (as shown in the Cheatsheet GCD Diagram), and the Ability Queueing.
With [ABILITY QUEUEING] enabled (in your Combat Settings), you can hit any Ability anywhere within the #1 and #2 Global Cooldown sectors; shown above, and it will fire once the GCD is done (you’ll know it’s done once all of your abilities “blink”).
If you were to cast your abilities once the GCD is at the beginning of Sector #3, and you had [ABILITY QUEUEING] enabled, your abilities will fire automatically without being queued.
Without [ABILITY QUEUEING], in order to fire your abilities you’ll need to cast them once the GCD timer is at the end of Sector #2 (or 2/3 of the way), as this will make your abilities fire once the GCD ends.


Dual Wield Weapons are worn with both hands, Main Hand and Off-Hand, also, all shields and defenders are always worn in the Off-Hand Slot.

  • For melee the difference is quite simple:
2H swords help with AOE (Area of effect abilities) with Halberds being the absolute best 2h weapons to kill various mobs of monsters.
"Quick diagram about weapons area of effect damage and Bakriminel Bolts".

  • For ranged, the difference lies in the type of ammunition each weapon can use:
2H Bows & Longbows use arrows and some special bows (dubbed chargebows) generate their own ammunition, so you don't have to worry about it.
There's also "Shieldbows", who allow the usage of defensive abilities aswell as offensive abilities.
On the other hand, 2H Crossbows use bolts instead of arrows and this opens up a lot of cool bolts called Bakriminel bolts, which can be enchanted in order to activate some amazing and useful effects.
These bolts are what make 2H Crossbows a better pick than 2H Bows, as there's no special arrows for these Weapons; besides the "Blackstone Arrows", that applies a defense debuff to the target for 12 minutes or until it gets defeated.
On a similar note to DW Melee, Defenders (called reprisers for their ranged variant) help a lot with weapon switching, but also it benefits from a weapon called mechanized chinchompa, which makes each ability an AOE ability.

  • For the Magic weapons:
Mage follows the same rules but the 2H weapons are called Staves, on Mage's case, there's no big difference on the AOE damage abilities as both 2H and DW share the same ones (with a difference in certain thresholds abilities), and both weapons use the same spellbook abilities, so it boils down to each weapon effect and if you want to use a versatile playstyle by using a Wand + Defender (called rebounder in Mage's case), or a Shield. Sadly there's no chinchompas for magic but you there's a wide array of disruptive spells than can aid you in battle.
Each set of weapons enable the usage of specific Abilities and each weapon comes with their own subset of special effects, some weapons don't have them though.
For instance: 2H Swords are good for AOE Damage and when facing multiple foes at once, you can benefit from the Abilities: Hurricane, Quake and Meteor Strike to deal damage around you, but if you want to maximize the amount of targets you'll hit, you may want to use a Halberd Weapon.
If you're interested into more in-depth information about quests, game progression, tips, tricks & guides, feel free to visit the links below, to read more about these topics:
Video topic Author
[Keybinds for PVM] The RSGuy
[The Global Cooldown] Pixel Green
[Tutorial about unlocking important abilities] Sage Vanburo
[Tutorial about unlocking Shattered Worlds Abilities] Protoxx
[Bakriminel Bolts basics] Teh Proez
[Bakriminel Bolts Comprehensive Analysis] Teh Proez
"All videos linked on this section belong to their respective authors, if you liked their content, consider subscribing to their channels, I do not take any credit on the content displayed and, my only goal is to provide useful information to new, returning and veteran player audiences".


The Settings menu is divided into 5 different groups: [GAMEPLAY], [GRAPHICS], [CONTROLS], [AUDIO] and the [RIBBON]. On the following cheatsheets i'll showcase each option found on the [GAMEPLAY] tab and their function. Some of them will be images (as they're self explanatory and explain what they do) and others will be brief explanations on what each setting does, in order to make all these options easier to read and follow.
Under the [GAMEPLAY] Tab you'll find 8 Different subgroups (7 in the NXT client and 8 on the Steam Client), in the following table i'll explain in detail what each subgroup does:

"The various settings tabs".
Subgroup Description
Interfaces Fundamentally, this setting allows you to customize the look of your interface windows, filter which interfaces and warning screens should appear in game, how certain items will behave when using them (like keeping vials after decanting potions or emptying buckets when using the farming skill), you can choose which buff bar icons show up and if you want to display the Game Clock or not.
Combat & Action Bar Here you can change your combat modes (like Revolution and Full Manual, or the Legacy Combat Mode similar to the Old Fashioned combat mode), you can change your action bars visibility and ability queueing, alongside your action bar binding (which automatically changes your main action bar depending on the style of weapon you’re wielding), you can also change what kind of XP you get from combat, the way you attack other npc’s and your targeting settings along the colors your hitsplats (for aesthetic purposes).
Camera Another essential feature you will find here is the camera mode, here you can choose the camera zoom modes which are extremely beneficial when fighting large Monsters (so you can see them better) alongside the sensitivity of your camera.
Skills & Experience A lot of skills come with their own set of mechanics; from finding specicif parts of a mattock, to the amount of bosses you’ll be assigned for your reaper task and if they’re solo bosses or group bosses, all of these settings help you customize the way you interact with these skills.
Messages & Social On this setting you can customize what kind of messages you’ll receive on login, during your game sesión, from your friends, clan, private and groups chat. You can also customize the colors of each message, the broadcasts from your friends, clan chat, or anyone in the same world, and also, you can customize the events that will be tracked by your “Runemetrics” profile.
Item Drops This setting allows you to customize your Loot System interface (along various filtering options), you can also customize your lootbeams (pillars of light that let you know when you got an expensive item; defined manually, or a rare/unique drop), on the other hand, you can also customize if you want to receive Clue Scrolls or not, i’d highly recomment checking all of the checkboxes, as “Treasure Trails” are an amazing activity (and very profitable too) you can also enable lootbeams so you don’t miss out any of them.
Legacy This option lets you customize your interface colors, minimap icons, skillcape models, and combat mode, to make it reminiscent of the old version of the game (the one you may remember from 2011).
Third Party This is an exclusive option for the Steam Client, what it does is show the world you’re currently playing on (for instance World #2 or World #84) in your friend’s list status.


"The first part of the settings menu windows".

"The second part of the settings menu windows".
For more information on the topic feel free to visit the Wiki Link.


RuneScape is a game built around “freedom”, and all of these interfaces, ability bars and settings reflect that, while there’s no absolute best configuration, keybinds or interface, it’s always a good practice to try everything out and learn through testing, in order to find out the best results for our needs.
Whether you’re a new player strolling around the Free to Play towns, or you just bought your membership and are stretching your legs around the member’s only locations, everything you learned from this guide will help you.
One of the commonly asked questions i’ve seen posted on the subreddit and the discussion forums are: how to make as much GP/Hr? What kind of gear to buy, and in which order? What kind of bosses to fight for a given set of Levels? and, while the answers are changing constantly (as prices shift all the time and the Metagame evolves), invariably it comes to the same conclusion, which is:
“What you can do and how consistently.“
On the following links you can find complimentary information like Gear & Bosses Progression and a plethora of useful links, tips & tricks:

However, before trying out these methods and finding out how consistently you can do them, one must start from the very basics of the game, understand how the game works and how to make it as reliable as possible whilst also looking as best as it can, and that’s the purpose of this guide, to teach you, the player, what every setting does, how does it impact your game experience and, showing you the fundamentals of the ability bars. The other half will come from your own experiences and how you expand on these foundations.
With that being said, Thank you for passing by, i wish you the best of luck and i hope you found this guide useful, see you all around and take care!
submitted by Concordia_chaos to runescape [link] [comments]

GME Short Squeeze and Ryan Cohen DD for Jim Cramer, The (Man)Child Who Wandered Into the Middle of the GME-Cohen Movie 🚀 🚀 🚀

The Dude: It's like what Lenin said…you look for the person who will benefit, and, uh, uh...
Donny: I am the walrus.
The Dude: You know what I'm trying to say...
Donny: I am the walrus.
Walter Sobchak: Shut the fuck up, Donny! V.I. Lenin! Vladimir Illanich Uleninov!
Donny:What the fuck is he talking about, Dude?
Hello again, GME Gang. What a fun day we had yesterday! Could it continue today? Only Melvin Capital (and maybe Ryan Cohen) knows!
And an extra special hello today to our newest WSB lookie-loo, Mr. Cramer (Can I call you Jim? I’m gonna call you Jim).
Now Jim, from what I’ve been able to gather, you and your Boomer stocks and your Hot Manic Takes don’t always get a lot of love around here. But that’s not all your fault, Jim. The Paste-Eating Rocket Kids are often good for a solid meme (FYI: it’s pronounced “Mee-Mee.” Feel free to use that on air without verifying). But the Rocket Kids can be a dense bunch and they’re also often one click away from Total Financial Ruin (Quick shout out to SPCE: Pleas fly again). So you have to dig a bit in here to separate the wheat from the chaff, as someone like you actually says in real life. What the fuck even is chaff, Jim? And why do all Boomers seem to think that folksy farm-based idioms are the perfect way to conclude a thought?
Anyway. Those of us who watched your teevee clips last week where you reference your interest in WSB know that you, Jim Cramer, might be one of the Olds, but that you also Think Young(TM). So we’re going to do our best to help your young-thinkin’ brain find the Needle In the Haystack here so you can get All Your Ducks In a Row on GME. Because we know that you’re a long way from being Put Out to Pasture, and though you may be an out-of-touch millionaire prone to facile yammering, we now like you here, Jim—simply because you mentioned us and that made us blush a bit since we’re needy Millennials who just want our Boomer mommies and daddies to Tell Us They’re Proud of Us. So even though the Paste-Eating Rocket Kids here are often Buying A Pig in a Poke (Christ, please do not ever say that or the kids’ Mee-Mees are gonna fuck you up), we appreciate you recognizing that, every now and then, there’s something worth paying attention to over in this weird little pocket of the Interwebs. And since you’re actually telling your loyal single-finger-typin’ viewers to check out this WSB shitshow, and “if they’re running GME, then do some work on GME,” we assume you might actually be checking this shit out too, since all true Young Thinkers know that What’s Good for the Goose is Good for the Gander.
Now, is the GME play as solid as your recent recommendation to buy Bed Bath and Beyond? Who knows? That seems pretty stupid, and I would look it up myself this weekend but my nice little Saturday is already pretty full so I don’t know—I don’t know if I’ll have enough time. But I’ll tell you one thing: the GME play is a lot more fucking fun. Life in a pandemic is boring, but here in this weird WSB place, these kids like fun. And for all your Boomer weirdness, you seem like you still like to have a little fun in this Mad, Mad world of ours. So consider joining us here more often. A word of warning, though: if you don’t like all the dern cuss words we use around here, Jim, well that’s just, like, your opinion man, and we’ll have you know that the Supreme Court has roundly rejected Prior Restraint.
First thing’s first: we have a bit of a bone to pick with you (now there I go). The stuff you said last week about GME as the next Blockbuster was D-U-M dumb, Jim. You were a bit out of your fucking element with that. You even made our largest shareholder and conqueror-in-waiting, Mr. Ryan Cohen, send an emoji-only tweet in response, which if you know the super nice-guy Ryan Cohen like all of us do (we actually know nothing), that is pretty much the equivalent of him bringing his dog over to micturate on your and George Sherman’s rug.
Now, I myself have never been into the whole brevity thing, but I wanted to take this opportunity to get you up to speed on the GME movie you’ve wandered into. And I know you’re down with this because you told all your viewers that if WSB is talking about GME, then “make sure you know GME.” So before you say something Absolutely Mad again and Cohen sends a tweet with an even less ambiguous emoji, it’s high time that you start Making the Sure here, Jim. Just consider this to be CPT Hubbard delivering you some Orange Sunshine and turning you on to some of that Sweet, Delicious Non-Chaff Wheat you love so goddamn much.
Part 1: GME’s Bonkers-Ass Short Interest
Now, I’m going to lead with the most crowd-pleasing part of the story here (Get ready, Rocket Kids!), and it’s the one that you did not even seem remotely familiar with in your “Stay out of GameStop, Deadbeat!” rant last week. Maybe that was by design or maybe not. We’ll return to that, Jim. But the point here is: the short interest here is batshit insane. And not just your garden variety Boomer in Rolled Up Sleeves Ranting About Buying Estee Lauder While Hitting Buttons On The Beep-Bop-Boop Machine kind of insanity. Really and truly fucking nuts.
So to TL/DR this shit for you, Jim (to use the parlance of our times): GME is the most shorted stock trading today—by far. How shorted? Well, the value of shares short exceeds the market cap of the company; there are currently more shares short than the total number of shares outstanding. And when factoring in the institutional and insider ownership, the total short percentage of float is nearly 300%. Even higher, actually, now that Cohen’s interest is over 10%. Now, I’m not a numbers whiz like you, but that level of short interest and the small available float seems pretty fucked up to me. Like: “how is that even legal?” fucked up. And just for a frame of reference, the third most shorted security right now is your beloved Bed Bath and Beyond, with a short percentage of float at a nice and tidy 69%.
Are you starting to gather why some of us in this weird little pocket of the Interwebs are a little excited about GME? You see, as u/Jeffamazon and RodAlzmann u/Uberkikz11 and others have explained in these here corners and on the twitter machine with their top-notch DD, and as I will translate to you in lingo you can dig, the short sellers got way over their skiis on this one expecting a bankruptcy in Spring of 2020 that never came. And yet, amazingly, the short interest has only increased since then—there has effectively been no covering in the aggregate and, in fact, the short percentage has only gone up. And now, on the threshold of 2021, we all sit atop a massive powder keg wondering what is going to be the thing that finally lights this shit up. And at the end of this little missive, I’m going to tell you what I think that thing might be (Spoiler: It’s Ryan Cohen! Better start getting used to seeing his name, Jim, because this dude does not fuck around and he’s not going anywhere).
Part 2: GameStop Isn’t Going Bankrupt and People Actually Want to Buy Shit There
So, you foul mouthed little prick, a bonkers-ass short interest is neat and all, but why is Jim Cramer wrong when Jim Cramer compares GME to Blockbuster you might be asking yourself in the third person. First, the most obvious answer, Jim, which you should fucking know already: Blockbuster was nearly $1 Billion in debt and missing debt payments left and right when it was delisted way back in 2010. That was also when there was a bit of a credit crunch, if you recall, right after that whole Housing Crash Unpleasantness that you saw coming from a mile away and from which you made hundreds of millions of dollars due to your contrarian foresight—I’m sorry, I’m clearly confusing you with Christian Bale starring as Dr. Michael Burry, weirdo head of Scion Asset Management, which also holds about 1.4M shares of GME (You really gotta start looking into this stuff, Jim. This story is made for TV, man—and you Boomers were raised by TV and you turned out TV!). Also, in 2010 when Netflix is ripping and when Blockbuster was about to be delisted and bankrupt, an analyst noted the obvious fact that Blockbuster had “nothing on the horizon that makes it look like Blockbuster is going to be more profitable.”
But Jim, if your Blockbuster comparison has any plausibility, GameStop must have a major debt problem then, right? And yet just last month GameStop repaid $125M in debt several months ahead of time. It’s also really weird that over the past year management bought back a ton of shares, taking the OS from 102M down to just under 70M (making a short squeeze even more likely, my Rocket Children). The weirdness continues with a soon-to-be-bankrupt company holding almost $500M in cash on hand. And according to George Sherman’s “Thine Omnichannel Shalt Be The Omni-est Channel of Them All” Conference Call following Q3, by March 2021 GME will have retired a total of $500M in debt and returned $200M to shareholders through stock buy backs. I’m no expert here, and I do not presently own a Beep-Bop-Boop Machine, but that’s all pretty weird shit to be doing if you’re about to go bankrupt.
No, no – I get it: who the fuck actually looks at balance sheets anyway before spouting off about what a stock is going to do? I sure as hell don’t. That’s why I follow my man u/Uberkikz11, since that dude is a GME DD Encyclopedia and was born to crunch numbers. No, when Really Smart People make the Blockbuster comparison, it’s usually just Mouth Sounds for: A B&M Store That Used to Be Popular But Now Is Not Because Technology, QED. But here even the Really Smart People might be missing something as well. They’re right in the sense that GME must use this new console cycle window and cash influx to quickly pivot to a tech-first gaming company (more on that and our boy RC shortly!), but they’re wrong on the timing and relevance of this Super Smart Insight.
So fine, they’re doing ok on debt and cash. But who even goes to that 90s-Ass-Looking Cluttered Mall Geekery anymore anyways? I confess: in my darkest moments, as the short sellers manipulate the fuck out of this stock and I curse the names Bell and Sherman, I too have wondered this. But it turns out that, just like I have no idea why anyone listens to Maroon 5 or eats at Applebee’s, apparently a lot of people in America do shit that I do not. Crazy huh? So here is some pretty neat data showing us how out of touch we might be here, Jim:
First, when a pretty large sample size of people were recently asked the question: which of the following stores or websites do you plan to buy holiday gifts from? The #5 response from United States Americans was none other than GameStop (Ticker, Jim: GME). Only Walmart, Amazon, Target, and Dollar Store (poor people buy gifts too, Jim) were ahead of little old GameStop. That’s higher than Nike, Macy’s, the Apple Store—and double the response of Bed Bath and Fucking Beyond in every category they surveyed. Check it: (h/t to my man u/snowk88)
That’s kinda crazy huh? See Jim, when you Think Young(TM), you really can learn something new every day. And by following our man u/snowk88 (@snowk88 over at stocktwits), I learn lots of cool shit. But guess who already knew that? The guy that wrote this bad-ass letter that identifies GME’s brand and customer data as being one of the most valuable things GME has going for it.
So now we know that Real Life People actually buy shit at GameStop here in the year of our lord 2020. But like that analyst from 2010 said about Blockbuster, there must not be anything on the horizon for GameStop to be more profitable in 2021, right?
Now, I will admit that being a bit bearish on GME in December of 2020 would make more sense if, say, GameStop were the nation’s largest purveyor of limp and half-lit pumpkin spice-scented candles and we were exiting the apogee of Shitty Candle Season. But as it turns out, GameStop is currently selling basically the most sought-after items that exist in the marketplace right now—where demand for the Xbox and Ps5 is far outpacing supply and is projected to continue well into 2021. I don’t really need to get into the details on that here, because it’s pretty goddamn obvious, but I think 2020 GameStop at the precipice of a new console cycle might be in a bit of a better position than, say, 2010 Blockbuster relying on the latest Adam Sandler release to lift its sagging rental numbers. But I don’t know. Millions of people don’t watch my show looking for Candid Analysis from me and my folksy man-of-the-people-lookin’ rolled-up sleeves.
Part 3: Ryan Cohen is the Sword of Damocles Hanging Over the Short Sellers’ Dumbass Heads
And now we’ve gotten to the best part. It’s my favorite part of all of this, Jim, and if you give this a little time, I think it will be yours too. You see, all that corporate bla bla bla about balance sheets and console cycles and early debt repayment and overleveraged short sellers and brand recognition is neat and all—and definitely worth a second look by itself. Maybe even a little Beep-Bop-Boop on the ol’ sound machine—I don’t know your methods. But the real thing that’s about to rip all our faces off here is the business and investment decisions of a mild-mannered wunderkind named Ryan Cohen.
Now you can revisit my prior epistle if you want to know a bit more about the involvement of Mr. Ryan Cohen in Le Affair GameStop. My fly-by-night theory of his lawyer’s possible use of the consent solicitation could have probably marinated for another day, but the thrust of my argument there was that Cohen and his attorney have been laying the groundwork to come after GameStop for a while now. And that Cohen was likely emboldened by the humiliating, lame-ass CC performance by some dude with a mid-century comic-strip sounding name that we’ll all soon know only as: The Guy With the Punchable Face Who Used to Be CEO of GameStop.
But here is where things get really interesting. This is a story in the making, Jim, for fucks sake - take notes! This Monday, on December 21, Mr. Ryan Cohen filed a revised 13D showing that last week he started buying a shit-ton of shares—starting on Tuesday December 15th—which is the day after the stock price inexplicably plunged on Monday the 14th and the very same day you were yammering on the teevee about GME being Blockbuster! Instead of listening to you, however, Cohen started buying more GME shares (super-sleuth dark pool watchers u/rgrAi and u/snowk88 noticed in real-time that there was some very large accumulation taking place), which culminated in the big reveal that Cohen purchased a total of 2,501,000 additional shares last week—500,000 of which were purchased on Friday December 18, 2020 at the price of $16.02 a share. Ryan Cohen is still the single largest shareholder of GME with 9,001,000 shares in total, taking his ownership of GME above the 10% threshold from 9.98% to 12.9%. And so he apparently thinks that the floor for his investment is $16.02 per share. Is he still buying? We’ll know soon. But yesterday seemed like a little taste of what it might look like if a large buyer steps in to prevent short sellers from manipulating all of my nervous little Rocket Children here and their delicate little paper hands.
There was another thing we learned from this 13D filing: Ryan Cohen has apparently hired a new attorney and law firm. Instead of the great Christopher Davis of Kline Kaplan, now Ryan Cohen is represented by Ryan P. Nebel, a partner with Olshan Frome Wolosky, LLP. Now, if you’re familiar with my prior ramblings, you might wonder if I was a bit confused, and maybe even a little sad, at this sudden change from my man C. Davis. And you might be a little right. But then the wonder of the internet allowed me to learn a bit about these new lawyers. And holy shit, things are about to get fun.
Now, I liked what I knew about Chris Davis and he seems like a genuine bad ass activist attorney. But the folks at Olshan Frome and Wolosky, LLP are Next Level Players and really seem tailor-made for this exact situation. First off, Olshan is ranked as the top global lawfirm for Activist Attorneys. (H/t @flummoxed at stocktwits). They seem to be the go-to law firm for major proxy battles initiated by activist investors. But possibly even more important is that Olshan is the same firm that represented Hestia and Permit in their successful proxy battle earlier this year to appoint two new directors to the GME Board. I’m not going into the fine details of that, because this is already a bit of a long-form Idiot’s New Yorker article, but GameStop just went through a proxy fight last year with Activist Investors Hestia Capital and Permit Capital, which resulted in two Board seats for our shareholder buds from Hestia and Permit. So, it’s reasonable to assume that the attorneys at Olshan might know their way around GameStop at this point and where the pressure points are here.
And if you follow u/snowk88 over at stocktwits (@snowk88)— you’d also find a wealth of DD on how Olshan rolls when entering these activist-investor-replaces-dumbass-boards-and-CEOs type disputes. To bottom line it: they get it fucking done.
But what else did we learn from the 13D? We learned that Ryan Cohen is definitely not going anywhere any time soon. Specifically, the filing notes that RC Ventures intends to continue to engage in discussions with GameStop’s board “regarding means to drive stockholder value, including through changes to the composition of the board and other corporate governance enhancements." And while RC Ventures “desires to come to an amicable resolution with [GameStop, it] will not hesitate to take any actions that it believes are necessary to protect the best interests of all stockholders.”
I really like that last part, don’t you? And although I thought his November 16th letter was pretty goddamn clear, this 13D just ratcheted up the transparency level here. In sum, Ryan Cohen has all of our backs and he’s going to replace this Board and Sherman with people that are on the level and that will help implement his vision.
And now seems like a good time to return to those “Ryan Cohen: Boy Genius” articles that were definitely NOT part of a well-coordinated pre-hostile takeover media campaign initiated earlier this year. I think there might be a few things in those articles that Mr. Cohen wanted all of us shareholders (as well as the short sellers and the Board he’s about to replace) to really and truly understand. Recall also that Cohen is not one for diversification or for playing it safe. So here’s a few choice nuggets for you to ponder:
Bloomberg, June 2020:
· "It's too hard to find, at least for me, what I consider great ideas," he says. "When I find things I have a lot of conviction in, I go all-in."
· Cohen uses the word “conviction” a lot. He says it’s something he learned from his father, who ran a glassware importing business in Montreal where Cohen grew up. “He taught me how to block the noise from the masses,” says Cohen. “To have a point of view and have conviction and not waver.”
· He wouldn’t, however, recommend his [non-diversified] investment approach to everyone. “You need to have the temperament to block the noise,” he says. “Sometimes it feels like a roller coaster.”
· He likens his obsessive focus on building Chewy to his approach to stock picking. "I don't want to swing for a single," he says.
You hear that, Jim? Our man Cohen likes idioms too! But fuck those farm idioms, Jim – we’re upgrading to the Sportsball kind now. So what’s the takeaway here? I’d say that Cohen has his Eye On The Ball and that it’s time for all short sellers and the Board to Throw in The Towel because Ryan Goddamn Cohen likes to Take the Bull By The Horns and will ensure that he Hits a Homerun for shareholders that believe in his vision.
Here’s a few more things Mr. Cohen wants all of us to know:
Forbes, August 2020:
· “For me, each no sounded like they just didn’t understand my vision. It was frustrating at times, but never discouraging. Those ‘no’s never made me doubt my strategy – it was the opposite. I was motivated by all the rejections and they just got me fired up.”
· “I understood that thinking big was likely going to be misunderstood along the way. I’m contrarian by nature, so being misunderstood often validates what I’m doing. It wasn’t until Chewy boxes were on doorsteps across the country that the bulk of investors started to recognize our formula.”
· “[M]y biggest risk would have been not taking risk. The risk of going head-to-head against Amazon. The risk of insourcing fulfillment. The risk of building a company in Florida rather than a popular tech hub. The risk of spending $3 million a month on TV ads, more than Home Depot HD -0.1%'s budget. The risk of hiring expensive executives even though we weren’t profitable. These decisions were some of the most controversial and required me being comfortable betting against conventional wisdom, and were often contrary to the advice of my board. Suffice it to say, I was not the most popular board member.”
· “Dad never swayed when he believed in something. I never compromised my vision, regardless how many investors turned me down I was not going to give up on building Chewy into the world’s biggest online pet retailer. I love to be challenged, and I’m flexible on details, but I’m never willing to give up.”
Goddamn it, Ryan. I was done having children but now you’ve forced me into getting back on that train just so I can name this future child Ryan Fucking Cohen. Thanks a lot, asshole.
But to return to my point: are those the statements of a man that seems likely to walk away at this point? Or is Cohen trying to tell us all to get ready because he is going All In on this shit?
So where does this leave us? After a huge week where Cohen buys 2.5M more shares and then the SP skyrockets to $20 yesterday on that news? Well, this is where I want to tip my cap to my man Justin Dopierala over at Seeking Alpha and allow him to conclude this section. He, along with his pal Dmitriy Kozin have been pretty clear-eyed on all this shit for a while now and they both deserve some credit. And I know I gave my main man Justin a bit of a hard time in my last novella, but the dude is sharp as hell and helped a lot of us see the forest through the trees here. And you should also definitely invite him to join your poker nights (seriously: check out the dude’s tweet in response to our own Rod Alzmann’s introduction of the #WeWantCohen hashtag right after the Q3 call debacle). You have no comment on a potential takeover involving Ryan Cohen, Justin after your hour-long googly-eyed call together? Can’t believe you’re just preemptively leaving the WSJ and Bloomberg hanging like that. Justin, I love you dude, but if I’m holding pocket Kings I’m folding after that tweet because that twinkle in your eye lets me know you’re about to drop two Aces on my ass.
Anyway. Here is what our man Dopierala thinks might happen here soon (and he called this way back on November 17th- and sorry - no links here, per the mods, as apparently no Alpha must ever be Sought from these parts):
I think a very likely outcome at this point is a majority slate next shareholder meeting where Cohen takes over BOD and then makes himself CEO. A majority slate proxy battle would require all institutions to call in shares and would force a squeeze.
We’re intrigued, Justin. Please continue:
If Ryan Cohen successfully negotiates a purchase price with the Board then the shareholders will have to vote on it. Unlike the proxy battle where Hestia and Permit were running a minority slate of directors, an offer to purchase GameStop would force institutions like Vanguard and Blackrock to call in their shares. By doing so, the shorts would be forced to close out their positions and GameStop would finally have the greatest short squeeze of all-time. Ironically, Cohen could use this opportunity to sell all of his shares and use the proceeds to entirely fund the acquisition of GameStop going down as the first person in history to acquire a billion dollar company... for absolutely nothing. In fact, his acquisition price would be less than zero.
And now is when I get to speculate on what I think is going to happen here. But I do not necessarily think Cohen is going to put an offer to buy GME to take private. That would definitely trigger a MOASS, but I’m not sure I see it given the attorneys he’s hired and his recent buys up to $16 and the amount of cash that would take. Like Dopierala’s first comment, though, I think Cohen is going to nominate directors to replace nearly the entire Board of Directors with a vote happening at the annual meeting and once that Board is in place, they’ll appoint Cohen as CEO. And as Justin notes, if he nominates a majority slate of directors, shares will have to be called in to vote. And this vote and proxy battle will make the prior minority slate Hesita/Permit battle, and the tiny short squeeze that took place when that happened, look tame by comparison.
Now everyone: get your calendars out. Because the date to nominate directors here is in Mid-March, and my super-smart corporate lawyer buds inform me that it’s standard practice to file about 7-10 days prior. So, if this actually happening, we should be seeing something on this by early March.
But even though early March is now the mark on the wall, today’s insane price action caused me to think about all of this a bit harder and speculate a bit more. And a major h/t to my buds on the stocktwits board, especially u/rgrAi (@amarbar) for all the sharp analysis on this. But if you were Ryan Cohen and you knew this company was hugely undervalued and you had a high level of CONVICTION here and also knew you needed shareholder votes to sweep out these dumbasses and implement your vision—then how would you play this with the short interest here as crazy as it is? I’d keep buying. Why? Well, lots of reasons, you smart alecks.
First, so I have more guaranteed votes (duh?). Second, so that when the building starts burning and short hedge funds run for the exits they find that a mild-mannered Millennial with super-good ideas has sealed off all the doors and windows. That’s gruesomely delicious, isn’t it? Why else, CPT? Well, finally, and maybe most importantly, because I would want to excite and delight all my fellow shareholders by triggering a slow-burn short squeeze, raising the SP significantly, so that I can once again make the point (as he did in the Nov 16 letter) that the incompetent management that caused a HUGE drop in SP following that utterly incompetent Q3 call and the shelf registration, had nothing to do with the SP increase that again happened once Cohen announced his intent and started buying. Not the console cycle, not the cost containment measures, not the buybacks and not the early debt reduction. Nope: rightly or wrongly, shareholders will see Ryan Cohen buying shares and the corresponding SP increase and everyone—especially all new buyers who are delighted at their good fortune and swept up by Ryan Cohen Fever 2021—will start getting #WeWantCohen tattoos on their ass they’ll be so happy. And all of us, newly enriched by Ryan Cohen’s Big Canadian Balls and tactical brilliance, will crawl over glass to vote for him over The Boomer Artist Formally Known As GameStop’s CEO. I could be very wrong on this last point in particular, but if we start seeing 13Ds drop here shortly, things should get very fun very quickly.
Part 4: A Return to Our Short-Squeeze-to-Da-Moon Discussion: Who’s Side Are You Fucking On, Jim?
Now, Jim, given the fast friendship we’re creating here, and all we’ve been through over the past 5000 words, I hesitate in bringing this up. But we’ve all seen the video, Jim. You know the one I’m talking about. Yes, the one where you actually tell the truth about how short selling hedge funds manipulate the market to knock down the price of perfectly good securities that many hard-working people invest in—many normal-ass people all assuming they wont ever have to Point Where On The Dolly The Invisible Hand of the Economy Touched Them. But that’s not life now is it Jim? And fuck those poor-ass rubes for not knowing how to play the game with you sophisticated Masters of the Universe, amirite?
So where are you in this whole GME/Cohen story, Jim? You candidly (gleefully?) acknowledge that a prime strategy that shorts deploy is to spread negative rumors that are then amplified by Big Smart Trustworthy Financial Media Titans like yourself to shake out unsophisticated retail players like my Rocket Kids here—who because of their tiny paper hands and you mean short selling brutes often subsist on paste and paste alone.
So for this particular security, are you the one helping with the manipulation and actively creating the “new truth” or are you just one of the Useful Idiots that these short sellers use to manipulate with an anodyne, TV media-ready comparison like: GameStop Is The Next Blockbuster? And how in the fuck does this fit into your Think Young(TM) project, Jim? Because if there is one thing that we over at WSB fucking hate, it’s a bunch of Manipulative Short Selling Boomer Fuckwads. Why on earth would a hip Young Thinker like you want to be included in that crew, Jim?
And I know we’re all friends here now, Jim, but I need to push back a bit on some of what you said in that video in such a cavalier whatareyagonnado manner. So if I understand you, short and distort and fomenting negative reactions from retail players based on deliberately false narratives is illegal, but still easy as fuck to do "because the SEC doesn't understand it." But you fucking do understand it, Jim! So why are you helping those short and distorters break the law here? Why are you being such an obtuse dumbshit? Just check out what happens to the borrow rate and short selling every time there is any good news for GME: (h/t @slantedangles). This manipulation isn't just happening with GME; it is happening everywhere. It’s baked into the cake. And that is pretty fucked up that we all just accept it because whatareyagonnado.
I think that one thing that those of us who truly do Think Young(TM) have a hard time understanding is at what point in your lives do you Boomers all finally come to realize that it’s maybe time to stop playing the game like you have been? What point do you finally have enough where doing the right thing matters more than getting paid? Maybe start by telling the truth more often—and maybe don’t go out of your way to help those corrupt-ass hedge fund managers who continually fuck over average people merely because they were stupid enough to believe you all. What contempt you Masters of the Universe have for all of them—for all of us. There is a bigger story here on GME and this out-of-control short interest (naked shorting, counterfeit shares) than even Ryan Cohen and the inevitable short squeeze we’re about to witness here. And it begins and ends with people like you and Melvin Capital and Bank of America not giving a fuck about the rules while thinking you’re smarter than the rest of us who do—but who lack power to do anything about it. And you know what? Maybe you are smarter than us. You certainly know how to play this game pretty well, as that video shows. But if I know my old school 1980s movies like I think I do, this is usually the part of the story where the rag-tag kids from across the tracks come over to show you hubristic rich fuckheads what happens when you fuck a stranger in the ass.
Now I myself have never dabbled in pacifism, Jim, so this isn’t too much of a stretch for me, but seeing that video of yours and seeing the insane short interest and all the manipulation here makes me want to burn the whole corrupt system to the ground—while barricading the doors to trap in those arrogant-ass short sellers who lie and cheat and distort to profit off average people. And though I’m certain that this larger battle is not driving him, maybe that result is one that Ryan Cohen wouldn’t mind too. Though he’s a polite Canadian and would probably just let everyone know that he’s not really mad, just disappointed. But me? I’m an Angry American and I say: Block the fucking doors and windows and light that shit up.
So maybe this epistle will be useful for your Think Young(TM) project and cause you to reflect a bit more on what’s really going on out there with this whole GME thing and the likely illegal shorting that has driven the short percentage of float to these insane levels, drawing in new retail shorts too stupid to know what’s even happening. Or maybe it wont cause you to reflect in the slightest (count me as one of those cynical types that see your overtures to WSB as a transparent play for greater market share from the Young Crowd since your old-ass audience is dying and/or switching to bonds). But in a few months when all the Billy Ray Valentines and Louis Winthorpes assembled here are toasting each other in stupid shirts on a white-sand beach somewhere, we do not want you to look back on your knee-jerk boomer-ass dismissal of GME and your Useful Idiot blathering with that same tinge of regret and longing you feel when you look at a pre-Client 9 picture of you and your old roomie: warm-toes-and-hosiery-enthusiast E. Spitzer, Esq.
In conclusion: GME = Blockbuster comparisons are for Simps and Corrupt Short-and-Distorters. Don’t be like them, Jim. And to my Rocket Children: the only weapon we wield in this stupid game is Diamond Hands with a float like this. Toughen the fuck up.
And Happy Holidays everyone.
--CPT Hubbard
TL/DR: Jim Cramer likes farm-based idioms and apparently being a useful idiot to scummy short selling hedge funds. DD on the GME turnaround is solid and overleveraged short sellers should be shitting themselves. Ryan Cohen, our polite, hard-working Canadian benefactor is about to rip all our fucking faces off and trigger a MOASS. Probably even by early March, if that time is good for you (he’ll text before he comes). And fuck infinite regress: It’s rockets all the way down here. 🚀🚀🚀 Now: diamond hands, motherfuckers.
**This is a shitpost and is only to be used as investment and life advice for Mr. Jim Cramer, Esq.
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The REAL Greatest Short Burn of the Century Part III: GME Infinity War

Oh and uh short burn of the century comin soon. Flamethrowers should arrive just in time.
-Elon Musk
Oh Elon, sorry to steal your thunder. But GME will make TSLA vol look like TLT. Jeff haunting your every accomplishment yet again.
I’m back with the final warning bell. The next time I post in 2021 will be to recap the squeeze’s results and post gain porn along with u/Deep_Fucking_Value, u/SIR_JACK_A_LOT, u/Tomatotowers, and more. This is the last stop before the moon mission.
It’s currently not too late. But after Q3 earnings on Dec 8th, it will be. And of course, as always, not financial advice. Just for bragging rights and entertainment. Here goes:
Here’s a comprehensive GME overview for all new and returning WSB-monkeys. Sit down and grab some tea. This is a long one unlike the previous posts.
GME Overview:
The GME story can be broken up into 2 main theses. The first is a deep value play which has credibility all on its own. The second is an infinity short squeeze like we’ve never seen before in history, which has credibility all on its own. When combining the two, you get the trade of a lifetime.
In all my (albeit limited) days, I have never EVER seen a trade set up like this before. I’ve pored over every source of historical finance material I can get my hands on, and still have nothing to reference to. IMO, this will look more like the 2008-MBS bet, or the Ackman 2020-COVID “Hell is coming” bet, than TSLA, OSTK, KBIO, or VW.
Just a fucking face-ripping, out-of-nowhere, legendary-HOF-ticker bet that will bankrupt some funds and get people fired - and of course, with no community other than WSB’s name next to it in the history books (and if I could pencil in our lovely GME discord hosted by u/BadElf21 and u/RoaringKitty’s YT stream).
Let’s begin.
Act 1 - The Set Up:
Q: Why is GME so heavily shorted in the first place? Why are we betting the long? Aren’t they going bankrupt ala Blockbuster? If not, are we just trading this short term like a HTZ/CCL meme stonk?
A: NO. This is a fundamentally solid deep value play at its core.
First let’s go back a few years. We must give the shorts due credit in order to understand where we are now. GME has been profitably shorted since 2013 when the market correctly bet on the digitization of video games and spread of mobile gaming. Some data here:
The shorts are betting on $0.
However, in the last 12 months, GME has shown that their terminal velocity does not lead to bankruptcy. GME has a strong balance sheet. Cash on hand is worth over $12 a share. Net cash is worth over $5 a share and is FCF positive (nixing the bankruptcy thesis). They also paid off $125M in debt last month just to show Moody’s they are healthy due to their incoming console cycle FCF (which may lead to possible bond upgrade, enticing more institutional investors).
So give the shorts credit. They had a legitimate case until the last 12 months, when George Sherman (CEO), Reggie Fils-Aime (ex-Nintendo, current GME board member), and others have been conducting a phenomenally well executed turnaround.
That explains why we currently have ~70M shares short out of ~65M shares outstanding - but they’re all now caught on the wrong side of the trade.
In case the severity of the short interest hasn’t hit you yet, there is a bigger market for shorting GME than the business of GME itself. This is not even taking into account the long holders (Senvest, Ryan Cohen, Burry, Donald Foss, Sherman, Hestia/Permit) which takes ~25M shares out of circulation. So short interest in reality could be around 180%+ of true float.
A true head-scratcher.
And a worthy opponent.
But they’re wrong.
Act 2 - Avengers, Assemble:
Q: Why am I so sure GME is prime to blow? Isn’t this just another meme stonk hunch driven by WSB and Michael Burry hype? How can a few online gamblers and a few activist investors turn a dying business into a trade of a lifetime?
Couldn’t the shorts be right? Also, hasn’t it blown already?
Let me show you the ridiculous Avengers team we have. By Avengers team, I mean all the bullish cases:
1) Ryan Cohen
Iron Man of the bunch, some call him the Dog-Man.
This guy is a crazy entrepreneur. He took on Bezos with a pet food company (CHWY) and won. Let me repeat - he beat Jeff Amazon without AWS subsidizing his loss leaders.
In other words, he built Markk I (CHWY) in a tiny cave with scraps all by himself with his dad, and now that he has billions, he wants to build nanotech Markk 50 (GME). Read up on this guy. He’s as crazy and as smart as they come.
He also wrote a scathing letter to GME leadership, but if you read between the lines, he’s not addressing the existing board, who had only been there temporarily. He’s setting this letter up in order to potentially offer a takeover bid (rumor mill - unconfirmed).
Either way, GME leadership needs to address this letter in the Q3 earnings call on Dec 8th - which means they need to either post a good quarter, provide good guidance, or add color to existing developments.
Otherwise George Sherman (Cpt America)’s ass is out the door and Cohen takes over as the leader of the Avengers through a vote or buyout. Either of which requires shares to be recalled.
One more thing to note about RC. There has been no 13D/A filling since his initial purchases. Which means he is STILL IN. He has not sold a single share.
2) GME Leadership and activist investors - Guardians of the Galaxy, Dr. Very Strange Burry, and the old Captain trying to fit in with the youngsters:
Dr. Very Strange Burry - AKA Big Short Man. Supreme numbers aspie who might have a screw loose but is unmatched at spotting contrarian trades. *Edit 2: BTW for those asking about his holdings drop. He's trimming to stay under 5%, but still has a large position:
Hestia/Permit/Senvest - Contrarian, activist investors.
Cpt George Sherman - Boomer CEO who knows what he’s doing.
Reggie Fils-Aime - Beloved ex-Nintendo President.
3) Bond repurchase
GME just bought back $125M of debt maturing in 2021. Who cares? Yes - normally this is a nothing burger even for a micro-cap, but if the shorts are betting on $0 - this is clear evidence against that bet.
Secondly, rumor mill has it that this debt repurchase plus positive Q3 earnings/guidance will allow Moody’s to upgrade their 2023 debt to A or maybe higher.
This is HUGE because it allows institutional investors to long GME without further restrictions. In other words, they may not be allowed to long companies with B- debt. Once this is upgraded, more buyers are allowed to come in.
Very underplayed story here.
4) TA - When the stars and crayons align. Here’s an excerpt from our resident astrologist u/JayAreW:
Ignoring the short squeeze element of GME and just looking at chart action, there are two elements that are important to keep track of. The cup and handle pattern and $15.80.
While my trading style is 90% technical analysis, there are certain elements which I shy away from – mainly chart patterns. However, it is important to at least recognize the obvious ones because if you see it, chances are others see it too. The main pattern I keep an eye out for are the massive cup and handle patterns. This is an example from Pring figure 1.
The buy signal is traditionally a breakout above the handle, and a good estimate for price target is the distance from the base of the cup to the handle, added to the breakout point. A recent example of this is $JMIA (daily - figure 2). Notice not one, but two failures to break the top of the handle and the subsequent parabolic run. Compare $JMIA with $GME and you see almost the same pattern (daily – figure 3). The traditional buy signal would be a breach above the red line (~$15.80). The difference between $JMIA and $GME is that $JMIA was far more condensed; the pattern played out over a period of a few months where $GME’s cup and handle started in late 2019. Playing this pattern exclusively, I would expect a price target of roughly $27, stretched out over a period of weeks/months and not as explosive as it’s African counterpart (assuming a squeeze doesn't happen between now and then). Typically, any chart pattern calls for a retest of the breakout point, so don’t be surprised if $GME retraces to $15.80 and look for a bounce there as confirmation that the breakout is on. The other important element is the $15.80 price. Not only is it the breakout point for the cup and handle pattern, but it coincides to a price point which I believe was a major short-selling entry point (fig 4). Notice the nearly 20% gap down on 33 million of volume. This type of action doesn’t just happen with selling alone and I believe massive short positions were opened on that day.
This $15.80 then represents a breaking even point for those shorts if they have not closed their positions (and we have no real reason to believe they have). Breaking even is a huge psychological barrier for people when a trade isn’t going their way and often times represents an exit point for crowded positions. Most of the shorts were already underwater - above $15.80 and that water begins to boil. I believe this position is becoming borderline untenable for existing short positions and is a crowded and disastrous trade. So to recap, $15.80 not only serves as an important chart pattern breakout point, but the proverbial “line in the sand” for existing short positions.
JeffAmazon here again: Note Jay and I don’t agree on a few major points, but are nevertheless both seeing bullish action to come very very soon.
5) Product Mix
GameStop is expanding their product mix to include monitors, PC parts, and more. GME is no longer a Disc-Drive only store (which is fine itself), but an all-things-tech e-commerce growth start up. Or you can at least bet that’s the narrative.
6) Three signs of a bubble: leverage, lack of liquidity, and consensus.
This is an inverse bubble - it will rise as quickly as other bubbles drop. KBIO and VW are often quoted as short squeeze examples. Those are wrong comparisons. The only similarity is the fact that shorts were involved.
Instead, think of any other market bubble. It’s simply about leverage, lack of liquidity, and consensus. We have all 3 in GME. Everyone thinks GME will go like BlockBuster to $0 and is using leverage to short (by definition and current SI).
So instead, think of Burry’s 2008 MBS trade, Ackman’s 2020 COVID trade, PTJ’s Black Monday Trade, or Chanos’ Enron trade.
Same thing, different direction. Will go up as fast as the others went down.
And oh boy do we lack liquidity. Crowded party, one exit.
7) Phenomenal numbers due to current console cycle.
$GME bull Rod Alzmann (Uberkikz on Stocktwits) has great breakdowns on Q4 EPS/order count due to console cycle. He tracks orders by order number among a slew of other information here.
Check out his models. In short, we expect over $5 EPS in Q4 base case. Which is bananas.
8) MSFT Partnership gross margin
GME is getting free money from Satya Nadella.
Conservative estimate $180M, 100% margin for 2 years.
9) January and April option OI
OI in option calls for Jan and April are almost 4X that of Decembers. Is GME going to exercise the ITM calls for a squeeze? Why are they so insanely large? Who are these buyers? WTF are they doing?
No clue. But something is about to go down.
Note put call skew isn’t that low, so no infinity gamma squeeze yet, but it will come as GME obtains meme status.
10) Most importantly, YOU.
CNBC and other misled, egoistic mass media companies and institutional investors continue, time and time again, to look down upon the new generation of traders and laugh at WSB.
Tell me, which one of them has read all of Moody’s credit reports on GME? Which one of them live streams collaborative GME DD 20+ hours a week for 6+ months straight? Which one of them tracks order flows by the f-ing second based on skimmed CC data? Who scours GameStop to see how leadership is treating their employees and customers at a testimonial level? Do they even know about the bond repurchase?
They don’t know jack s-.
Act 3 - The Trade
What more evidence do you want? Time for action.
First, the PT. u/ronoron summed it up well:
A 3 billion market cap (not even 0.5x of their revenues) would already leave GME at $46/share.Going back to their 2013 peak at around 6 billion market cap would leave them at almost $100/share already, not the $56 peak/share. The algos trading still can't appreciate the fact that GME halved its number of outstanding shares a while ago.
For comparison. Bestbuy is trading at almost ~0.7x of revenues with lower gross margins. Nordstrom is almost at 0.4x of revenues despite the bigger liability their department stores are having through corona (never mind their uglier balance sheet). GME is still hovering just above 0.2x revenues because stinky shorts overestimated how bad corona would be for GME (e.g. delayed console cycle, digital consoles becoming widely popular).”
PT can easily be over $100. The JeffAmazon target is $420 which gives them about ~$25B market cap at a P/S ratio of 5, maybe 4 with console cycle revenue. That wouldn’t even be considered an euphoric price with today’s growth stocks. For comparison, NVDA is 22, TSLA is 20, and CHWY is 5.
Timing: This all hinges on Dec 8 earnings. If GME misses (it historically has), Cohen will use this opportunity to attack leadership and take over as CEO. Therefore, GME leadership needs to provide a great earnings report or else Sherman will lose his job.
Here’s my responsible trade (do whatever you want): All in calls and shares now. If IV and $GME is sky-high before earnings, sell half to secure profit. If GME misses and tanks, bet your bottom dollar a takeover bid will be announced shortly.
In all honesty, I'm going to probably hold everything through earnings WSB style.
My positions: 1/15/21 $30Cs, shares
(I would buy April $30Cs too, but I'm all tapped out of cash).
Shorts and longs both have their cases. All the cards are on the table. Which side are you on?
If I missed anything, comment and I will update above. I’m aiming to make this the final stop for all high-level GME DD.
*Edit 1: Educate yourself right now on IV crush (in short, we expect a lot of vol now, so option prices are high. After earnings, expected vol normally decreases, so your option prices will normally drop). GME is the king of IV crush after earnings. If you're playing FDs, prepare to get destroyed like always. Safer bets are LEAPs or FDs after earnings.
*Edit 2: All these beat earnings recently: SNE, MSFT, BBY, BBBY, NTDOY, ATVI, TTWO, JWN, M, KSS
submitted by Jeffamazon to wallstreetbets [link] [comments]

GME Tribe: A Story About How Ryan Cohen is About to Kick Down Sherman's Door and Drink His Milkshake 🚀🚀🚀

Come gather ‘round GME management wherever you roam. And admit that the waters around you have grown and accept it that soon you’ll be drenched to the bone. If your time to you is worth saving, then you better start swimming or you’ll sink like a stone, for the times they are a-changin’.
Story time for the GME crew. All those who are certain tHis iS bLoCkBusTer or the paper hands that sold yesterday can just keep scrolling. We wish you the best of luck in the best of all possible worlds: this one, dear Pangloss.
**I’ve tried to submit this three times now and the moderators keep rejecting it. Maybe because I use too many naughty words? I guess I’ll try to clean that up a bit, which runs counter to all my instincts.
Did we have a good day Wednesday after that Q3 call? No, we did not. Do you know who lost over $20M (at least on paper) yesterday? Mr. Ryan Cohen. How do you think he felt about that CC and that inexplicable shelf registration that is, as one stocktwits commentator put it, a “poor man’s poison pill” and as obvious of a FU to Cohen and shareholders that the Board could have possibly designed? Do you think he was happy to see that?
I think he was thrilled to see it.
And now I’m going to tell you why.
This is a long post, so I’m going to give the TL/DR sum up for you Paste Eating Rocket Kids, and this will serve as a warning that there are, in fact, a lot of words that you may choose to read or not. So if I still see one goddamn comment about this being a lot of words and where’s the rockets maaaaan, I might just transport myself through this internet connection and [removed to satisfy the delicate sensibilities of the robot moderators].
So here’s the TL/DR: I believe that Cohen is executing a plan to take out the GME Board. And I think that Sherman just walked right into Cohen’s trap because he’s a dumb, selfish Boomer with a huge ego and a Broken Brain. And Cohen is going to be a legend because of it after he executes this plan, triggers the MOASS, and takes control of GME to convert it to a tech-first gaming juggernaut.
Now, if you’re in on this GME shit, you likely know the outlines of the story here. But here’s a good link to refresh your memory about why we’re all here:
And for further background, my recent post about the battle here between George Sherman, out-of-touch Hired Gun B&M Boomer CEO with the Boomer-est of all possible Boomer names, and Ryan Cohen, Boy Genius, Actual Good Guy, and Man With The Chewy-fication Plan:
So: are we ready to start READING and THINKING, children? Good.
Now what were you doing in the summer of 2020? I don’t give a shit what you were doing. But I do give a shit about what Ryan Cohen was doing. And there is a decent amount of evidence that Ryan Cohen spent the summer of 2020 hiring a bad ass lawyer and crafting a pretty solid plan to wrest control of a struggling Mall-based gaming retailer from its out of touch Boomer Board and CEO so he can turn it into an ecommerce juggernaut like his baby Chewy. And I think we are about to enter the next phase of that plan here shortly.
But before we get ahead of ourselves, let’s first all get acquainted with Christopher P. Davis, Esquire, the attorney listed on each of the 13Ds filed by RC Ventures.
Chris Davis, Activist Attorney Extraordinaire and His Successful Use of the Consent Solicitation to Remove Dipshit Boards/CEOs
To cut to the chase, Chris Davis (who is definitely NOT the same dude playing first base for the Orioles) is a badass NYC attorney recently recognized as one of the nation’s premier shareholder activist lawyers.
So what was Chris Davis doing in the summer of 2020? So glad you asked. He was celebrating a major win he helped engineer on behalf of a “first time activist Michael Gorzynski” for a wholesale replacement of the sitting Board at HC2 Holdings, Inc (sounds fancy). He helped engineer this takeover via a “high stakes consent solicitation rather than the more typical proxy contest.”
Learn more about this here:
Here’s a few more links if you care to learn more about that and how it all went down (spoiler alert: the activists settled for two seats on the Board and then the new Board very quickly ousted the dipshit Boomer CEO, Phil Falcone)
In sum: if you look into Chris Davis, you can see that this guy is dialed the fuck in and knows how to get activist shareholders a win—even in very challenging circumstances.
The Summer of ’20 Out-of-the-Blue Boy Genius Media Campaign and Cohen’s 13D Filing in August
I’m going to return to the “consent solicitation” thing at the bottom and why I think it matters here, but I don’t want to lose momentum on the timeline and evidence. And the consent solicitation is Advanced Level Shit that I barely understand anyway. But I think it’s likely to be goddamn important so I’ll get to it.
Now, where were we? Oh yes, the inexplicable media campaign.
RC Ventures files its 13D on August 18th announcing that Ryan Cohen is now the proud owner of 5.8M shares or 9% (later increased to 9.8%) of That Cluttered Video Game Geekery You Used to Pass on Your Way to Jamba Juice or Wherever People Go in Malls. Uh, ok man. But then this is when the SP of this Future Blockbuster™ starts its real run as more catch on that Cohen has taken a huge stake and that is also part of the portfolio of Mr. Big Short himself and a bunch of institutions and they actually have cash and are definitely not going bankrupt and oh have you heard about the insane short percentage of float and the upcoming console cycle that invariably corresponds to a sharp spike in SP? Well have you? But to return to the point: RC was and is the largest shareholder.
But prior to the date Cohen filed his 13D, there is a renewed media campaign focused on Ryan Cohen, Ecommerce Billionaire Genius who built Chewy, kicked Amazon’s ass, and then sold it for $3.35B way back in the heady mask-free days of ‘17. Why the sudden re-emergence of Mr. Cohen in the summer of 2020 in such a prominent way with this glowing media campaign about a guy who sold a very successful pet supply business over three years ago? Fawning media exposure like that doesn’t just happen (or not usually). It’s engineered. Or, more charitably, helped along by people who know people and can introduce those people to Interesting Topics to Write About. And my guess is that Chris Davis, bad ass activist attorney based in New York City, Knows People and had a little something to do with it.
Here are the links to all of the glowing media pieces starting in the summer of 2020 (all absolutely worth a read to get to know who this guy is and what makes him tick):
June 5 (Bloomberg)
August 4 (CNBC)
August 16 (Forbes)
October 15 (Business Insider)
And a lot of the speculation I’m wheeling and dealing here was introduced by our man Justin Dopierala at Seeking Alpha way back in a September article not too long after the 13D filings:
But for now let’s “put a pin” on Mr. Dopierala, as George Sherman or some other Corporate Robot Dipshit might say, as he will be important to the story here again soon.
The November 16th “F U Old Man” Letter
If you haven’t read this ballsy letter Cohen wrote to the Board last month, you really should. We’ll wait for you.
OK, ready again?
I don’t want to question Cohen’s possible writing abilities or give away too many tricks of the lawyer trade here (AI should take care of that in about a decade), but that letter was 100% written by Chris Davis. I’d literally bet my entire portfolio on that fact alone. That’s why you hire gunners like him. The letter has that has deliciously direct and aggressive lawyerly tone—the kind you use when you want to send a very clear message to some asshole without spelling it all out. I fucking love this letter. It was one of the main reasons I put the rest of my chips into the GME basket. I doubt I’m alone there.
And what did we learn from this letter? Well: a lot. But I’m going to focus on a few quick things. First, we learned that over the Summer, Cohen had “private conversations” with the Board and Sherman about the need to pivot toward becoming a technology-driven business with a new strategic vision. And he calls out Sherman and the Board directly for lacking this vision, using Mainstreet-Friendly pejoratives like “c-suite” and “boardroom.” He takes a direct shot at Hired Gun Sherman’s Boomer-Ass Business Record (Advanced Auto Parts! Cool!) and his obvious bent towards what he knows: Boring Ass Low Margin B&M Bullshit Companies and straight-up calls him a dumb-ass old man (“twentieth-century focus!”) who Just Doesn’t Fucking Get It. He alleges that he and the Board have presided over “massive value destruction” (almost makes it sound intentional, or at least grossly negligent) and have never taken “full accountability” for all their fuck-ups and intransigence.
Some folks have suggested that, sure, Cohen wants change and yeah he seemed like he had a bit of a bee in his bonnet, but if he doesn’t get some good movement in those areas, he’ll just sell his 6.5M shares to tank the stock and take his ball and go home to play with his dog, who loves him No Matter What. In this interpretation, the letter is just Cohen Asking To Speak To The Manager and then if the response is not to his liking, well then, He Will Just Take His Business Elsewhere, thankyouverymuch.
I do not think that is what is going on here. Not with Ryan Cohen and Chris Davis. This letter is Ryan Cohen Crossing The Fucking Rubicon.
He did the honorable thing and took his vision to the Board and Sherman. How genuine he was in that effort, I have no idea, as my thesis is that he has had a takeover plan in place since he hired Chris Davis. But whatever the initial motivations, it was the honorable thing to do to discuss his vision with Sherman and the Board before he and Chris Davis eventually rip their fucking hearts out (which, spoiler: I believe he is getting ready to do as we speak).
Reasonable minds can disagree here, but I do not think you write a letter like that unless you have a plan to handle all possible responses to it. He just torched his collegial relationship, such as there ever was or could have been, with that CEO and that Board. He flaunts Chewy’s world-class infrastructure and market cap versus their lame ass sub-$1B Dying Mall Store Bullshit. And he makes a very public rejection of a seat on the board (and the reason given: because you fuckheads would just ignore me and drive me nuts while you continue doing Dumb Boomer Shit with my money all goddamn day), which made it 100% clear to me that this is Cohen Serving Goddamn Notice that unless they get serious about the scope of their turnaround and start listening to him and convey this new direction to shareholders asap, that he’s coming for them. He even alludes to his own turnaround plan but then tells them to do their jobs like the Big Capable Adults they are.
And then Cohen attaches this letter to an amended 13D to ensure that all shareholders see it and also see that he still holds all of his shares. Within hours, the WSJ had an article on this:
And guess what’s neat? If you are an interested shareholder or a habitual reader of the Wall Street Journal (I, sir, am not) and you saw that article, you might have wondered what this Cohen guy is all about? You know, Mortimer, the dog guy—made billions. And thanks to the recent out-of-the-blue marketing campaign that was definitely NOT engineered by Chris Davis as part of a takeover plan, your subsequent Google searches, and the recent articles they produced, likely made you think: this guy is a fucking whiz kid and I like the cut of his jib.
Cohen Quietly Meets With Funds/Investors
In the weeks leading up to earnings, sharp observers also notice something: Ryan Cohen is meeting with various large shareholders for some reason. There were several reports of this on stocktwits (links are lost to eternity in that cluttered hellhole unless some astute commentator can find and link in the comments), so some salt is a necessary accompaniment here (I like to cite my evidence), but we have at least one confirmed meeting with the head of DOMO Capital: Mr. Justin Dopierala. Now, Justin happens to be a pro-GME writer (and a sharp one at that) at Seeking Alpha. You know, that paywall website where people purporting to know what they’re talking about get paid peanuts to write purposefully inane articles for maximum clicks from other idiots? That one. Well Justin is one of the good ones there, and DOMO Capital is also a large shareholder of GME. (Conflict of interest, you say? Shut yo’ mouth!).
On November 30, at 9:19 AM (the payin’ for inanity crew can go see this – the comment is still there), Dopierala made the following comment on another SA article:
“I've recently had the pleasure of having a 1 on 1 video meeting with Ryan Cohen that lasted over an hour.
Going forward, I no longer feel comfortable commenting on the topic (of Ryan Cohen), so please understand when I do not respond to any of your questions on this specific topic.
Ryan is a very intelligent man, and I remain as bullish as ever on GameStop's future."
So what can we extrapolate from this?
Ryan Cohen likely reached out to DOMO Capital/Dopierala to discuss his strategic vision. I do not know if he announced his plans directly, or what the purpose of the call was (see the very below on how I think this all could relate to a consent solicitation to recall the board) but I’m sure, at the very least, the text, if not the subtext, was heavy as fuck on that Zoom call. And why do I think Cohen contacted him and not the other way around? Because Dopierala, a writer for SA that I’m sure would love to publish even an anodyne Q&A with Ryan Cohen to Get Him All the Clicks, didn’t get an on-the-record interview. Not even some softball about whether his dog prefers his Apple investment decision or his Wells Fargo one. No: he got the concession (assuming he did) to simply acknowledge that a discussion took place (buried in a comment on some other dude’s SA article), but he explicitly says he’s not going to talk about anything related to Cohen going forward. No sir, no how. But if Cohen is just a regular old fellow shareholder (Cue Ryan: “And Justin, please: the pleasure is all mine”), then why the fuck are you making a cagy comment and acting like you Have A Big Fucking Secret and Oh God I Wish I Could Tell You Something But I Just Cant! with that comment, Justin? The Man Doth Protesting and Shit, I say.
Here’s the article link for you Seeking Alpha Super Sleuths:
And even yesterday, Dopierala can’t help himself. In a discussion about Cohen’s tweet yesterday (you saw the tweet right? What kind of GME-to-da-moon! investor are you anyway?, Dopierala gets all Jim Carey As The Riddler on us in a response to “EricinPDX,” (some dude living in the Portland Airport) who writes:
I take his tweet as a total negative .. the Jim Cramer thing.
I have no position at the moment.
Our man Dopierala then responds “then you are wrong yet right.”
So I think he’s having a little fun talking like a slightly less backwardsy Yoda saying: yeah, that Cohen tweet was obviously negative because he’s highlighting how fucked GME seems after that Q3 call (and also, check out how Chewy’s doin’ in that clip!). But it’s also not negative because it means Cohen is about to rip Sherman’s still-beating heart out and Shock And Awe our asses with a vote. And I, Justin Dopierala, head of DOMO Capital, can be a little wink winky about this because, oh I don’t know, on our hour long call Cohen maybe used puppetry to act out “Bryan Flohen’s” plan to call a vote and supplant the Bad Man “Gerald Shorman” while asking “Would You Theoretically Be With Bryan Flohen?” with a few well-timed arch of the eyebrows. Or he got his explicit consent to his plan (see below re consent solicitations). We just do not know.
In conclusion: We know that Cohen met with shareholders in the period between the day he sent that letter and the date of the Q3 call. We just do not know what was said. But we do know that Dopierella, either out of a sense of journalistic ethics (Stop laughing you guys! Seriously!) or out of concern about possible SEC lookie-loos, decides to be up-front about his inability to even utter the name Ryan Cohen from now on.
General George “Custard” Sherman’s Lame-Ass Empire Striking Back
Let’s recall the letter now. I’m guessing a rich, egotistical pampered-ass hired gun Boomer CEO named George goddamn Sherman didn’t like someone who reminds him of his asshole kids talking to him like that.
We all know what happened next: the Q3 “Say Omnichannel One More Time Motherfucker!” call. As I mentioned in my prior post on this (link above if you care), Sherman pulled the boomer-ist of boomer moves in an act of self-sabotage that is likely to be studied in business courses once this whole story plays out. You see, that letter that Cohen/Davis sent was a trap. And Sherman and the Board and their Big Fucking Corporate Brains clearly lack an inner Admiral Ackbar.
Cohen sent that letter three weeks before the earnings call. And demanded that they conduct *another* strategic review and present a plan to shareholders outlining how they are going to fully pivot into a new technology focused company. Cohen knows they have no intention of doing this. He’s apparently been hectoring them all summer about it. And I’m guessing he talked to Sherman enough to know that the dude is just not on the level (as all of us who listened to that fumbling bland-ass corporate caveat-speak on that call got to experience as well). So he knows, like we all did, that Q3 earnings are likely to be middling at best. But unlike me, who clearly thought that the one way out of this for Sherman and the Board was to give some exciting guidance on Q4, maybe even a share buyback (as they are authorized to do) and some more info on the Microsoft deal, likely revenue, other possible similar deals with Nintendo and Sony. I don’t know, but Something. No, Cohen and Davis are way smarter than me and know Sherman a bit better and probably assumed that Sherman is likely to whiff on a response to his letter. And lo and behold, whiff he does. Nothing. We get no response to the letter and no real plan to transform GME into a tech-driven gaming company (Sherman: “but, but…I said Omnichannel you guys! What do you want from me beyond bland corporate robot speak!?”).
But what else happens? Sherman and the Board inexplicably authorize a shelf registration for up to $100M worth of ATM shares. This from a company that just bought back shares, is authorized to buy back more, paid down debt early—and now is about to be flush with Sweet, Sweet New Console Cash. What in the everlasting fuck?
And in case you were inclined to give Sherman and the Board the benefit of the doubt here, the reason was simple and straightforward and included within the S3 filing itself. And that is: “Hey Cohen: Fuck Off. And if we have to dilute our shareholders to get you to fuck off, by God that’s the kind of shortsighted ME-first move that got George Sherman where he is today! So go find another company to hassle you ungrateful Millennial Start Up Dog Store Bro and let the adults handle this.”
Here is the provision in the S-3 (under the heading: Anti-Takeover Provisions):
Authorized But Unissued Shares
The authorized but unissued shares of common stock and preferred stock are available for future issuance without stockholder approval. These additional shares may be utilized for a variety of corporate purposes, including future public offerings to raise additional capital, corporate acquisitions and employee benefit plans. The existence of authorized but unissued shares of common stock and preferred stock could render more difficult or discourage an attempt to obtain control of us by means of a proxy contest, tender offer, merger or otherwise.
So instead of crushing the call and giving some dope guidance about Q4 and trigger the MOASS so we all revere the name George Sherman for All Eternity, Sherman and the Board make a lame-ass move to try to protect their jobs and--lo and behold!--THIS is the main takeaway of the report and call. And what drives the precipitous dive in SP AH and yesterday. A dive so steep that it removes well over $100M in market cap in value, the kinda-lame amount that you’re trying to stick Cohen with (and dilute all of us) so you can keep your Big Fancy-Man Job and the bonus you’re counting on so you and the misses can jet off to Sandals Jamaica like you always do. George: Whoops? Knew we should have gone with a higher number! A lame ass “poor man’s poison pill” as u/snowk88 on stocktwits put it (shout out because he also helped me flush out this thesis a bit and clued me in on Chris Davis’s work for MC).
So back to how I started this missive, back when we were all younger and maybe a bit more naïve, right? Anyway. Yesterday Ryan Cohen lost over $20M on paper because George Sherman thought the best way to handle that Punk-Ass Millennial was to use shareholders as a hostage in any possible fight over control of this company he’s been building his entire—oh, eh, the last 18 months because he’s just a hired gun that goes where the money is and waits for his ka-ching moment before splitting because who gives a fuck he’s George Sherman and You’re Not. But guess what happens when you do that? (Hand down, George: you’ve had your turn). You ENRAGE the shareholders who you want to have your back and vote for you in any possible proxy fight or takeover offer! What strategery! You must have been involved in planning the Iraq war, George.
But guess who was likely laughing their ass off yesterday at their colossal good fortune at this misstep? Ryan Cohen and Chris Davis. Because now Sherman has opened the door even wider than it was before and made it that much easier for Cohen to get the votes and kick down his fucking door.
And yesterday, to no one’s surprise, the SP falls almost 20% and even Jim Fucking Cramer piles on and tells all his braindead Boomer TV watchers that this is The Next Blockbuster like all the other Super Sophisticated Analysts out there.
And now we see the #WeWantCohen and #InstallCohen hashtags (which you all should consider using frequently if you dig all this and think Sherman needs to go).
What are you thinking if you’re Ryan Cohen? Take your ball and go home time? Or: maybe that it’s time to Show George Sherman that You Do Not Fuck With a Super Nice Guy With Really Good Ideas That Are Usually Respectfully Presented (Unless You Piss Me Off) Like Ryan Goddamn Cohen?
I’m thinking it’s the latter. Taking all of this, I think Cohen and Chris Davis have been planning some kind of takeover, possibly even via consent solicitation like Davis did in his MC matter, since the summer and that George Sherman’s ironic attempt to save his own skin is about to backfire stupendously to help Cohen lock in the votes he needs. And it couldn’t happen to a nicer guy—excuse me—I mean: Smug Asshole.
Epilogue: The Consent Solicitation
Ed: the consent solicitation is not likely in play here. But Cohen is definitely still coming for Sherman and Co - we just don't know exactly how yet.
Now, just what in the hell is a consent solicitation and why does it matter? I confess that I didn’t know shit about this until I started READING ALL THE WORDS, but our friends at have some useful information to help those of us with tiny little baby brains understand what it is and why it may be relevant here (relevant excerpts below, but it you really want to geek out on this shit, I would recommend clicking the link, reading the words and THINKING BIG THOUGHTS). And also, hoping that some folks can respond in comments to help flush this out further because it’s late and I’ve already written too many words.
But, before I drop some k-n-o knowledge from our friends at, just to remind you: GameStop is a Delaware Corporation.
Now imagine being magically whisked away to…Delaware! (Hi. I’m in Delaware).
[Ed: removed quoted text] *****
CPT Hubbard here again. I’ll release you momentarily. But study those steps a bit and ponder where Cohen might be in that process. And also recall that we know that Cohen had an “off the record” meeting with our man Dopierala from DOMO Capital and we have no idea what they talked about. Could Cohen have been getting shareholders consent? No idea. But it certainly seems possible. If that is the case, the 60 day clock is ticking. Which means that, assuming Dopierala was stop #1 (probably doubtful, but it’s the one data point we have), we should know something by at least late January if Cohen is actually initiating a consent solicitation on this incompetent Board and probably a lot closer to mid-January (Sorry Jan call holders) since I assume Cohen started reaching out around the time he sent that letter on Nov 16th.
To which I say to Cohen: Little old me and my 20,000 shares consent! We consent most emphatically, sir. And no one will ever accuse you, Mr. Cohen, of not seeking consent. You may retain this for your records.
To conclude, Cohen is Young, Scrappy and Hungry and He’s Not Throwing Away His Shot. And Fuck George Sherman.
**To be clear: this missive is for information purposes only and I would advise against following my example in any way, shape or form, as this pandemic has quite plainly knocked a screw loose if I'm here writing novelas to a bunch of Paste-Eating Rocket Kids.
submitted by CPTHubbard to wallstreetbets [link] [comments]

[Video Games] The saga of a pointless retcon that only broke a series' lore: Mortal Kombat 11 and the Sindel retcon

What's Mortal Kombat?
Mortal Kombat is a long running fighting game series that began in 1992 under Midway Games. Originally a 2D fighter, the series is notable for being the first fighting game series to have the idea of a "secret character" who could only be unlocked by fulling hidden requirements, and for being one of the first successful movies based on a video game ever with the 1995 movie. It's also notable for being very, very violent, thanks to the Fatality mechanic where a player can input a button command to cause an extra-gory finishing blow after winning a match. Mortal kombat's Fatalities were part of the reason for the creation of the game certification board the ESRB.
Following four successful games, the series took a shift for the worse in the 2000s with the transition to the Playstation 2/Xbox generation of consoles, with several games failing to interest the fans as much as the original four. The reasons for this vary (the series shifted from the now-iconic 2D sprites to 3D graphics, the Fatalities got a bit too over the top, more fighting games were embracing the ideas of MK, many of the new characters weren't iconic and also just the games often weren't great), but the end result is the same: Midway Games selling many of its assets (including MK itself) to Warner Bros before filing for bankruptcy in 2009.
Ed Boon, one of the head honchos at Midway, would gather many of the old crew into a new studio, called Netherrealm, that formed in 2010 and joined the Warner Bros family to get their hands on the MK license again (fun fact, Netherrealm's logo is Scorpion, the mascot of the MK series, since Scorpion is Ed Boon's favorite character). Since then they've launched a reboot of Mortal Kombat, with the following three games (9, X and 11) all being commerically and critically successful, alongside helming a DC brand of fighting games called Injustice. Mortal Kombat 11, their most recent game, was an especially successful game for the company, having sold over eight million units. It just got a free upgrade for the new consoles called the Ultimate Edition which added Mileena, Rain and John Rambo of all people.
Suffice to say, Mortal Kombat's had a storied history, emphasis on story. While many fighting games throw in a bare-bones story to just explain the violence, MK has gradually increased its production values to put more effort on story and characters, fleshing out the world and elaborating on the motivations for each fighter.
So who's Sindel?
Sindel is a supporting character in the series introduced in 1995's Mortal Kombat 3. Her backstory in the game was that 10,000 years prior to the events of the series, Sindel was the queen of the world of Edenia, but when the series antagonist Shao Khan invaded Edenia as part of his plans for conquest, Sindel was forced to watch her husband Jerrod murdered and her daughter Kitana kidnapped. Sindel committed suicide after this rather than become Shao Khan's consort. During MK3, Shao Khan has a sorcerer named Shang Tsung resurrect Sindel and brainwash her to have no memory of opposing Shao Khan, becoming his faithful consort. Notably, through resurrecting Sindel on Earth instead of Edenia, Shao Khan was able to bypass barriers that kept him from invading Earth as he now had "just cause" to reclaim her and merge Earthrealm with his Outworld.
Kitana, having realized Shao Khan's deception in the earlier games and defecting to the heroes, manages to break the Khan's hold on Sindel and returns her to her senses. Sindel retakes Edenia's throne and swears vengeance on Shao Khan for Jerrod's murder and his crimes against all the realms he'd invaded.
Keep that in mind, especially the part where Sindel was brainwashed into serving Shao Khan and chose to kill herself instead of serving him. It's a surprise tool that'll help us later.
Sindel would play a supporting role in the remaining Midway games, usually getting captured and locked in her own cells by the villain of the week or getting betrayed by other Edenians working with said ones, one of whom outright killed Kitana and resurrected her in the Ol' Sindel Switcheroo. Sindel's biggest remaining lore contribution would be in her non-canon ending in MK Armegeddon, the final Midway title, where she would claim the godlike powers of Blaze. In her ending, Sindel resurrects Jerrod and together with Kitana, leads Edenia into a new golden age while fending off otherworldly threats to keep all worlds safe from tyranny.
I transcibed a lot of Sindel's history so you understand her plotline in the original games- a good mother and queen who took her life instead of becoming a slave, who was then made a slave regardless when she was brought back from the dead, only to recover her humanity and remain a good person and queen.
In the MK reboot series that began with Mortal Kombat 9, the story initially follows the same beats- as MK9 is a loose adaptation of the first three games, we get Sindel's return from the dead and brainwashing to become Shao Khan's consort, alongside one of the dumber scenes in the game where Sindel, armed with the power of plot, wipes out almost every heroic character in the game just to instill an artificial sense of tension. After this Sindel dies but is brought back as an evil Revenant who aids Shao Khan and later Shinnock in MKX as a small-scale villain.
It's Sindel's return in Mortal Kombat 11, where she sat out the base game roster, that this drama begins.
MK11 Sindel, or: The Rise of Twindel.
As part of Kombat Pack 1, Sindel was announced to be joining the roster alongside returning characters Nightwolf and Shang Tsung, and guest characters Spawn, the Joker and the Terminator (MK has a thing for guest characters). Her fans were generally interested to hear this, especially as MK11 had introduced new lore for the Revenant characters which would allow the reboot timeline to flesh out Sindel.
Unfortunately, said wish was granted from a monkey's paw. Sindel's new bio read as follows:
The former Queen of Edenia will stop at nothing to keep her place. When threatened with the loss of her throne when Shao Kahn conquered her realm, Sindel betrayed her husband, and her people, to keep her privileged position. Now Shao Kahn's wife and Queen of Outworld, she enjoys power and wealth beyond most people's imagination. Good luck to anyone who tries to take it from her."
This was the first sign that something had changed internally regarding Sindel's writing. Even back in MK9 it was clear that Sindel was a tragic figure, but ultimately a hero. Her bio there read:
"The mother of Kitana, Queen Sindel was forced into marriage with Shao Kahn when he conquered her realm of Edenia. In an attempt to thwart the emperor's designs on Earthrealm, she sacrificed herself. Her suicide created a magical ward preventing him from setting foot there. But now the barrier has been dissolved. Sindel has been resurrected, her mind enslaved by Shao Kahn. Earthrealm's former ally has become a deadly threat."
Now however, Sindel was being written as though she had willingly sided with Shao Khan. Further lore would reveal that as part of the retcon, Sindel, like Jeffrey Epstein, did not kill herself- she was murdered by the sorcerer Quan Chi who staged the murder to look like a suicide, then lied to Shao Khan about the barrier Sindel had placed on Earthrealm. Sindel's arcade ending also doubled down on the retcon by revealing that the "Jerrod died and Sindel killed herself to prevent Shao Khan from claiming her" was a fabrication generated to cover up Sindel having betrayed Jerrod and killed him herself.
Mortal Kombat has always had a bit of a history with retconning characters between games, with it sometimes working for the better (such as changing Skarlet's origins in 9 from a blood homunculus to 11 making her a starving orphan Shao Khan saw and turned into a blood mage, but that was OK because Skarlet had no real personality in 9), but the Sindel one rankled a lot of fan's feathers, especially as while the MK9 reboot could have made the transition to a more villianous Sindel easlier, 9 instead doubled down on Sindel's old backstory, to the point of needing to be brainwashed again in 9 after she was brought back. This is one of the bigger consequences of the titular lore-breaking: Why would Sindel need to be brainwashed again by Quan Chi if she was already a willing ally of Shao Khan and his forces? It just muddies the waters for little good reason. Additionally, Jerrod's crown was an item found in MK11's Krypt, which itself says that Jerrod was killed by Shao Khan like in canon. The game itself is unable to keep its story straight on Sindel's backstory.
I won't go into the full details of what was and wasn't changed, but this video from Tabmok99 goes more in-depth on the nature of the Sindel retcon, while this medium article by Samara Kho discusses how Sindel's writing in MK11 is actually a step back in writing for women in games compared to the more nuanced character seen in the Midway era.
Prior to the release of Sindel's DLC, writer Shawn Kittelsen tried to assure Sindel's fans who weren't happy about the known details of the retcon, assuring fans in November 2019 that "much more care and thought has gone into her portrayal than some fans assume. More nuance to be revealed." Soon after, Sindel would release and her Arcade ending which covered the retcon of her murdering Jerrod would be released, leaving many of Sindel's fans to feel that Shawn had told a bare-faced lie regarding Sindel and her "nuance," especially after many of Sindel's pre-fight intros just involved her making agressive come-ons to nearly every male fighter in the roster (Despite her loyalty to Shao Khan apparently being a big thing now), and Sindel point blank saying "I never loved my daughter Kitana."
Sindel's fans were made further angry in the Aftermath expansion, where Sindel was set to receive a large role in the story. Aftermath doubles down on the retcon by having Sindel betray Kitana and side with Shao Khan, with the two getting a chapter to themselves as a "Power couple" to kick heroic ass.
I cannot believe I just had to refer to an abusive couple as a "Power Couple" but MK11 is surprising like that. This isn't even the most fucked up dynamic involving Shao Khan, Skarlet wants to marry him despite the fact that he adopted her like it's discount Usagi Drop.
Sindel's actual release did lead to some positive praise being given. While the retcon irked many fans, a lot of people liked Sindel because of said changes- her being a "boss ass bitch" who took no one's crap made for a fun villain if nothing else, and her moveset is pretty cool. She also looked really good and had some great VO work done by Mara Junot. Among Sindel's fans, many admitted to liking the idea of the character, just disliking the idea of being Sindel specifically given how it went against her pre-existing characterisation. Sindel in MK11 being made into an entirely new character probably would have gone down a lot better than what we got. Many took to calling the new Sindel Twindel as a response to the retcon.
Post-DLC drop drama
Following the retcon drama and after, both Shawn Kittelsen and Dominic Cianciolo came under fire as the two were the primary writers behind MK11/Aftermath and Sindel specifically. Fans have grown to really dislike Shawn and Dominic's writing, especially after people realized that the two had also written Injustice 2 which was sharply criticised for how it handled the characters of Wonder Woman and Poison Ivy. Dominic didn't help matters by liking a tweet calling classic Sindel a bad mother who wasn't as empowering as New Sindel. Dominic's full explanation for Sindel's retcon was as follows:
First, let me acknowledge your disappointment. It’s understandable, given the nature of the change. I also want to thank you for calmly expressing your disappointment. It makes it much easier to respond. So here goes:
When we sat down to write Sindel, we had to choose her “voice”, her point of view. Our options: go with “evil queen”, or embrace “tragic mother”. For various reasons, we couldn’t do both.
Our options: go with “evil queen”, or embrace “tragic mother”. For various reasons, we couldn’t do both. We looked to Shakespeare’s Lady MacBeth, Ragnorak’s Hela, and Gemma Teller from Sons of Anarchy as references.
Among other things, this change gave us more grist for her conflict with the heroes, allowed us to explore a new side of Shao Kahn, and to heighten Kitana’s identity crisis.
While fans were grateful for Dominic being open about the reasons for the change, many were left wondering "So why not follow the option closer to the character and why go for such a drastic change?"
Shawn Kittelson meanwhile brought up his sick kid out of the blue to call out the Sindel critics in what many felt to be a deflection tactic. While I can't read every response Shawn got after the Sindel news broke, many of the replies I checked where Kittlesen talks about Sindel were strictly professional in keeping their criticisms to the writing itself and didn't devolve into personal attacks.
The Aftermath
While it has some defenders, Sindel's retcon has been met with an overwhelmingly negative reception online. On Wikipedia, Sindel's page describes the reception to the change as having "received heavily negative reactions by critics and fans alike, many believing that the game's retcon of Sindel as a willingly evil character to be an unnecessary deviation from her established character arc." Since then, MK has brought back two more legacy characters in Rain and Mileena, with the reception to both being pleasant surprise in both characters fitting the game well thematically and writing wise. Mileena's ending especially was a surprise given it outright confirmed a canon romantic attraction between herself and Tanya, making it the second case of Mortal Kombat confirming an LGBT pairing in canon following MKX's Kung Jin. Rambo was also a pleasant surprise in that NRS portrayed the character with a lot more tact then was expected of the action star, including a great performance from Sly Stallone. That being said, among some fans the reception to Mileena especially was "Wow that could have been a lot worse."
Sindel's retcon has still not been forgiven by a lot of fans of Mortal Kombat, who dread the perpetual leaks and rumors of a third Kombat Pack or Aftermath Part 2 expansion that would give the game more story and thus give Sindel more screentime as her retconned self. Some have resorted to very... creative... memes making light of the whole thing. This, alongside the general issues people have had with NRS games and their stories for the past several years (the general handling of female characters, hiring Ronda Rousey as Sonya Blade given Rousey being a transphobic school shooting denier, and their horrible working conditions) has led to some skepticism of the future of MK and for Dominic and Shawn to have a reduced role for Injustice 3, MK12 or whatever is next on the horizon for NRS (hopefully an internal revision of work policies so members of their staff don't get PTSD from how gory the Fatalities got in MK11). Assuming Sindel is even in the next Mortal Kombat roster, whether she is returned to her original characterisation from the Midway titles, or NRS stick with Twindel and try to salvage the concept, is something that likely won't be known for several more years.*
Thanks for reading.
submitted by GoneRampant1 to HobbyDrama [link] [comments]

where to sell old video game consoles video

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Where to sell a video game console (key differences) Whether you want to sell your old PS4, PS3, a new Xbox One, your old Wii console, or another old game system, you should understand the key differences between places to sell or trade in game consoles. 9. The Old School Game Vault. The Old School Game Vault has a database of its own where you can compare prices of new and vintage games and consoles. Then, sell your items right on the site. It only takes a few steps — and the site welcomes all kinds of gaming materials. With $50 in sales, you get free shipping! 10. Local Shops Check out our list of the best places to sell video games. 1. Decluttr. Using Decluttr is one of the easiest ways to sell video games. Offers are received quickly, and the process is exceptionally user-friendly. To get a quote for your old game, use the Decluttr website or mobile app to enter the game’s barcode number (on the back of most games). Swappa is the best way to sell your video games and consoles online. On Swappa, you buy and sell directly with other gamers for the best price. Cutting out the middleman means you pocket the cash when selling your games. Selling video games on Swappa is always free and you get paid as soon as your game sells. Sell your stuff. Swappa is the best place to sell your old video games and consoles because you get the best price. Selling directly to another gamer cuts out the middleman and the ridiculous fees. Sell Your Games and Consoles Online. There are many different online sites where you can list your items for sale. Some of them are more popular and easier to use than others. eBay. eBay offers many opportunities to sell pre-owned games. All you need to do is create an account and then list your video games and consoles. Our video came console buyback program will also allow you to sell vintage consoles such as Nintendo 64, Gameboy, Sega Saturn, and Atari Jaguar. We buy new, used or broken gaming systems. Don't forget to include used accessories such as controllers, memory cards, power adapters, and games. If you are shopping for used consoles or games, a PS4 Pro would cost $369.99, while a preowned Spider-Man game would sell for $17.99. So GameStop does make money on your trades. We’re the best place to sell your broken console because unlike other trade-in sites, we’ll pay you a fair price. You can sell old game systems that are missing original accessories or essential cables. You can even sell used game consoles that are physically damaged or account-blocked. Although video game titles and consoles change with the times, it still possible to get paid to sell your classic or new video games. And, you can do it online or in person. Selling old video games can be an easy way to make a quick buck when you declutter your house or as a side business.

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Thrift Store Video Game Hunting - YouTube

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where to sell old video game consoles

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